time to go home all alone to my lonely house and drink myself to sleep
wishing to not wake up. Had a friendly soul just say hello to me. I'm
not used to socializing with people around here. Everything was never
together in this place. I was black
listed. I think I sunk my own ship to begin with as far as not having
proper perception to my surroundings and getting paranoid accordingly. I
wasn't supposed to be so alone. I wasn't supposed to have life fall
apart like this by any means.
hi Mhana
always nice to see your support. i have gotten here, took a small cup
of ice water with me, took my icelandic kelp pills with it, and now with
my four loco.
forgot to mention the deficient social skills from brain injury. prior
to injury i was a social butterfly and initiated social events with
others. had to stifle all that mourning just for acceptance in that hick
small town. The crimes gotten away with by so many and sitting all
alone with no justice is the result. On northjersey.com today someone's
medmal justice made the paper.
i did the usual of sleep for 3 or so hours and on to round 2 and
feeling the chains of my medical prison. i forgot or have been too busy
to report the justification my high school friend being here has been.
it totally bites it's not family and it bites
even more my mother has seen all the places I've lived having no
oversight as to why her (and most times Christine) would have to stay
in a hotel when visiting me. mom didn't give mom's appropriate attention
to me until after the year 2001. mom inappropriately lugged Christine
places until the year 2001 (maybe 2000) because she never got involved
in county services until then. her refusal to take care of our profound
medical needs held me back from going on auditions in NYC BEFORE my life
spun into an innapropriate college life and it held me back from SO
much. in her 1/2 baked shell she glosses over stuff that all of that
doesn't matter. she's acting accordingly that my death from that
inattention/neglect doesn't matter either. One story she keeps sticking
to is I went away to college and didn't want anything more to do with
Claire has found a comfortable seat inside that shell as well. You know I
came across OLD prescription meds here which are not being swallowed
because the last thing I need is to get the incorrect overdose to body
Mass ratio and be kept alive. I'm pretty sure it was a mistake when
Karen Ann Quinlan swallowed spills with alcohol putting herself into
something like a decade long coma and sparked the right to life/die
debate of being taken off life support.
Never going in that system.death before welfare.
June 26th 2014
What a nightmare on Walnut Street today has been! Oy!
to be listened to
thanks Damon for the nightmare given to me today telling me if I secure
a dumpster in an hour I'd have it by tomorrow. In the end finding out
there are none available for tomorrow AFTER I had secured someone to be
here Saturday squeezed into their tight schedule. Now they can't give
me a definite when they can help me AND code enforcement is down my
throat. Nice genius where I make sure things
are meticulously done right by asking questions and not assuming the
correct answer yet no one will hire ME. nice going Einstein! Even the
locals have BIG complaints over the pricks the officials have become. I
didn't have to say a word! It's people who are out and about locally
everyday here that have seen a sad change in the officials here. Is that
why the love of my life got a different job? He was never in the right
job to begin with but what else is new in NYS where people take whatever
jobs they can get ruining lives along the way? In his case he didnt
have to. He could have just remained true to his own self and fuck
whatever standard he's supposed to live up to and remain the pretty boy
he really is. I mean his wife has connections to say the least where he
got a job. Nice going! And I can't get fucking hired here waiting to
fucking die. Nice going.
Thank you Mhana Mason for support and comfort during this time. When friends who are like family stay in your heart regardless how long you've been apart, CRASH! You know what I'm talking about girl. *sigh* Time for me to go back to my lonely house all alone and drink myself to sleep :-/
"Aw....my dear ....you are veey welcome...you are a tremendous support to me as well.
I know your having to sell your home and on giant excursion ....let me know if I can do a silly something to take your mind off your trials.....im always here for you.
Lets show em...
I support you....ill go through this with you."
trying to hold tight under these freaking out circumstances.
the good part about today is I'm up early before everyone is out and about. I'll be damned to see if I get out of this car today without taking care of the hygiene I need to take care of. I DID NOT expect to be here this long. I don't have enough clothes. Need t take my car apart to see if possibly I have a towel. That's what emptying a house is all about.
the good part about today is I'm up early before everyone is out and about. I'll be damned to see if I get out of this car today without taking care of the hygiene I need to take care of. I DID NOT expect to be here this long. I don't have enough clothes. Need t take my car apart to see if possibly I have a towel. That's what emptying a house is all about.
OH! it was a mistake. My bad. It still opens up the conversation.
graduated syracuse university law school. My bragging rights depending
on your point of view.just when i was ready to enroll for paralegal
after spending many times up to 14 hours a day doing research there, SU
cut it's paralegal program. Auburn is 1/2 hour away. He must know
someone from law school or relative of getting married.
favorite song as a kid. I got to swear without getting in trouble!
And all the children whose lives were ruined b4 by bullying b4 these laws were in place, just wait to die. Yep
June 29th 2014
tired of a power freak who won't get the help for 2 handicapped
children. I call yesterday to see if the tv shows I secured for
Christine were on. Mom says to her "you don't want to watch it right?"
Christine says no. That same suggestive type talking is exactly how mom
taught Christine to pick food from a menu (instead of taking Christine
the developmental aspect PLUS the worsened brain damage due to untreated
seizures over a 17 year period. What really went on both yesterday and
today is that Christine doesn't want to deal with how problematic doing
things for Christine is so Christine is compliant. Same happened with
Christine telling her court-appointed attorney she didn't want me
involved in her guardianship. When I then tell her to turn it on in a
couple hours because her favorite starts, mom has to be argumentative
that they might not be home at that time. Since I know they go out on
Saturdays but usually not on Sundays I inquire further but what's
happening is that mom wants so badly to be right that they're fine on
their own and I don't know what's going on. Black comedy.
ah so that was the trick. There's a law children can't go back to a dangerous situation.
Every now and again this girl crosses my mind: http://www.samanthasmith.info/
June 30th 2014
it's dumpster day! Called them 7am on the dot this morning that I'm
awake and ready. They informed me it's set for an afternoon delivery. No
harassment by the officials please! The couch will be off the lawn as
soon as I have the manpower to put it in! Thank you!
after seeing official drive by left him a voicemail. This place is not known for constitutional freedoms.
still waiting
thanks Damon. i'm not interested on getting an eta from you. welcome to
ny where mistakers are sure to be kept employed unless u're disabled
like the poor guy I knew in syracuse. If u're disabled stay away from
NYS. Maybe NYC is better. Don't know.
ok Samantha. it's been 15 mins. I'm anxious to get my eta. i don't agree w the innocent review of Damon.
ok so it took 1/2 hour but Thank you samantha for the eta of approximately 45 mins. i haven't had a meal today waiting.
it's now past 45 mins and no one here
accomplished. the driver was nice enough to flip the couch into the
dumpster. no more code enforcement harassment until they find something
else. the grass cutting these people tacked onto my tax bill is
happening now. maybe it was a ploy to get my house up for auction?
the psycho phenomena. In Claire's case it was undiagnosed sexual
disinhibition for sometime right before she crashed her car into a
telephone pole drunk trying to kill herself. Instead of getting proper
treatment she hides behind sarcasm. All of this acceptable to the morris
county surrogate's court, morristown NJ.
Thankyou Mhana for your continued support in this i-cant-believe-family's-not-involved situation.
Princeton university theological Illuminati is involved.
July 1st 2014
more incompetence running thru my head. Tonight mom did her usual
would've-could've-should've routine which I don't post enough about
because it is so common and so commonly strikes a nerve, I found out in
the past year my neighbor told my workman about 4 years ago he's
interested in my house. Really???? Couldn't say a word to me about it so
you stop mowing my grass so code enforcement comes
after me so I have my taxes hiked so you can get the house at
auction??? Really???? I assume they're still billing me. I haven't
opened my tax mail for 2 years but it can be paid before the april
deadline. U're oldest daughter never met me yet was upset about you not
getting paid one season. Really??? Well my news is my house has been
left to a specific person in my will and is not going to auction Anyway.
went to the same Princeton theological seminary as doctor victor paul
Weirwille who created The Way International which is Claire's
disregard-for-medical brainwashing and disconnect from her own family.
i got lots of questions for annelli who i really don't think is in TWI.
Seeeeee! http://m.businessfinder.syracuse.com/dority-mark-syracuse-ny.html this guy might be the son of the VESID. incompetent who ruined my life...but without oversight Just goes on.
I was SOOOOO grateful to get an inside scoop from an Irish that lives in Ireland born after my mother's generation and and could give me another view on what's going on here. I don't know anything about North Korea but I finally had a breakthrough of familiar ground illustrating the unhealthy and inappropriate care we handicapped children received: "yes ireland was a shithole and still is..the amount of abuse and corruption makes us evens with north korea!! i think in your mums era life was extremely hard and more so in the west of ireland.the church and state ran a country of fear and keeping people ignorant.take care."
July 3rd 2014
Hello. I'm the youngest of 4 children involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident in 1978. This was before modern brain injury knowledge as we know it and (to my knowledge) modern vehicle accident reconstruction.
The truck driver was sued for speeding and driving his tractor trailor filled with gravel over the weight limit. The truck driver got off. Of all the justice that never happened for these four children (one fatality, two with catastrophic injuries, and one with minimal injuries), the surrogate's court of Morris County, NJ witnessed and then failed to protect the leftover medical lives of the surviving (now adult) children.
I'm not sure if the goal $$ amount I posted is the amount to fix this mess. It's a guess. I'm by far the only one who has encountered corruption in the NJ family court system.
You can read all about this situation in my blog at http://occupiednewbie.blogspot.com/ I apologize beforehand if any language you encounter in my blog is offensive. I didn't take the time to alter or withhold any feelings I may have had at the time.
We thank you in advance.
"In 1974, the Legislature passed N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.21. That section defines an "abused or neglected child" as a child less than 18 years of age whose parent or guardian ... (4) or a child whose physical, mental, or emotional condition has been impaired or is in imminent danger of becoming impaired as a result of the failure of his parent or guardian, as herein defined, to exercise a minimum degree of care ... (b) in providing the child with proper supervision or guardianship, by unreasonably inflicting or allowing to be inflicted harm, or substantial risk thereof, including the infliction of excessive corporal punishment; or by any other acts of a similarly serious nature requiring the aid of the court ..."
SOOOOO grateful yet again to hear the inside scoop of a native Irish born the generation after mom: "what happened here in the early part of our little banana republic was the church wrapped its paedo hands around the necks of people and instilled fear you could almost smell. you werent goin to "heaven" unless you could produce a priest or nun from your 17 children and of course we had a glut of them. bitter batards who were worse than devils. may they all rot in peace."
July 4th 2014
proud to be a new yorker ... yup.
In California, A CHP Officer is Videotaped Beating A Woman on the side of the Highway.
remember asking my female acl doctor this and she said I absolutely
could have kids. The rehabilitative danger is doing it all by myself
which I know I can't do. But she deals with connective tissue and not
brain damaged tissue.
Seeee! TB, other diseases, terrorists, Mark my words.
started going on about how the guy to move the big stuff into my
dumpster is not going to show and I annoyedly reminded her about the
plow guy incident. She repeated she was wasn't talking about the plow
and drug addicts at the morris county surrogate court are getting away w this
July 5th 2014
of all the biblical knowledge we are missing. Thine eyes hath opened and understood we are ill informed!
yup. seeeee
Irish attitude to American immigrants to Ireland all wrong says Senator
Ireland accused of double standards when Americans want to work there.
July 6th 2014
reason why the united states needs to stick it's nose (which it is so
good at doing) of fixing another country's problems so they can remain
safely in their own homes. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/04/20/nyregion/a-12-year-olds-trek-of-despair-ends-in-a-noose-at-the-border.html?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com&_r=0
Ireland to iraq and around the world the U.S. is notorious for this.
why not south of our borders????what's the secret i just cant figure
out? I'll be sure to check into our involvement in honduras http://www.clintonfoundation.org/.../president-clinton...
because we have to have the drugs??? http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/nsaebb2.htm
Haha and crook banks not be held accountable.
Sheriff, feds: Rancher must be held accountable
be better off living in the arctic circle. This is too much chaos. Mom
should have moved us back to Ireland where she knows how to navigate.
Christine would have had untreated seizures either place.
July 7th 2014
SOOOO wish to remember. I am so restless and unfulfilled in this life
but am also able to distinguish brain injury symptoms hueing that
restlessness. I have a birth Mark under/near my armpit and chest area
which would indicate death by stabbing thru to the heart. *shrug* http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/the-scientific-evidence-for-reincarnation-fact-or-fantasy/
skimmed after the first 2 sections becoz I'm sooooooo familiar with
this. Macho man Michael. P. Mcgee who owns Fairway Physical Therapy had
me arrested on harassment out of Manlius NY. I Was so overwhelmed I
didn't find out until way after that the
Office of Professions under the NYS dept of Ed has a Mark on his record
for him being responsible for the same wrongs. I was only trying to
stay in my same everyday schedule and this slime got away with pulling
my pants all the way down during a physical therapy session while his
wife worked in the next room! I'm just waiting to die. No one is coming
to my brain injured rescue.
July 8th 2014
tornado in syracuse www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQypLPZejA
July 9th 2014
In pain and exhausted doing this all on my own.
other day i had a church group stop by that if the guy to move the
heavy stuff didn't show they'd do it. he showed up. i just have piddly
stuff now. i may give them a call tomorrow. i didn't leave my vacuum
here and i so need it. inside parts of the
refrigerator like fruit and veggie draws got packed by accident because
i had left them out for cleaning years ago and never got back to it.
that's how bad i am with stuff like that but couldn't get housekeeping
help because county svcs came in and said it's a cluttered mess but not a
sticky mess and then the nursing home was going to get me housekeeping
but that fell apart coz i contested me being ready to leave the nursing
home and then my mother turns saying she'd take me in...once i get
started i just can't stop talking about the recklessness that destroyed
this life.
July 16th 2014
So the latest is I'd love to know what happened the past 2 weeks I was gone. When it came to us getting Chinese food mom always got Christine Pineapple chicken (most recently sweet and sour chicken coz the new place doesn't have pineapple chicken) and herself beef and broccoli or something else for herself (most recently peppersteak). Tonight I noted how mom saved money by getting just one combo between them and I just had an appetizer and soup. I started going through the rundown of history when she lied and said they used to always get a combination between the two of them. Mom flew into a rage banging her walker saying they always did that. I reminded her she's not flying off into unreality while I'm alive. I've been shit on enough and she's not shitting on me now whatever her reasons are for lying this time. Did she tell this lie to Claire as Christopher painted the fence outside and now she has to stick to her lie? Does Claire have to respond to the court about Christine's weight and mom had to give a good answer? It is only with me in this house I make sure leftovers are eaten and don't go to waste. Is mom going to lie about that too?
When I came in the door before dinner I heard mom talking personally on the phone to someone admitting to how much she can't do. I thought it odd because her sister doesn't talk to her until usually later on in the evening. I had to ask Christine who she was talking to. She said Claire that she called her for her anniversary. I almost fell down the stairs. Mom not painting a pretty picture for Claire while she shits on me???
Even earlier in the day there was another episode I can't remember right now but will post when I remember. I was going to post when I got to wifi the 2nd time but I was distracted by one of the groups I'm involved with.....oh yes.(July 17th 2014) yesterday before 2nd wifi mom said a congressman died and that the wife of the husband who got us the accident lawyer knew him. That's when I started going on about how our lawyer was found with Bergen County politics and from everything I looked up was not a personal injury lawyer. She just goes on about all the stupid things my father did (and I can only recall one specific). I asked her if that's one of the things she means. SILENCE. OF COURSE IT'S SILENCE W IN TF WAS 2 HANDICAPPED CHILDREN LEFT IN THIS SOLE WOMAN'S CARE IN AMERICA?! SHE DOESN'T HAVE A fucking clue how to take care of their medical, legal, and vocational needs in the aftermath of a serious car accident in America! Get the fuck out of this country already! Nice job of pushing me to fucking rage and then using it against me fucking stupid! AND having the Morris County Surrogate's Court in Morristown NJ use the same thing against me when it's all fucking you. Don't even wait to go back to your own country. Die now. Oop! there we go! more words to be used against me!
see I'm a pattern person. 8:20pm and mom calls her nyc sister. that's how it goes.
9:16 aunt Maureen calls back and mom asks how everything is.
same thing happens just about every other night.
July 17th 2014
if only we could overturn morris county surrogate court corruption and
prosecute a legal alien on child endangerment charges I wouldn't be
waiting to die.
July 19th 2014
ok so the chinese food incident was all about mom painting a weight
loss picture for Claire. Throughout history Christine has always had
French dressing on her salad. Tonight for the first time Christine
checked with mom while saying she wants oil and vinegar. Yep. I have
wool but not over my eyes. bah! lol
last night we also went out to eat. It was at the buffet where I get
Christine's food. Mom never said a word but it's not like a chinese
buffet has oil and vinegar. I got there first and without even thinking
of it I started with a salad. Mom unusually took the same turn by the
time she and Christine got there. baaaah! lol
the tragedy is the lying and false representation of this woman. She's
famous for trying again to say the past never happened or it happened in
looking at dying with equity this woman said the other day I should get
my cough checked out. That's how easily this woman disconnects from
reality that happens ALL the time and this country falls for it hook,
line, and sinker.
July 22nd 2014
sitting here with gone to lunch thoughts running through my mind in how the fuck I survived with this incompetence. There's seniors that coagulate here every day. Mom is a senior but doesn't hang with this crowd so as her friends are scattered she's kind of alone. She taught me to have no confidence in this town so I followed accordingly. She uses against me! SLAP. How the fuck did I survive? Thinking back to when I was 18 and fucking ignored when I told her she should get involved in a widows group I had learned about. OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW COZ IT CAME FROM ME. Once her friend's husband died and asked her to go to a widows group she went! Nice confidence in life I was given to succeed. Beyond words.
July 24th 2014
July 25th 2014
Occupied Newbie hmm i don't remember that but with how inundated I am lately that's not a surprise. I could have gotten in free but I offered the only $20 I had and his response was "Well it's better than nothing." It was one of those situations where I didn't know if I was being approached for a date or what hahaha. I hadn't found out yet that his wife couldn't make it. Right before that I found an unused ticket with someone's name on it on the floor for like $400 which must have been a backstage pass. I sooooo could have had it! But kindness of who that ticket REALLY belongs to is more important so I handed it to the attendant plus I'm not a good impersonator so I wouldn't even try. Had it been $400 cash unclaimed, it MIGHT have been a different story jk. I don't have another concert attempt. As far as I can remember at the moment, the last concert I went to was Bette Midler which was more of a stand up act than a concert and that was approximately 1992 or 3.
A bumble bee just entered my car and sat itself upon my rearview mirror. It's barely moving. I guess it's at the end of it's life? I have respect for that creature due to the shaminism(?) freak show I witnessed in Potsdam. And as I typed the P a wind blew it off my mirror onto my seat and I moved my purse looking for it but didbn't see it and it then flew out my open window *shrug*
July 29th 2014
great now having problems with laptop left clicker. no money to fix it. I'm still being shit on. There's always some reason mom can't get help from Claire and then she goes into court and shits on me lying and having her lawyers lie for her. She wants to go to better doctors to get an opinion about her eye asking me rather than Claire. When she had a bladder infection I was living 300 miles away and her sister called ME. I gave the directions to call CLAIRE. Where's Claire for all this? She mentions the possibility of calling the cab to pay $120 to be brought. Her first excuse is Claire lives so many miles away. I said "so she drives here and leaves her car here while you go in to the doctor." Then she comes back and says Claire is working. I remind her tax season is over. She says she's on-call for something. THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING. Riiiiigggghht go into court and shit on my life and then think I'm going to let slide that all this shit is dumped on me so Claire can have her freedom. What an idiot. She says she's not going to give me gas money anymore. Riiiiiggghht I have no way left to survive and she's going to threaten gas money. CALL CLAIRE FOR GOD'S SAKE! and I know right now what's going to happen if Claire actually winds up getting involved. This idiot is going to blow everything off like it was all no big deal. And I'm only putting up with all this shit to see if I'm going to die with equity. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT.
July 30th 2014
And there she went foolishly spending all that money instead of giving the reality picture to Claire. Foolishly and incompetently. Nice job morris county.
July 31st 2014
How ironic. I happened to watch The Choking Game the last night it was on Life? Riiiiiggghhtt. More like evidence of Claire's past swept under the rug to protect Princeton grad dr victor paul Weirwille.
August 2nd 2014
you want ice cream Chris? " sure that's what a competant guardian says
to a deemed incompetent whose weight has been deemed a problem as well
as can't call up her shop and say she has dietary guidelines she NEEDS.
to follow.

when I was about 18 I worked in my hometown with a girl who was from more of the city area of NJ. She commented to me once about the "weirdos" she sees downtown in my town and I was oblivious but politely didn't say anything to her. I now totally get it. I have to wonder if it's left over pollution from the old rubber mill.
The most convenient spot for me to go to everyday is a short drive but I'm not there today and left early yesterday. Someone who seems to live within the block of where I'd been wifi'ing and is a local yokel was gone for a week after I took his usual seat which had to happen as asked by management as I wrote.
This weirdo sits publicly and passes gas unless the "rude" guy is around. He may have mental problems but he knows better. At one point yesterday another customer looked my way wondering if it was me! lolol. This had been happening for a while but yesterday I reached my breaking point. When he would do this I just started saying out loud (with my headphones on) "you sick mother f*cker." I thought he was back because I got there late yesterday but based on today that's not the case.
Some other attitudes I've woken up to around here after being out in the world is male intimidation. I completely cannot relate. The other day there were 4 teens that came in and the most intimidating one was dating one of the girls who cried about him after he left. Only now it's so clear "girl he is just not worth it!" Comments can be insulting and sting but I just don't feel inferior because of them. My hometown is by no way unique with that male superior/female inferior complex. I finally see. I so needed a father around as my local yokel ten year ex was stalking me and manipulating me to stay with him.
Yesterday I got a call back from a supervisor at Social Security and reiterated what has been no secret in that office. That I'm waiting to die. That with the amount I'm left with is not enough to survive on but at least before I go I'll be able to pay some bills. I'll find out next week if the problem has been fixed.
August 6th 2014
This medically stupid woman doesn't even call Chris 's work to find out what she had for lunch to make her this sick 3 or so hours after lunch. Incompetent. If this ever turned out to be a pregnancy I'd hit the fucking roof. I couldn't believe how impersonal and unfamiliar these strangers were with our lives and persons as we were raped by the court system w christine's court appointed attorney claiming it would be traumatic for Christine to be evaluated for the possibility of tubal ligation. Where in left-field did she get that from? A guess the judge accepted? Christine has now requested to go to the emergency room so they're going while I wish and wait for death on this couch unable to maneuver the emotional cruelty and disregard of our medical lives.
I finally said something when mom talked about calling 911 over her fear Christine might fall down the stairs if she's not feeling well. The whole reason we don't have a working elevator in this house is mom's fear of getting stuck between floors and the whole reason we don't have a stair lift is mom's fear of riding on a moving object like that when really it's got to be mom's undiagnosed socio-perceptual occupational therapy movement in space brain injury.
August 8th 2014
August 9th 2014
July 22nd 2014
sitting here with gone to lunch thoughts running through my mind in how the fuck I survived with this incompetence. There's seniors that coagulate here every day. Mom is a senior but doesn't hang with this crowd so as her friends are scattered she's kind of alone. She taught me to have no confidence in this town so I followed accordingly. She uses against me! SLAP. How the fuck did I survive? Thinking back to when I was 18 and fucking ignored when I told her she should get involved in a widows group I had learned about. OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW COZ IT CAME FROM ME. Once her friend's husband died and asked her to go to a widows group she went! Nice confidence in life I was given to succeed. Beyond words.
July 24th 2014
now doing the old phrase that has been total stress from the start: "I
just can't take this anymore! " really? Good example for young injured
children to get thru life! Nice! The Vodka helps.
July 25th 2014
Mhana Mason likes this.
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this is fun. people who haven't seen me in years don't recognize me. lol I'm ok with keeping it that way.
Greg Zukowski "I know who you are!"
lol don't tell anyone! someone who can be found in my childhood pics looked me in the eye twice the second time wondering why I was lingering and didn't have a clue! I'll just stay Miss Congeniality.
Greg Zukowski "Miss understood"
"Miss Understood, misunderstood, miss zero-justice, etc"
greg if you get the urge to try to go see Alanis Morissette in Morisstown today call me ASAP http://www.mayoarts.org/event/alanis-morissette
Alanis Morissette Live Intimate & Acoustic | Mayo Performing Arts Center mayoarts.org
i am on the crapiest wifi ever. testing to see if all messages went through.
Greg Zukowski "How ironic, would love to....could you get me a ticket? I am broke today. But would love to see her with you!"
I'm broke too but I have enough gas in my car to drive us there and see what happens. When Meatloaf came to Riverdale NJ long ago I just showed up to see what would happen and we got in.
there's no saying that would happen now and Morristown is definitely more tricky than Riverdale but just saying
Greg Zukowski "Lets do it"
ok should I leave now to come get you? I'd have to put on a different shirt and make room in my passenger seat. I'll call you in a few
Greg Zukowski "No, I am down at the jersey shore til Monday....when is concert.?"
Well it's one night tonight and I'm in front of the arts center right now. I really shouldn't let my whereabouts be known but f*ck it. I'm waiting to die over my own Jagged little Pill. They just unlocked the doors. Maybe I'll go ask if I can get in for $20. That's all I have. But then if they say no I might get chased from here. Not sure what to do. Hmmm
*art * center lol
Someone just picked up tickets in the box office and left. The girls sitting in the box ofc prob wondering wut I'm doing here.
If I get a pking ticket sitting here that will be cool. Atleast I'll have a souveneir haha jk. Btw bout that Meatloaf concert my deadbeat boyfriend wasn't into it thinking I was nuts UNTIL we were enjoying the show a couple rows from the stage. Your welcome kevin. At the Joann Jett concert I wanted to go up to the front which was completely possible but he held me back in so many ways from my own life. I wound up touche'ing him.
Possibility is looking better. Just spoke to someone that works here.
I can always ask to use the bathroom before I leave if I can't get in for $20.
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this is fun. people who haven't seen me in years don't recognize me. lol I'm ok with keeping it that way.
Greg Zukowski "I know who you are!"
lol don't tell anyone! someone who can be found in my childhood pics looked me in the eye twice the second time wondering why I was lingering and didn't have a clue! I'll just stay Miss Congeniality.
Greg Zukowski "Miss understood"
"Miss Understood, misunderstood, miss zero-justice, etc"
greg if you get the urge to try to go see Alanis Morissette in Morisstown today call me ASAP http://www.mayoarts.org/event/alanis-morissette
Alanis Morissette Live Intimate & Acoustic | Mayo Performing Arts Center mayoarts.org
i am on the crapiest wifi ever. testing to see if all messages went through.
Greg Zukowski "How ironic, would love to....could you get me a ticket? I am broke today. But would love to see her with you!"
I'm broke too but I have enough gas in my car to drive us there and see what happens. When Meatloaf came to Riverdale NJ long ago I just showed up to see what would happen and we got in.
there's no saying that would happen now and Morristown is definitely more tricky than Riverdale but just saying
Greg Zukowski "Lets do it"
ok should I leave now to come get you? I'd have to put on a different shirt and make room in my passenger seat. I'll call you in a few
Greg Zukowski "No, I am down at the jersey shore til Monday....when is concert.?"
Well it's one night tonight and I'm in front of the arts center right now. I really shouldn't let my whereabouts be known but f*ck it. I'm waiting to die over my own Jagged little Pill. They just unlocked the doors. Maybe I'll go ask if I can get in for $20. That's all I have. But then if they say no I might get chased from here. Not sure what to do. Hmmm
*art * center lol
Someone just picked up tickets in the box office and left. The girls sitting in the box ofc prob wondering wut I'm doing here.
If I get a pking ticket sitting here that will be cool. Atleast I'll have a souveneir haha jk. Btw bout that Meatloaf concert my deadbeat boyfriend wasn't into it thinking I was nuts UNTIL we were enjoying the show a couple rows from the stage. Your welcome kevin. At the Joann Jett concert I wanted to go up to the front which was completely possible but he held me back in so many ways from my own life. I wound up touche'ing him.
Possibility is looking better. Just spoke to someone that works here.
I can always ask to use the bathroom before I leave if I can't get in for $20.
"I'm confused...but I think u are at concert gate looking for one or two miracles"
And I got one from a john from Somerset County. U may not understand what you did for a dying woman john. THANKYOU SO MUCH!
was a totally awesome nice surprise. I never thought of seeing her live
on my bucket list but that would make sense. I have no idea if she
showed up at the suny potsdam gym one time when I was there. Utter
cruelty I've had to go through in my medical circumstance.
I purposefully kept my screams a notch below mariah carey's highest -
my screams are no joke. I was at a disco in Ireland once where there was
a contest for the loudest person so everyone was clapping, stomping,
yelling as loud as possible. I just stood
still, opened my mouth, and let it Rip. Sure enough I won the prize.
Alanis was trying to avoid the encore tonight by having us run thru the
motions of what Usually happens but I tamed my loudness to what it could
have been.
Cike!!!!! I'm at my first Alanis concert! ! A guy's wife and friend couldn't make it! If u were here kevin your welcome.
actually don't remember you suggesting but I know my high school friend
popped on line so on a whim I thought I'd ask him to go. When you're
this age and everyone else can't go coz their lives are in the way (not
saying that's bad - wish I had a normal life) it's nice to have at least
one person available. Things didn't quite work out the way I thought
they were going to but once I had it in my head I was going to try for
it I didn't switch direction just because I had to go it alone
This is the post I was referring to: "Occupied Newbie So I purposefully
kept my screams a notch below mariah carey's highest - my screams are
no joke. I was at a disco in Ireland once where there was a contest for
the loudest person so everyone was clapping, stomping, yelling as loud
as possible. I just stood still, opened my mouth, and let it Rip. Sure
enough I won the prize. Alanis was trying to avoid the encore tonight by
having us run thru the motions of what Usually happens but I tamed my
loudness to what it could have been." Somewhere I wrote how she wanted
to avoid an encore so she walked us through it of making a lot of noise
with her still on stage while it was ending. That's what the above post
is about. Where'd the other explanation go? hmmm.
Now I understand how that post made little to no sense!
Anyway it was awesome.
Anyway it was awesome.
Occupied Newbie hmm i don't remember that but with how inundated I am lately that's not a surprise. I could have gotten in free but I offered the only $20 I had and his response was "Well it's better than nothing." It was one of those situations where I didn't know if I was being approached for a date or what hahaha. I hadn't found out yet that his wife couldn't make it. Right before that I found an unused ticket with someone's name on it on the floor for like $400 which must have been a backstage pass. I sooooo could have had it! But kindness of who that ticket REALLY belongs to is more important so I handed it to the attendant plus I'm not a good impersonator so I wouldn't even try. Had it been $400 cash unclaimed, it MIGHT have been a different story jk. I don't have another concert attempt. As far as I can remember at the moment, the last concert I went to was Bette Midler which was more of a stand up act than a concert and that was approximately 1992 or 3.
i saw this 2nite 1. i thought "now that's a senior with TWO FUCKING
parents so that only one is not a loose cannon driving lives into walls"
and 2. my memory of claire doing this to her friend dorothy long ago
who died as a passenger in a car that
crashed into a telephone pole. Claire had a different take on this
though where you bend over for 10 deep breaths And when you come up you
get choked. Dorothy was in watching the Flintstones w me so that the
"dream" she had when she passed out was about the Flintstones. I
remember her laughing about that. I had gone into Claire's room to see
what the action was about. It wasn't just Dorothy who got choked. The
year must have been 1980.NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT, MORRISTOWN NJ http://m.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-power-slow/201407/the-choking-game-is-not-just-movie
A bumble bee just entered my car and sat itself upon my rearview mirror. It's barely moving. I guess it's at the end of it's life? I have respect for that creature due to the shaminism(?) freak show I witnessed in Potsdam. And as I typed the P a wind blew it off my mirror onto my seat and I moved my purse looking for it but didbn't see it and it then flew out my open window *shrug*
pointed out childhood park reopening and I pointed out it's prob closed
due to lawsuit. Said I know someone w tbi obtained from that park but
lost justice coz was skiing on a darkened off-limits slope. Refreshed
her memory bout ibm picnics in poughkeepsie and how post accident
children's parents kept their kids away from me while she so out of
touch has no idea why so simply lied beside her lawyer in morris county
surrogate's court .... zzzzzzz
July 29th 2014
great now having problems with laptop left clicker. no money to fix it. I'm still being shit on. There's always some reason mom can't get help from Claire and then she goes into court and shits on me lying and having her lawyers lie for her. She wants to go to better doctors to get an opinion about her eye asking me rather than Claire. When she had a bladder infection I was living 300 miles away and her sister called ME. I gave the directions to call CLAIRE. Where's Claire for all this? She mentions the possibility of calling the cab to pay $120 to be brought. Her first excuse is Claire lives so many miles away. I said "so she drives here and leaves her car here while you go in to the doctor." Then she comes back and says Claire is working. I remind her tax season is over. She says she's on-call for something. THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING. Riiiiigggghht go into court and shit on my life and then think I'm going to let slide that all this shit is dumped on me so Claire can have her freedom. What an idiot. She says she's not going to give me gas money anymore. Riiiiiggghht I have no way left to survive and she's going to threaten gas money. CALL CLAIRE FOR GOD'S SAKE! and I know right now what's going to happen if Claire actually winds up getting involved. This idiot is going to blow everything off like it was all no big deal. And I'm only putting up with all this shit to see if I'm going to die with equity. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT.
July 30th 2014
And there she went foolishly spending all that money instead of giving the reality picture to Claire. Foolishly and incompetently. Nice job morris county.
mom spent all that money just to be told to stay w her her regular
doctor. Funny how she doesn't bend over backwards like that for
christine. Last time she did is when Christine was Ten and the next
decade+ was a time of untreated seizures. She made out that she didn't
have an embolism / stroke that went to her eye because the neurologist
Now mom is going thru everything w her NYC sister that everything is under control. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT.
Wtf???? Break the lack of sleep spell!!! Awake after 3 hrs for no good reason.
I just had the leftovers of last night's Chinese food - mom's
peppersteak w onions mixed w christine's chicken from the sweet and sour
chicken (not pineapple chicken because the new place doesn't have it).
When I got in last night mom was sure to say why she got the two which I
don't remember because it's frivolous compared to the newest lie she's
trying to live in. Perhaps 12 years ago her and
christine used to buy one dinner and share. There's a big difference
trying to make something over a decade old today's reality. That's the
same crap she pulled in court about taking Christine to the get-better
plan. Told the judge she could (not that she would) and Christine misses
out because of the evil at the courthouse.
August 1st 2014
them stay in their own familiar land and not add on an extra stress.
Last night I unfriended someone who, with a name like Valdez, I'm
guessing is Latino sharing a post from Occupy Democrat calling someone
like me a biggot. I didn't even argue.
There's the trees and there's the bigger picture of the forest even
though that scenario may apply to something else entirely. Was the
answer to air pollution creating more cars on the road as a non-human
example? http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/1000-children-fleeing-violent-honduras-heading-violent-chicago#.U9rtU1kNbGw.google_plusone_share
Senator from Iowa has proposed a bill that would allow the discharge of
student loans during bankruptcy and increase the transparency of loan
costs." http://www.charlottebankruptcylawyer-blog.com/2014/06/19/senator-proposes-major-bankruptcy-reform-package/
How ironic. I happened to watch The Choking Game the last night it was on Life? Riiiiiggghhtt. More like evidence of Claire's past swept under the rug to protect Princeton grad dr victor paul Weirwille.
August 2nd 2014
OOOOOOHHHHHH. Watching Titanic and picked up on Jack saying Nickelodean. What???? Answer: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0120338/goofs
shit just hit the fan w this fucking incompetent moron who painted a
pretty pic for her NYC sister claiming butler's water was known years
ago for how bad it was. Nothing has changed. I informed her thru my
guardianship legal research that Bloomingdale sued butler 100 years ago
because butler wouldn't let Bloomingdale hook into it's drinking water.
Are those the missing records because of butler's
rubber mill? All this stupid woman wants is to be right. Oh but that:s
what i'm accused of by the evil in morristown nj under the name steven j
straub from Norrie and Associates foemerly who after destroying this
family went on to NY for a job. Even said she made no mistakes with her
kids. Go to hell and take your oldest live child with you. Christine
starts in coz she doesn't want the fighting and she's brainwashed by
this incompetent idiot of how much she's missing out. Rot in hell with
all ur other sw Ireland sad asses.
August 4th-5th
world is my witness as well as the cleaning person here today mom was
told homicide is so much easier than suicide so go for it. Her country
may be notorious for child abuse but she's in America in charge of
medically needy children. Go back to her own country if she can't
navigate this one.
Btw christine's response was "ok" and is eating ice cream now.
Watching criminal minds coz I have extreme murder on my mind
I drink extra suppressing the extra adrenaline the world is also my
witness I told this loose cannon for the second time to go get herself a
lawyer and put a lien on ny house to get her $$ back. As usual she
proceeds with the life crashing response of me talking crazy. Tomorrow
in her presence I'm going to call lawyers asking that question
onspeaker. This idling is exactly what I turned out to be.
just going to sleep on the couch now instead of this loose cannon,
southern comfort's musical beds. Idont know what lies this jackass fed
Christine while I was gone but the murder streak is only stronger. And
aunt Maureen just called like clockwork. Someone fell into a
coma.someone she knew "at home." Blood curdling murder is on my mind for
what I've had to endure.

when I was about 18 I worked in my hometown with a girl who was from more of the city area of NJ. She commented to me once about the "weirdos" she sees downtown in my town and I was oblivious but politely didn't say anything to her. I now totally get it. I have to wonder if it's left over pollution from the old rubber mill.
The most convenient spot for me to go to everyday is a short drive but I'm not there today and left early yesterday. Someone who seems to live within the block of where I'd been wifi'ing and is a local yokel was gone for a week after I took his usual seat which had to happen as asked by management as I wrote.
This weirdo sits publicly and passes gas unless the "rude" guy is around. He may have mental problems but he knows better. At one point yesterday another customer looked my way wondering if it was me! lolol. This had been happening for a while but yesterday I reached my breaking point. When he would do this I just started saying out loud (with my headphones on) "you sick mother f*cker." I thought he was back because I got there late yesterday but based on today that's not the case.
Some other attitudes I've woken up to around here after being out in the world is male intimidation. I completely cannot relate. The other day there were 4 teens that came in and the most intimidating one was dating one of the girls who cried about him after he left. Only now it's so clear "girl he is just not worth it!" Comments can be insulting and sting but I just don't feel inferior because of them. My hometown is by no way unique with that male superior/female inferior complex. I finally see. I so needed a father around as my local yokel ten year ex was stalking me and manipulating me to stay with him.
Yesterday I got a call back from a supervisor at Social Security and reiterated what has been no secret in that office. That I'm waiting to die. That with the amount I'm left with is not enough to survive on but at least before I go I'll be able to pay some bills. I'll find out next week if the problem has been fixed.
the storm yesterday I related how completely unfair it was for children
coming home from a children's hospital to the chaos we came home to. Me
more than Christine faced a life of discrimination at home. Claire was
home while mom was in the hospital afterward so it was different for
her. I will not close this book until we have some kind of justice or
until I'm dead. Completely unfair what we've had to go through.
August 6th 2014
the cleaning lady understands the breadth and depth of what she
witnessed ... I'm thinking of cancelling my plans for the day. The
stress is just too much. I should lay here on the couch for the week
until there's money in my account and this abuse I get from an
incompetent guardian ... I'm paralyzed until atleast one of these
stressors is taken care of. This loose cannon all alone is the biggest
stress I know. what was witnessed was the deadly mistake made by the
morris county surrogate's court as it's abundantly clear the incompetent
hands we were left in. I came home yesterday and as I was on hold with
SS said this is the problem for not preparing an 18 year old for social
security. Her I'm innocent syndrome kicked in. I gave her the viable
example that I may have been working when I was 18 but there is a thing
known as reporting income to ss. She denied they ever said such a thing.
I'm telling you I'm all too familiar with how this woman works - she
was never equipped with handling the massive responsibility of medically
needy children and has to be right and so has to believe was never a
reckless endangerment to the lives she was given guardianship of when
dad died even though Claire was court ordered out of here when mom
flared up in court - only to denying that was the case saying it was
becoz of Claire's drinking. As if she thinks I'm stupid. As she related
what ss said to her years ago it revealed how she was utterly taken
advantage of by them. THAT'S why you get a lawyer for these things
especially when all alone. Oh but I'm just a stupid child - nice job
sherlock of giving your child the confidence they need in life ON TOP OF
ALL ELSE THAT CHILD IS DEALING WITH. Maybe this week on the couch will
be good. Maybe this time I'll be successful. The fact she directed me to
ignore ss all these years- that they eventually find that out w your
taxes- didn't even come out.she denied Claire has a brain injury even
though she was unconscious for a day at 12 years of age. I can't
remember if she denied I have a brain injury being asleep for a month
and in a hospital for 8 but it would be the norm.
1/2 baked shell is on the phone w one of the widowed parents she found
to buddy with (an Italian mama at that which has a huge history-however
the Italian mama knows of her reputation of "cold") of christine's
disabled groups talking about special needs. SLAP!!! This loose cannon
has 2 special needs. Actually 3 but the 3rd one w a history of
drugs,suicide, choking, and sarcasm is ... just hope this week is
woman's racing mind has so totally confused the both of us. Christine
comes home not feeling well and doesn't give Christine the chance to
answer one question before going on to the next. Complete confusion and
chaos not fucking fair on either of us
This medically stupid woman doesn't even call Chris 's work to find out what she had for lunch to make her this sick 3 or so hours after lunch. Incompetent. If this ever turned out to be a pregnancy I'd hit the fucking roof. I couldn't believe how impersonal and unfamiliar these strangers were with our lives and persons as we were raped by the court system w christine's court appointed attorney claiming it would be traumatic for Christine to be evaluated for the possibility of tubal ligation. Where in left-field did she get that from? A guess the judge accepted? Christine has now requested to go to the emergency room so they're going while I wish and wait for death on this couch unable to maneuver the emotional cruelty and disregard of our medical lives.
I finally said something when mom talked about calling 911 over her fear Christine might fall down the stairs if she's not feeling well. The whole reason we don't have a working elevator in this house is mom's fear of getting stuck between floors and the whole reason we don't have a stair lift is mom's fear of riding on a moving object like that when really it's got to be mom's undiagnosed socio-perceptual occupational therapy movement in space brain injury.
here. I don't know if it's a cop or ems worker. Mom just exaggerated
saying Christine had problem coming upstairs because of her stomachache.
What a lie. I clarified the truth.
She has a problem every fucking day because mom won't make the house handicapped accessible.
police officer I graduated hs with thanked me for assisting in
answering the questions mom wasn't medically answering. I asked him to
report that to the morris county surrogates court
asked if she has ever had an ovarian cyst and I had to tell them she's
never been to that kind of doctor but I really tried to get that at
morris county surrogate court
am now at the hospital waiting to fill in gap questions. *pissed off at
the lack of proper care we were left with and then fucking failed by
deanne wilson from mendham nj area.*
I kind of made a scene. To cover her tracks in front of a nurse she
said she was going to ask her regular doctor for one of those doctors
and as soon as the nurse left she wouldn't say a word.
The doctor walked in and asked questions and was greeted by silence so I chimed in *sigh*
have to keep filling in the things mom can't hear. See the reason for
Christine to have mom get a hearing aid???? This would be a disaster
without me here. The hell I'm going to be used and thrown like garbage.
No time like the present to fix the fiasco in morristown.
now we know Christine has a kidney stone and they want to do surgery to
remove I say no way. Kidney stones dissolve!! Especially with the help
of dandelion tea or dandelion in salad.
was furious last night that Christine is not being fitted correctly for
a crutch she walks with everyday. After trying to use it I asked mom if
she's taller or shorter than me. mom thinks she's taller. THAN WHAAT IS
HAVE TO ARCH MY BACK WITH EVERY STEP???? Update - actually it's the crutch she uses just for upstairs while at home. I measured it against her regular crutch and her regular one moreso fits her height but I'd still have to do an actual observation.
anyway her seizure med is known for causing kidney/renal problems.
That's why I was so upset even when Christine was put on this med to
begin with because of the guardian she's under the care of. That
guardian acts so completely 1/2 ass til she has no choice and then she
pays 1/2 ass attention to the important complex things.
" Xoxoxo...hug hug hug
I feel so helpless to help.....im always here for my best buddy
I feel so helpless to help.....im always here for my best buddy
Kidney stones they can tell if its too big to pass...they shoukd be using new lasers to break it up....or its more serious?
Gary has had a ton...fisrt times he had to suffer thru...tje iltra sound reviled small size could pass....but later the new laser...brole a too big to pass stone.
Over calcium from sodas...may have contributed.
Very painful....is she comfortable?"
Gary has had a ton...fisrt times he had to suffer thru...tje iltra sound reviled small size could pass....but later the new laser...brole a too big to pass stone.
Over calcium from sodas...may have contributed.
Very painful....is she comfortable?"
doing much better. Follow up in a week. I assume laser is done in
surgery. I was definitely involved in the conversation with the doctor
informing him we were all in christine's car accident as mom stood there
shaking her head indicating I was being
irrelevant. Claire called while mom was talking to the doc and I just
let her know who it was and the doc wanted to know if that's another
sister. I said yes she's the one unconscious for a day and remains
undiagnosed meanwhile I used to watch Christine sleep in the bed across
from me. Even he asked why I was excluded from christine's guardianship
(I guess coz my active participation and articulation of the subject
matter is abundantly clear). We don't really ever have soda in the house
but who knows what's at shop and all the activities she goes to. She's
napping now at home.
August 8th 2014
did her usual disregard of my importance yesterday. Relating to Claire
and aunt Maureen the herbal teas we bought for Christine totally
ommitting the dandelion we bought at the same time BECAUSE IT CAME FROM
THE WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT THAT I AM. I'm the one that knew about
dandelion dissolving kidney stones but her only mention of cranberry and
green tea is because it didn't come from me. Anyone who has witnessed
how impossible this woman has been through the years KEVIN MONTANYE
knows the intuitive feeling they would never be able to put up with her
for long. Ever.
really. She's notorious for things being ok coming from someone else
but not her kids. I'm sure there's lots of other american-raised kids
out there by old-irish mentalities but in the lives of her children with
medical needs that lack of validation fucking made the whole life CRASH. I can't tell you the imperative importance of the environment for a child upon leaving a hospital. YES every kid has the goal of "going home" but the child doesn't have the insight to the situation they are becoming part of. That's only part of it. She also said to
aunt maureen about this whole ordeal "this is too much" yet still lives
in her incompetent world of not addressing the issue of including me in
Christine's care. Every time I persisted on this topic with people at
the hospital who were really listening, she would change the subject
like I was in the middle of answering the doctor the best I could about
why I was not included in Christine's guardianship and she "went for the
kill" on getting back to Christine. Either way it's like salvaged
intelligence of an injured child crashed into a wall. She never said the
words I'm a worthless piece of shit. Just acts the part to conclude all
else to no other conclusion.
ADMIT TO IT). When hospital personnel started treating christine as
normal my mother's way of saying she's different is "oh she walks with a
crutch and she can't ..." So I was available
to say things like "she has severe brain damage and has been deemed
incompetent. ... she's paralyzed on her right side so you may want to
take her blood pressure on her left side." MY GOD IS THIS MISTAKE AT THE
Christine was taken to the ER before FINALLY being put on seizure meds,
Claire wasn't called about it until the emergency part of it was over
with. Oh I'm used to seeing mom crazy and mom wants to keep it a secret
excluding me from Christine's guardianship? Yeah that's the fake spirit.
I've been keeping on top of what christine needs to do including
telling her to stay away from soda. As I was making her salad this
morning, enthusiastic to do so because Dandelion will help her, mom was
on the phone with someone from Christine's programs. I started shaking
my head when mom related again that she had to call 911. I objected
outloud when she said the doctor said she needs to eat
salads and with this Dandelion. She told the person I was making
Christine a salad. She then asked this person if they put Dandelion in
their salads ever. It sounded like they had. I now know from a very long
history something is ok if she hears it coming from someone else. She also falsely reported that Christine suddenly had so much trouble getting up the stairs which was an inaccuracy i had related to the cop as well. She ALWAYS has trouble getting up the stairs. Either mom's lack of a hearing aid makes her not hear it (just like the steps/lift problem on the bus or her 1/2 baked dealings w reality make her go in and out. There
is a complete disconnect to having confidence in my intelligence (ONLY
phone I said "you need to stop telling people you had to call 911. The
only reason you called 911 was your fear of Christine falling down the
stairs and then the guy who was following her down the stairs said the
same thing I did that she was doing fine going down the stairs." Mom
then said that had she not been brought in by ambulance she wouldn't
have been seen right away; you'd have to register and wait; and I said
"if she's screaming in pain they have to see her right away." Mom's
response was a joking to Christine insinuating she enjoyed the ride in
the ambulance.
for your continued support!!! I added the situation with the stairs. Oh
suddenly Christine has a prob she can hardly get up the stairs? WRONG
August 10th 2014
August 12th 2014
August 13th 2014
August 10th 2014
remember you telling me that - ("Im
so sick the cop stuff I cant face at all,I did my part sued police
amended harassment law nation wide. But now im left w fear of cops ive
never had bfre like this)." Been there and done that about fear but
atleast you have some justice. I just don't get how all these things
involved in my life go fucking unheard and ignored. Occupy Syracuse had
asked to spread the word about the cops who tasered the father of the
autistic son...I'm thinking "gee thanks for including me in your cause"
what else is going the fuck wrong in this life all the problem from an
uneducated immigrant who by saying "I'm her mother" thinks she's
competent to take care of 2 medically needy children. Fuck. Now I'm
about to go off the deep end and let it all out. btw, Christine's court
appointed attorney is from Accardi & Mirda and are on Google+ back
to containing the rage...and sorry but because I dont have the type of
justice you got my pages are likely to be riddled with cop stupidity.
May we now provide for and take care of a situation that REALLY needs this type of attention in Morris County? This is what I get for being away from Google+ and doing catchup. My latest for need of immediate attention as posted on Facebook: "So I've been keeping on top of what christine needs to do including telling her to stay away from soda. As I was making her salad this morning, enthusiastic to do so because Dandelion will help her, mom was on the phone with someone from Christine's programs. I started shaking my head when mom related again that she had to call 911. I objected outloud when she said the doctor said she needs to eat salads and with this Dandelion. She told the person I was making Christine a salad. She then asked this person if they put Dandelion in their salads ever. It sounded like they had. I now know from a very long history something is ok if she hears it coming from someone else. She also falsely reported that Christine suddenly had so much trouble getting up the stairs which was an inaccuracy i had related to the cop as well. She ALWAYS has trouble getting up the stairs. Either mom's lack of a hearing aid makes her not hear it (just like the steps/lift problem on the bus) or her 1/2 baked dealings w reality make her go in and out. There is a complete disconnect to having confidence in my intelligence (ONLY VALIDATED BY THE MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT). When she got off the phone I said "you need to stop telling people you had to call 911. The only reason you called 911 was your fear of Christine falling down the stairs and then the guy who was following her down the stairs said the same thing I did that she was doing fine going down the stairs." Mom then said that had she not been brought in by ambulance she wouldn't have been seen right away; you'd have to register and wait; and I said "if she's screaming in pain they have to see her right away." Mom's response was a joking to Christine insinuating she enjoyed the ride in the ambulance.
Ty for your continued support!!! I added the situation with the stairs. Oh suddenly Christine has a prob she can hardly get up the stairs? WRONG ANSWER."
May we now provide for and take care of a situation that REALLY needs this type of attention in Morris County? This is what I get for being away from Google+ and doing catchup. My latest for need of immediate attention as posted on Facebook: "So I've been keeping on top of what christine needs to do including telling her to stay away from soda. As I was making her salad this morning, enthusiastic to do so because Dandelion will help her, mom was on the phone with someone from Christine's programs. I started shaking my head when mom related again that she had to call 911. I objected outloud when she said the doctor said she needs to eat salads and with this Dandelion. She told the person I was making Christine a salad. She then asked this person if they put Dandelion in their salads ever. It sounded like they had. I now know from a very long history something is ok if she hears it coming from someone else. She also falsely reported that Christine suddenly had so much trouble getting up the stairs which was an inaccuracy i had related to the cop as well. She ALWAYS has trouble getting up the stairs. Either mom's lack of a hearing aid makes her not hear it (just like the steps/lift problem on the bus) or her 1/2 baked dealings w reality make her go in and out. There is a complete disconnect to having confidence in my intelligence (ONLY VALIDATED BY THE MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT). When she got off the phone I said "you need to stop telling people you had to call 911. The only reason you called 911 was your fear of Christine falling down the stairs and then the guy who was following her down the stairs said the same thing I did that she was doing fine going down the stairs." Mom then said that had she not been brought in by ambulance she wouldn't have been seen right away; you'd have to register and wait; and I said "if she's screaming in pain they have to see her right away." Mom's response was a joking to Christine insinuating she enjoyed the ride in the ambulance.
Ty for your continued support!!! I added the situation with the stairs. Oh suddenly Christine has a prob she can hardly get up the stairs? WRONG ANSWER."
The Cop I graduated hs with that came to the house is Joe Natali(?). He
didn't remember coming there with Colleen Kober to carry me into
an ambulance after NYS politics tried to get me psychiatrically admitted
in order to be employed, but actually I think I made a mistake. I think
another guy I graduated hs with was a partner with Colleen at the time.
The latter cop is also the one who came to assist in 2009 - 10 when mom
fell from the bed to the floor and was all up in arms on how screwed
she was because all she knew to do was call 911 and she didn't want all
that "shit" coming to the house making a scene. So I taught her and
Christine what to do. I called the PD and said "this is a non-emergency
call. My mother fell and I have a bad back I can't help her up." Just
imagine the types of stress Christine has to go through without me
there. Well the Court in Morristown better fix this. I only stuck around
to see if I'm going to die with equity.
Christine's court-appointed attorney is Cristina Mirda from Accardi & Mirda. Mom and Claire's attorney was Steven J Straub from Norrie and Associates in Budd Lake NJ who supposedly left Norrie to go work in NY. Judge Deanne M. Wilson asked Gov Christie for early retirement but Christie said no that she's required to carry out the 5 year minimum. When I contacted the court by both and phone and email asking for the new judge to review and redo this case I was misled and then ignored by Deputy Surrogate Christopher Luongo and told by clerk Sally Spinosa that Judge Deanne M. Wilson is still there. The mediator suggested she is there finishing up cases.sigh Sally Spinosa was also the one who encouraged me it was ok to go pro se because the judge likes to hear from other family members.
Christine's court-appointed attorney is Cristina Mirda from Accardi & Mirda. Mom and Claire's attorney was Steven J Straub from Norrie and Associates in Budd Lake NJ who supposedly left Norrie to go work in NY. Judge Deanne M. Wilson asked Gov Christie for early retirement but Christie said no that she's required to carry out the 5 year minimum. When I contacted the court by both and phone and email asking for the new judge to review and redo this case I was misled and then ignored by Deputy Surrogate Christopher Luongo and told by clerk Sally Spinosa that Judge Deanne M. Wilson is still there. The mediator suggested she is there finishing up cases.sigh Sally Spinosa was also the one who encouraged me it was ok to go pro se because the judge likes to hear from other family members.
August 11th 2014
last night I went to go give Christine her pills but she was doing it
herself so I left her to it just glimpsing periodically at a distance in
case she needed help. Tonight I happened to be on my way to the bathroom
when she was doing the same only mom was standing over her like a hawk
on prey ready to lunge any minute. I told her to stop and leave her
alone almost getting in her face and screaming
bloody murder. The only time she took her eyes away was when I said
"just like her knife she never uses and you went into court and lied
about that." That same hawk behavior is what I grew up with towards me
even today and she goes to court saying how opposed she is of me being
christine's medical guardian because I can't take care of myself even
though those are words she never said to me. Rot in the shit I flush
everyday. Oh she thinks I forget about the lie she told saying Christine
is independent and that she does use her special cutting knife everyday
after I pointed out it's been sitting in the drawer for 20 years. She
put on a little act at the time at home which of course Christine
complied with. All these years later of course she's been back at her
whole act all along. Oh and as if I fucking fall for the lie she told
Christine was waiting for her bus when she fainted and was put on
seizure meds FINALLY after a decade of untreated seizures. Only now she
recants she ever said about the bus and she was doing dishes in the
kitchen. What-she figured out the 911 call on that really can be
recovered? ??? Rot in the shit I flush everyday along with the mediator
who put in a final report I'm just trying to lift myself up by helping
christine - again my bad thinking the mediator was all that in figuring
things out based on a piece of information I never had or forgot. Oh and
after this episode she talks to me asking a question as if we're
talking about the weather. SLAP. I've had no protection from this loose
there she goes. After aunt Maureen gets off the phone she turns to me
and asks me a question about a rowing machine like it's any other day
and reminders of her lying never existed.
a child Christine is always in compliance with mom except for the part
Christine has REALLY been having soda at lunch. Mom is still not
equipped to aver christine's dietary needs where ever she goes like shop
every day - which are not needs because she's not being forced into it
by outside forces. Fucking brilliancy by the Morris County Surrogate's
August 12th 2014
today mom went out early and when she got back I told her to check the
messages (coz the phone rang) in case it's for Christine. Sure enough it
was Christine's caseworker from the state to set up the annual
appointment at Christine's shop over god knows what. god knows what
because mom couldn't answer the question of what it was and just
referred to it as "a pain in the ass." THAT'S the attitude
me and Christine came home from a hospital to. That our existence was
now just a pain in the ass. The first pain in the ass mom had to put up
with was a Mrs. Hoffman with the insurance (I think I remember that name
right) in building the handicapped addition onto the house.
Surprisingly mom offered coffee to those workmen continually as they
built the addition. (I grew up to do the same thing when a new roof was
being put on my house as that is what I learned in life to do). Another
pain in the ass she had to put up with was Sharon Fernandez the
insurance adjustor who she would scream at and hang up on the phone with
(fast forward to 1992 when I needed surgery and I had to talk to SF and
did the same because that's all I knew how to be with these people). SF
then retired. When mom heard that from the insurance rehab nurse not
too much later she gave a smug laugh. So anyway I was saying to mom that
maybe I should go with her to this meeting since she can't even put
into words what it is and with her talking over me that no she can
handle it by herself...and that's the usual attitude us children suffer
at the hands of. When I went to the school nurse for my diagnosis senior
year of high school that was the burdensome attitude. So to prove she's
right and they're wrong took me for an opinion to her own doctor as
referred by a retired nurse friend only in the end to deny it all. Yeah
real swift Morris County Surrogate's Court. Now what lies are going to
be told about my sister at this meeting by this incompetent parent for
medical and vocational needs? Where's Claire? The other day I heard mom
ask Claire if she worked on the day(s) in which Christine was having
this recent ordeal and although I don't need to know the answer it's
just another excuse by mom to hue the truth to Claire. This is NO FAIR
to Christine let alone me. Of course I have to do with this! Of course! It doesn't mean I'm wrapped up in me!
August 13th 2014
can't remember how I was in the presence of another woman but she was
flirting with a Sicilian guy and w/o picking up on the cognitive cues
heard her tell him not to rape her and she had her cell phone to her ear
as she said this signaling to me knowing I was going to do same. He
looked back at me extremely angered as he was on top of her and I was
waiting for the call to go thru. I gave a description of the female and
was waiting to give a description of the male who had run away as being
dressed in blue jeans but woke up before I could. All this happened on
the side of the road in what I'm pretty sure is Suffern NY.
only thing about Suffern ny is that's where my mother had to take me at
13 yrs old to be treated for TMJ after the no-fault car insurance had
me evaluated by their own doctor and said it's not related. Airhead in
no way had the extent of injuries and
insight of medical life me and Christine had nor the carried-on stress
of being left in this house. The only other thing about Suffern is I
understand how the cop who caused a fatal accident was going the wrong
way. Exit 15a is very confusing when you get off 287south that I got
lost 2ce without good reason that I'm sure getting on in darkness is
just as bad.
Oh no I broke my thankfulness chain! Forgot to do it yesterday! I was going to after I was done with some other stuff!
my fucking luck. Christine's appt follow-up with her regular doctor is
at 4 today and not at fucking 5!!! I was going to be there to fill in
the holes in mom's story and can't now. As usual as I asked more
questions mom made out that they're fine. I told her they're not. How
fucking unfair we were left to this.
you lisa who has known me since (not as good as others) childhood.
Remember my story bout the nurse who was present while mom said she was
going to ask but then fell silent when the nurse was no longer around?
She verified that tonight saying because
the regular doc saw the ultrasound. That that's what she meant. What a
load of shit. The regular doc gave her no referral tonight. And never
will unless she's forced into it.
in god's name does the court appointed attorney get saying that
Christine will be traumatized by going to that kind of a doctor? What
doc told her that? What load of shit did my mother feed that court
appointed attorney? Where did it ever come out she'd be traumatized? Actually I can picture Claire saying that who doesn't have a clue and is discriminatory towards the lives of the disabled as she clearly painted her lack of understanding of Christine to me. From Mom to Claire...from the flame to the frying pan.
Mhana Mason pls give me Whatever advice you can why a 43-44 yr old female should go to a gynecologist?
August 14th 2014
Interesting. The only thing I know about my father is that he left
everything to my mother; information from my mother which could be all
lies. As far as I know I have no protection even as a former severely
injured minor.
August 15th 2014
today mom doesn't have her friend around anymore to go with her to the
cemetery to plant flowers on my sister's and father's grave. When that
friend died recently, all truth was revealed to her of what's REALLY
going on in our house. mom's going to mass all by herself today and then
meeting a friend for lunch. I got on the phone with that friend to let
them know she only knows Christine because
36 years ago today at a certain point in the day, Christine was still a
straight A student in private school. Mom shook her face in her hands
as she heard me relate this. Gee mom has never dealt with reality. This
friend that I spoke to originally had NO IDEA, just like Christine's
court appointed attorney, that Christine is the way she is arising from a
car accident.*smh*. I'll even paste an altered version of part of the
document the court-appointed attorney submitted to the court after my
pro se a** revealed it:
"...What the Verified Complaint does not state, but was learned through the undersigned’s investigation is that Christine, along with all of her sisters, and Stephanie, now deceased, were involved in a motor vehicle accident occurring some 30 years ago, at which time, their mother was the operator of the motor vehicle. The motor vehicle apparently collided with a tractor trailer, causing catastrophic, permanent disabling injuries. Stephanie was killed as a result of the accident. Christine sustained a traumatic brain injury, which has apparently rendered her disabled. Both sisters also received injuries, the extent of which the undersigned is unaware." (I hadn't submitted my medical records to the court yet which I've been keeping in my possession since I obtained them in the 80's).
"It was learned in the undersigned’s investigation and communications that Christine remained in a coma for some period of time. Subsequent thereto, she never returned to public school but rather attended school for the special needs.
The undersigned was not provided any medical records regarding the time frame of the accident. The undersigned was provided with the Certification f M.D., who notes a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, spastic right heniplegia, blind in the left eye and seizure disorder. I also obtained records from a neurologist, who currently sees Christine, as well as having a telephone conversation with him..."
My godmother told me that my godfather couldn't believe it a few years after the accident when they came to the house that my mother still had all of Stephanie's pictures up and her bedroom was just the same as the day she died. Many of Stephanie's things were kept completely the same until a few years ago. The pictures on Stephanie's bedroom door were taken down and kept when she had the bedroom door replaced 5(?) years ago. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY. Yesterday mom related to her sister overseas how everything went down with Christine at the recent 911 bladder infection incident without a mention of my involvement. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY.
Last night I saw the rerun episode of TBBT where Leonard's mother visits for the first time at Christmas and we all got to witness for the first time (before it became a rerun) the aloof bitch she is in regards to her involvement and shaping of Leonard's life. BINGO. Funny for the TV screen but extremely tragic for a developmentally disabled child left alone with her and no other way of being protected in life. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY, MORRISTOWN NJ.
August 17th 2014
August 19th 2014
"...What the Verified Complaint does not state, but was learned through the undersigned’s investigation is that Christine, along with all of her sisters, and Stephanie, now deceased, were involved in a motor vehicle accident occurring some 30 years ago, at which time, their mother was the operator of the motor vehicle. The motor vehicle apparently collided with a tractor trailer, causing catastrophic, permanent disabling injuries. Stephanie was killed as a result of the accident. Christine sustained a traumatic brain injury, which has apparently rendered her disabled. Both sisters also received injuries, the extent of which the undersigned is unaware." (I hadn't submitted my medical records to the court yet which I've been keeping in my possession since I obtained them in the 80's).
"It was learned in the undersigned’s investigation and communications that Christine remained in a coma for some period of time. Subsequent thereto, she never returned to public school but rather attended school for the special needs.
The undersigned was not provided any medical records regarding the time frame of the accident. The undersigned was provided with the Certification f M.D., who notes a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury, spastic right heniplegia, blind in the left eye and seizure disorder. I also obtained records from a neurologist, who currently sees Christine, as well as having a telephone conversation with him..."
My godmother told me that my godfather couldn't believe it a few years after the accident when they came to the house that my mother still had all of Stephanie's pictures up and her bedroom was just the same as the day she died. Many of Stephanie's things were kept completely the same until a few years ago. The pictures on Stephanie's bedroom door were taken down and kept when she had the bedroom door replaced 5(?) years ago. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY. Yesterday mom related to her sister overseas how everything went down with Christine at the recent 911 bladder infection incident without a mention of my involvement. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY.
Last night I saw the rerun episode of TBBT where Leonard's mother visits for the first time at Christmas and we all got to witness for the first time (before it became a rerun) the aloof bitch she is in regards to her involvement and shaping of Leonard's life. BINGO. Funny for the TV screen but extremely tragic for a developmentally disabled child left alone with her and no other way of being protected in life. NICE GOING MORRIS COUNTY, MORRISTOWN NJ.
August 17th 2014
SHIT I JUST WALKED IN THE DOOR AND HEARD mom on the phone say "I was
never crazy about school but I don't tell them that." Keep up the
evidence against you. I DARE YOU. This fucking fake is responsible for
my death when it comes. To do the act
and confuse the shit out of us under the circumstance is fine. To be too
prideful and not admit is fine. To go into a court of law and lie with
no resolution for the one affected the worst is NOT fine. Rot in the
shit I flush everyday. I am only making known what Claire wants to say.
This fake bitch better not get off the phone and start talking about the
fucking weather with me. For anyone who's a new friend on my list I
refer you to the following site which has a link to my blog on it http://www.gofundme.com/Some-Justice
The person she's talking to is the mother of one of christine's friends pre-accident.
Got off the phone and asked me my whereabouts for the day same way she would talk about the weather.
And they're the wife of the man who referred us to the lawyer who settled the no-fault.
August 18th 2014
not doing well today. Last night I came across a lawyer on social
media that does research on elder law and vulnerable adults with
guardianships. I told him I'm a vulnerable adult without a guardianship
and feel free to use my blog in his research that it's my testimony for
when I'm gone assuming no miracles happen. This was before I got home to
have my life flash before my eyes with the next lie revealed by mom.
Time to drink myself back to sleep.
And another wasted day goes by with nothing being done at the morris county surrogate's court. No protection and lives raped.
fell again this morn so now I only have 3 hrs of sleep so I'm drinking
myself back. So much for being up at 8am. I went downstairs and brought
up the other crutch and showed the difference and THAT'S the problem.
Mom had to have my Explanation of discovery at the ER explained ALL OVER
AGAIN. Christine fell in the area of the house where it was extremely
hard to get up and mom's inability to
help her shown through. My dwindled capacity was also there. Mom has so
much pain in her arms and shoulder she can't do it. At one point
christine said to call the police. I should have so there's someone from
the outside witnessing this. When mom said she probably has a harder
time because of arthritis in her knee I went off the deep end about how
it's up to her to PLAN for things like this. After everything I help
because I know life with my sister this liar still says "I'll take her
to the get better plan." 5 years after lying to a judge she could take
her she's still lipservice.
August 20th 2014
August 23rd 2014
I'm so damn stressed :(
August 31st 2014
So giving a picture of the everyday stress I grew up with, mom got comfortable in a niche of constantly asking why about things so the children she raised that depended on her greatly after being let go from the trauma of a strange hospital grew up with the stress of always having to needlessly explain themselves.
Due to the holiday weekend my money/meal situation is different. When I got back from traveling the other day I told her she had change from the trip but I should just hold onto it because I was going to need it in the next 3 days. The next day I could see she forgot and didn't want her to think I was taking advantage of her so I reminded her. I could tell she wasn't happy about me not giving back any change so I said "do you want me to just keep a portion of it for now?" She agreed so I gave her back a portion. When I got in last night I told her I should just have held onto the whole thing because I used up the whole portion that day and I'm going to need the other portion for the next 2 days.
So this morning I said that if she's busy to just leave the whole portion on the table so I can use it for the next two days. Thus the harassment began about having to go through the entire explanation all over again which I refused to do but through the years have done many many times very loudly which is the loudness airhead (and the ghost of robodick) went into court using against me and both lawyers used against me and ultimately the nobrain judge (or actually the corrupt judge) pulled a no-brainer by asking my mother about Christine's past medical care, witnessing the complete lack, admonishing her for it, and then just letting it slide.
Of course as my life has been flashing before my eyes since 2008 upon receiving a surprise letter in the mail from the Morris County Surrogate's Court I went through it again with mom that this is what two children coming home from a hospital had to go through. I said maybe that's what they do in the old part of Ireland she's from but one of the children she imposed this on had to go out in the world not knowing better, doing what she does and paying a heavy price for it. Christine didn't like that but Christine has to keep being reminded how much she's missing out on in getting better through modern methods all because of mom and a corrupt court. Christine still can't connect because of the sheltered life she is in where she doesn't deal with handling her own affairs. I actually made a mistake on the Ireland thing though. That's actually a copycat thing from how she's seen many women act in NYC.
Yesterday I posted the story of the immigrants that are coming to Massachusettes and pretending to be school age when actually they're much older. See how little patience I have about these illegal immigrants? Pretending to be something they're not just for the better life? How many will suffer as a result when this country won't just do what they do to many other nations of sticking their nose in it's business to better their life in their land? *sigh* as I undertake another ten hour day that if I was getting paid for I wouldn't be waiting to die. I'm not going back to school. Enough of the 8 year fulltime plan having been newly diagnosed and sticking with it through thick and thin just for mom to come out and say she never told me to go to college and Claire to baffedly declare "We were all told we were going to college since we were in kindergarten!" only to have Claire either retract that statement when she needed to or not comment stating some things are not important.
I recently said to mom to go take care of her lie at the Surrogate's Court and I'll stop putting all our business out here like this but she declined. Ok. I'm not the only one who made bad choices due to brain injury. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but this is surreal without giving medical situations their medical credence.
September 1st 2014
September 2nd 2014
So tonight mom couldn't pronounce a condition her friend got "an embism?" I turned around and said "an EMBOLISM. The same you had but it went to your eye and not your brain like the eye doctor explained." She shoo'ed me away. Perhaps the reason is she can't stand to hear that and it scares her. Whatever the case nice medical guardianship Morris County Surrogate's Court.
September 3rd 2014
September 4th 2014
September 5th 2014
AND MOM NOT DEALING WITH THIS ACCIDENT HAPPENED AGAIN MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT. WHAT F*CKING CORRUPT EVIL YOU ARE. Mom had her first evaluation today with a doctor of this calibur http://syracusenaturalhealing.com/ and his prognosis of her was good UNTIL I chimed in about history he didn't know because mom didn't say anything: her leg injury from 36 years ago. How that injury then turned into a knee replacement years later and then some years after that the other knee was replaced. Mom has tried a chiropractor before and I don't know if they were the type that incorporates natural healing but I bet it didn't last because it wasn't doing anything because the doctor didn't have the whole story - a waste of time and money. After this appointment we had lunch which made mom unexpectedly tired and out came the medically confusing abuse me and Christine grew up with (me more so). She starts in with "I should have just had a sandwich." You have to understand disabled children growing up with these always regretful statements. smh. This is so huge and long and such a way of life for real. And then judge Deanne M. Wilson witnesses what my mother does, admonishes her for it, and then just let's it slide. yeah.
And that's not even the half of it. I had to help fill out her forms for the initial consultation. When it comes to what her diagnosis is now I wrote down what I know she has and then she added in another with "I guess" so I put a question mark after it. Then when it came to answering how long she's had this condition I knew how to pin her down by asking her when she received an MRI the first time for the diagnosis. After telling me she said not to put that down because it "was just a little bit" meaning it was starting and hadn't gotten that painful yet. A diagnosis is a diagnosis regardless of how bad the pain is.What f*cking stress me and Christine grew up medially in. When it came to answering how she feels, she couldn't answer. smh. But that's the older generation Irish that disregards emotions. I'm still not done describing all this but I got other things to do.
September 7th 2014
September 13th 2014
Mom's really going off the deep end in the other direction. Coming out the elevator of the doctor's ofc the other day I walked out leaving them to fend for themselves since she supposedly can still care for Christine and Christine hesitated by mom going on about her fears so the door closed on them with them still inside with mom's mouth still going a mile a minute. As she was coming out the natural came out of her mouth "I need someone to..." and trailing off. I pointed out what she was saying (as truth) to do something about it and no response as usual. What followed soon after was the car incident where because of her shoulder pain and her diminished ability to raise her arms adequately to the steering wheel as well as her difficulty judging distance when in a tight turn (I'm pretty sure the latter has always been there) she made quite a scene) and some guy yelled directly to me in the backseat "seriously!?" Well last night I tried to reason with her that I've been right about more than one thing regarding Christine so she needs to take care of this because I'm at my breaking point. It was a tough pill to swallow when all she would do was argue oblivious as to how her ignoring my requests thru the years to take care of us legally has come to this. I said you can't take care of Christine anymore. Her response was "yes I can." I said you have a problem driving and her response was "no I don't." She's going off the deep end when she denies things she's already readily admitted. This is what the lack of oversight in raising 2 medically needy children all by herself has come to.
So today I walked outside and said to Christine "I guess you forgot to turn on the channel you like (that she only has because of me). She said yes and I went back into the room. When mom came upstairs she asked mom to turn it on dependent on mom as always. Mom needs someone taking care of her even though (and BECAUSE) she creates misery by needing to be left alone. None of this means she was at fault for the accident just because the local yokel witness who probably covered up for the local yokel truck driver saying he saw her turning into the store in front of the truck's patch. I'm still trying to find out that if he was sued for speeding and over the weight limit does that mean he was ticketed for it and was his guilt or innocence based on the trial outcome??? This unsolved case will probably remain unsolved unless someone like me insists on having it solved. Meanwhile airhead has convinced mom I just keep living in the past. Solve the cold case airhead!!! Oh wait my uncle by marriage said something was just not right about the investigation and a piece of our property was stolen from the scene. Did the police find that this was my mother's fault? The one with the least injuries fed fuel to the one not giving needed care to the ones with most injuries and this is the result.
September 14th 2014
Bingo! After Pia Farenkopf entered my mind for some unknown reason I started reading the FB page her niece created and what a mess for the family in boston 11-13 hours away who have no knowledge of how much corruption Pia may have been living around. A contractor came to do a trash out and the police never took the computers and mail to search through??? That's the kind of stuff that makes me give directions that if anything happens I am not to be autopsied or otherwise kept in northern ny. If I'm dead tomorrow I have a family of tremendous neglect - tremendous due to my development disabling vulnerabilities that my family is heart wrenchingly out of touch with. The cops here have no clue of the political switchboard Potsdam is and what that means. There was a disadvantaged German (?) woman who used to walk those streets prior to the ice storm of '98(?) never to be seen, heard from, or mentioned again. She was disadvantaged because a man she married(?) stole all her money and left her high and dry - common corruption for that particular area where i came to know the definition of "repressed women." She walked around with a shopping cart and one day she told me when she sprained her ankle the er doc didnt give her crutches but told her to just walk with the cart - common bizarre things to witness. (Thats why i say that if i died in the arms of the one and only north country guy i ever had interest in i'm ok with that coz that one and only was home to me). Some time later a woman I would say could be her sister used to come into the library and use the computer. I sometimes wondered if she was researching the whereabouts of this woman. Interesting to note Pia graduated high school same year as Claire.
And by the way my one and only is a cop (or more like messy marvin with a gun who needs to be true to himself and give up the act).
I just informed mom christine's casemanager is not a case manager but a voc rehab counselor (as I looked her up on the internet) and it was a voc rehab counselor who ruined my career most likely because they're not trained to deal with or help highly educated people. She never heard the term voc rehab counselor. YEAH THAT'S THE CARE CHRISTINE HAS BEEN LEFT TO. I TRIED AGAIN TO REASON WITH HER THAT'S WHY SHE NEEDS TO GO DOWN TO THE SURROGATE'S COURT AND ADD ME ON TO CHRISTINE
"Coming dear...xozo"
But I did just ask her if she remembers claiming in court that I was after christine's money and no response. I took a picture of a piece of mail with her and Claire's name on it let alone all her checks have Claire's name on it. Claire's name in the history since I turned 18 have never been on mom's stuff. Only mine and mine is no longer there. This paranoid longer did her loose cannon thing of guessing with LIVES. throw her in fucking jail already.
"Eeks...reading a few times."
"Try calling adult protective service announamously. ..talk to supervisor?"
September 15th 2014
"Hippy and crazy are misused. Hippies are not lazy....that would be lazy pepple arevlazy...bad parents are called abusers or enablers.Ty for clarification....and opp to defend the most beautiful group of people I strive to be a better hippy ...the stigma is rough."
September 17th 2014
Mom is exuding her usual crisis stress saying she's running around trying to get so much done and so Christine is stressing and mom is telling her to calm down while I'm going on 36 hours of being continually numb. Emailed the court-appointed attorney since I have nothing to lose. Dodged a security situation at the hospital the other day due to a shit-4-brains social services person when all I'm trying to do is help the sister I lived in a hospital with. THAT'S the kind of people mom couldn't decipher so she kept us away from ALL social service people. Mom has still not cancelled the next appt with christine's inappropriate doctor that the court ruled is too traumatic for her to go to. She needs to cancel and take a step back and do more research for something more appropriate 4 Christine. Where's Claire in all this?. Nice going Morris County Surrogate's Court.
hahahahaa. I'm hanging out on the snooty side of town today and when they seen me coming and hadn't ordered yet I noticed from the side of my eye the "minority" worker said something to the illegal immigrant worker but the illegal immigrant worker's family has seen me many times in the other places so they were able to say I'm OK. Before that you should have seen the looks looking me up and down. hahaha. I mean I am wearing pants from the last decade coz that's all the clothes I have left and I wear my ripped shirt under my non-ripped shirt which is a woman Kmart shirt dollar store (?) shirt. These people just didn't know that not only wasn't I ever like this in life but that being pulled out of my everyday habits (which is brain injury important) by a man that thought I was some hot chick "without a life" (that he could give a life - you know the song lyrics "...take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world...") and thereby crashing my life. Anyway, onto my next ten hours of trying to catch up on what I've missed out on while bedridden from stress while babysitting what I'm missing while our loose cannon is doing things against the court findings.
August 20th 2014
fucking forgot the follow-up appt for Christine was today. FUCK! of
course mom didn't remind me. Of course I didn't remember. A lot has
happened in this past week. My life flashing before my eyes with the
revelation of the lie she brought me up under, .... actually I think
that was the only major. No then Christine falling and mom being a
clueless about the ER conversation about her crutch. Something
is out of control about this clueless biach running loose in America. I
miss last week because she discovered it was an hour earlier and then
tonight I totally forgot christine's appt because she doesn't have wifi
at this house. I am fucking livid. More to come when I'm sober about
this un-needed Liar.
cannot express the rage at this mother fucking moron right now. I slept
right thru pierce brosnan on conan tonight and I need another fucking
drink. This is how and why Claire was court ordered out of this house.
Hopefully this next drink is my last. Words can't express what's going
on right now of this moron who doesn't belong in this fucking country.
was in this dumbass's face tonight and she winced in fear as if I was
going to get violent with her. THAT'S THE DEMONS IN HER OWN HEAD NO ONE
IS FIXING. That's what made her go into a court today and LIE and they
all catered to HER problems.
no point in even talking anymore. My undiagnosed symptoms are being
drunk back to sleep and I need to finish my application with legal
people tomorrow (as if this situation is ever going to be under
control). Even when she's dead it won't be because christine's care is
slated to go to Claire.
Btw here's a pic of Claire's untreated seizure camera flash droop eyes
that were so prevalent in high school. I was shocked her eyes are
actually open. This was two years post mva and I'm sure the drugs she
did only added to the prob.
let's see. Post mva christine's sole guardian has an undiagnosed
seizure disorder, fainting spells,choking history, religious brain
washing after crashing herself drunk into a telephone pole thinking it
would kill her like it killed Dorothy, and anything else I missed. NICE
August 21st 2014
have so much stress on me from last night I started to get going for
the day and then tanked. Mom's memory has been going for a while and
that's fine but to call me a Liar over what she doesn't remember is not
fine. She doesn't remember coming down on me after my cousin Laura had
christine's weight down to where Christine looked good and was walking
better. She came down on me saying "just what am
I going to do if Christine gets pregnant?" and fattened her up again -
or actually didn't take steps to control her weight. Laura warned me
before she went back home that it's up to me and to stick with it but I
told Laura it's impossible with my mother around. I grew up with the
constant empty threats of putting a lock on the refrigerator because of
what Christine would do when we were out of the house.
August 23rd 2014
tonight shows mom's deficiencies. Sure enough Christine went back to
taking her seizure med with a sip of hot tea so I said to not do that
...to take it w the 8oz bottle of water even though it's better to have w
more. Tonight I noticed she only took it with 4oz water. Mom said well
she had water earlier plus coffee and tea. I REMINDED her the pharmacist
said coffee and tea do not take the place
of WATER. NO RESPONSE. and THAT'S the lack of consistent care we've
been left to not mentioning the "how much can I get away with" attitude.
If she's not obligated to answer to anyone we suffer. Even the doc
follow-up said to keep drinking water. Everyone has a record now. I told
her it doesn't have to turn into this if she just goes takes care of
things the right way at the surrogate's court but because Claire's
undiagnosed untreated brain injury life helps her feed into her denial
that we have a problem I'm waiting to die as painlessly as possible.
Mhana as usual for your support. Last night mom was talking to the
mother of one nonhandicapped kid I was always compared to and related to
her the neurologist told her she experienced a blood clot (or could
have - mom plays with words as needed) but just argued with me when I
related what the eye doctor said.
August 24th 2014
a fucking injustice for stem cells to help people (on cnbc) tonight.
They chose an unqualified doctor and a situation to do it under fda
guidelines in a country where it's illegal. Is this supposed to have a
standing ovation? Will this help cover-up Claire's undiagnosed and
untreated seizure disorder? Claire doesn't drive at night and I don't
think it's age related.
August 28th 2014
August 31st 2014
So giving a picture of the everyday stress I grew up with, mom got comfortable in a niche of constantly asking why about things so the children she raised that depended on her greatly after being let go from the trauma of a strange hospital grew up with the stress of always having to needlessly explain themselves.
Due to the holiday weekend my money/meal situation is different. When I got back from traveling the other day I told her she had change from the trip but I should just hold onto it because I was going to need it in the next 3 days. The next day I could see she forgot and didn't want her to think I was taking advantage of her so I reminded her. I could tell she wasn't happy about me not giving back any change so I said "do you want me to just keep a portion of it for now?" She agreed so I gave her back a portion. When I got in last night I told her I should just have held onto the whole thing because I used up the whole portion that day and I'm going to need the other portion for the next 2 days.
So this morning I said that if she's busy to just leave the whole portion on the table so I can use it for the next two days. Thus the harassment began about having to go through the entire explanation all over again which I refused to do but through the years have done many many times very loudly which is the loudness airhead (and the ghost of robodick) went into court using against me and both lawyers used against me and ultimately the nobrain judge (or actually the corrupt judge) pulled a no-brainer by asking my mother about Christine's past medical care, witnessing the complete lack, admonishing her for it, and then just letting it slide.
Of course as my life has been flashing before my eyes since 2008 upon receiving a surprise letter in the mail from the Morris County Surrogate's Court I went through it again with mom that this is what two children coming home from a hospital had to go through. I said maybe that's what they do in the old part of Ireland she's from but one of the children she imposed this on had to go out in the world not knowing better, doing what she does and paying a heavy price for it. Christine didn't like that but Christine has to keep being reminded how much she's missing out on in getting better through modern methods all because of mom and a corrupt court. Christine still can't connect because of the sheltered life she is in where she doesn't deal with handling her own affairs. I actually made a mistake on the Ireland thing though. That's actually a copycat thing from how she's seen many women act in NYC.
Yesterday I posted the story of the immigrants that are coming to Massachusettes and pretending to be school age when actually they're much older. See how little patience I have about these illegal immigrants? Pretending to be something they're not just for the better life? How many will suffer as a result when this country won't just do what they do to many other nations of sticking their nose in it's business to better their life in their land? *sigh* as I undertake another ten hour day that if I was getting paid for I wouldn't be waiting to die. I'm not going back to school. Enough of the 8 year fulltime plan having been newly diagnosed and sticking with it through thick and thin just for mom to come out and say she never told me to go to college and Claire to baffedly declare "We were all told we were going to college since we were in kindergarten!" only to have Claire either retract that statement when she needed to or not comment stating some things are not important.
I recently said to mom to go take care of her lie at the Surrogate's Court and I'll stop putting all our business out here like this but she declined. Ok. I'm not the only one who made bad choices due to brain injury. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but this is surreal without giving medical situations their medical credence.
September 1st 2014
glad to be rumaging through all the old emails I got so swamped with
which brought me to this notification. Christine's court appointed
attorney buys into how much money it is unfair to do this to Christine
when I know for a fact Christine has
more assets than is being revealed. Hiding them offshore has got to be
the answer of what's happening. Ok I can stop for the day now with this
post. http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=32938
getting number as I type. Tonight mom gave a call to the mother of the
non-handicapped child I was always compared to growing up as not being
good enough as. She called her up after missing a weekend away with them
that she and Christine can't go to anymore because their handicaps are
getting worse and the place doesn't have handicapped accommodations. It
hit me how intuition really lets you know
when something is just wrong. In 2010 to find out by surprise that
Claire was suddenly in Ireland made no sense at all - just like surprise
papers in the mail from the surrogate's court made no sense at all. Mom
had already admitted in 2008-2009 that this was just an amount of money
being put aside for Christine's Supplemental Needs Trust. Not too long
before that we had a conversation that Christine had to pay tax and I
didn't because her money didn't dwindle to college, driving a car, and
normal life expenses. No one did an investigation? This is what our
lives were thrown to? Smh as I just get number and would do best not to
wake up to this life, this fraud. The feeling just hits home stronger
of the abusiveness we were left to in this country. Had we been taken to
Ireland to be raised I believe we would have had a better life based on
the simple fact of being surrounded by kindness of the innocent sort.
Mean-spiritedness that mom turned a blind eye to really kills the soul.
Part of it happened right outside her window meanwhile she has a
reputation of beating up the boys growing up. My father was going to
teach me how to defend myself because he has an American clue and she
put an abrupt end to it. Where was Claire throughout all of the above?
Out ruining her life with drugs to medicate an undiagnosed brain injury
with sensitivity to sudden light that could send her into seizures.
how we teach kids about solving unsolved crimes and also glorify movies
for them like Frozen. Cintradictions that are nothing new but odd.
September 2nd 2014
So tonight mom couldn't pronounce a condition her friend got "an embism?" I turned around and said "an EMBOLISM. The same you had but it went to your eye and not your brain like the eye doctor explained." She shoo'ed me away. Perhaps the reason is she can't stand to hear that and it scares her. Whatever the case nice medical guardianship Morris County Surrogate's Court.
September 3rd 2014
tonight I made note of the Chinese food when I came home - the usual of
Christine having pineapple chicken from the old place and mom having
the beef dish as usual. Needless fighting in the past month because mom
had to stand by her dietary lies to Claire. Curse the day I woke up in a
car in a garage with a running engine. People in the legal realm get
what's going on but i received a declination again from legal services
coz they don't have the funding to help me. I don't have the energy to
ride this merry-go-round anymore which is probably pronounced by the
voodoo spell put on me by someone I have no idea. Curse the control of
my impulsive behavior.
September 4th 2014
watching a lifelock infomercial w montel williams which includes an
interview with Guiliani who tried to do work in Mexico and although
identity theft is not exclusive to illegal aliens, there is no mention
of illegal aliens who do make up the
majority of Identity theft. Remember that the last time I looked up my
legal name, up came a collection agency in Mexico (haha!). Before that
my legal name ommitted info that came out about my legal name used as a
cell phone owner in california. (In other words something completely and
totally stinks about this situation beyond our wildest dreams). My
first time finding my legal name under someone else, I did not use
search engine Google. It did not come up under Google. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tzn0avwkBNY
September 5th 2014
AND MOM NOT DEALING WITH THIS ACCIDENT HAPPENED AGAIN MORRIS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT. WHAT F*CKING CORRUPT EVIL YOU ARE. Mom had her first evaluation today with a doctor of this calibur http://syracusenaturalhealing.com/ and his prognosis of her was good UNTIL I chimed in about history he didn't know because mom didn't say anything: her leg injury from 36 years ago. How that injury then turned into a knee replacement years later and then some years after that the other knee was replaced. Mom has tried a chiropractor before and I don't know if they were the type that incorporates natural healing but I bet it didn't last because it wasn't doing anything because the doctor didn't have the whole story - a waste of time and money. After this appointment we had lunch which made mom unexpectedly tired and out came the medically confusing abuse me and Christine grew up with (me more so). She starts in with "I should have just had a sandwich." You have to understand disabled children growing up with these always regretful statements. smh. This is so huge and long and such a way of life for real. And then judge Deanne M. Wilson witnesses what my mother does, admonishes her for it, and then just let's it slide. yeah.
And that's not even the half of it. I had to help fill out her forms for the initial consultation. When it comes to what her diagnosis is now I wrote down what I know she has and then she added in another with "I guess" so I put a question mark after it. Then when it came to answering how long she's had this condition I knew how to pin her down by asking her when she received an MRI the first time for the diagnosis. After telling me she said not to put that down because it "was just a little bit" meaning it was starting and hadn't gotten that painful yet. A diagnosis is a diagnosis regardless of how bad the pain is.What f*cking stress me and Christine grew up medially in. When it came to answering how she feels, she couldn't answer. smh. But that's the older generation Irish that disregards emotions. I'm still not done describing all this but I got other things to do.
September 7th 2014
UPDATE: I have spoken with a lawyer who needs a $5000 retainer to proceed with this action. Big difference from $70,000 but as I said I really don't know how much it will cost. Here's a more attainable goal. www.gofundme.com/some-justice
September 12th 2014
September 12th 2014
Chicken soup for my soul
know how this goes bigtime: " Former Irish president to the Vatican—“If
I’m yelling it’s because you didn’t listen to me when I said it nicely"
September 13th 2014
Mom's really going off the deep end in the other direction. Coming out the elevator of the doctor's ofc the other day I walked out leaving them to fend for themselves since she supposedly can still care for Christine and Christine hesitated by mom going on about her fears so the door closed on them with them still inside with mom's mouth still going a mile a minute. As she was coming out the natural came out of her mouth "I need someone to..." and trailing off. I pointed out what she was saying (as truth) to do something about it and no response as usual. What followed soon after was the car incident where because of her shoulder pain and her diminished ability to raise her arms adequately to the steering wheel as well as her difficulty judging distance when in a tight turn (I'm pretty sure the latter has always been there) she made quite a scene) and some guy yelled directly to me in the backseat "seriously!?" Well last night I tried to reason with her that I've been right about more than one thing regarding Christine so she needs to take care of this because I'm at my breaking point. It was a tough pill to swallow when all she would do was argue oblivious as to how her ignoring my requests thru the years to take care of us legally has come to this. I said you can't take care of Christine anymore. Her response was "yes I can." I said you have a problem driving and her response was "no I don't." She's going off the deep end when she denies things she's already readily admitted. This is what the lack of oversight in raising 2 medically needy children all by herself has come to.
So today I walked outside and said to Christine "I guess you forgot to turn on the channel you like (that she only has because of me). She said yes and I went back into the room. When mom came upstairs she asked mom to turn it on dependent on mom as always. Mom needs someone taking care of her even though (and BECAUSE) she creates misery by needing to be left alone. None of this means she was at fault for the accident just because the local yokel witness who probably covered up for the local yokel truck driver saying he saw her turning into the store in front of the truck's patch. I'm still trying to find out that if he was sued for speeding and over the weight limit does that mean he was ticketed for it and was his guilt or innocence based on the trial outcome??? This unsolved case will probably remain unsolved unless someone like me insists on having it solved. Meanwhile airhead has convinced mom I just keep living in the past. Solve the cold case airhead!!! Oh wait my uncle by marriage said something was just not right about the investigation and a piece of our property was stolen from the scene. Did the police find that this was my mother's fault? The one with the least injuries fed fuel to the one not giving needed care to the ones with most injuries and this is the result.
was supposed to be fitted for a belt yesterday and has to wear it at as
part of homework. I would have noticed. Idk. Whatever.
Advances Christine will miss out on without me http://www.rctherapy.com/cell-therapy/brain-injury/
Gee mom's not home regular time from eating. Having a delightful fantasy she's finally aressted. More than likely though she went to visit her NYC sister.
Yup there goes the garage door and the shit we're treated like continues. They did the usual according to Christine so I question what made them 40 or more minutes late. And the sh*tbag I am due to not reaching the goals she set out for me continues. Of course I need to wonder. The doctor's appt she gladly didn't tell me about but then called me up for dinner after turns
Christine goes thru the usual frustration and stressful routine with
mom coz mom sleeps too much anymore. This is frustration mom gets to lie
about because Christine can't express that level of experience except
in the heat of the moment like when we
walked in the door the night of the car turning incident banging her
crutch and screaming several different swear words and the phrase "mom
doesn't give a shit." My response was to say "I know but that's why you
need to tell your casemanager you want to get better because she's all
for you going to the get better plan."
flashes of how my care was left here with this woman who couldn't
provide for me and Christine medically and vocationally and we had no
protector. Flashes as I lay here day 3. In 1992 when I tried to get her
treated there were no google maps for me to get her there. I did track
down the phone number of her doctor who revealed mom's "couple years
ago" that she took her to the neurologist at Rusk Institute was actually
Ten years so the doctor couldn't comment. The doc actually lives in the
same town as my first highschool. How did this woman stay under the
radar? Even in the end. Part of my problem was using Claire for
guidance. Just can't handle the silence. Claire's attitude was more of
a "who cares.it's mom's thing" but I never could agree or have peace
with that attitude. I barely can type out of mental exhaustion of the
lives - our lives- left to Rot. She got so upset I spoke to christine's
caseworker saying Christine was going to get thrown out of her shop. Not
at all! Normally she would be thrown in jail for neglect. But how is
she successfully under the radar??
just isn't going to end in this nightmare. I'll end in this nightmare
but this nightmare isn't going to end like this with mom just doing her
own thing again and going against what the court found in finding
against me.Gee mom's not home regular time from eating. Having a delightful fantasy she's finally aressted. More than likely though she went to visit her NYC sister.
Yup there goes the garage door and the shit we're treated like continues. They did the usual according to Christine so I question what made them 40 or more minutes late. And the sh*tbag I am due to not reaching the goals she set out for me continues. Of course I need to wonder. The doctor's appt she gladly didn't tell me about but then called me up for dinner after turns
September 14th 2014
Bingo! After Pia Farenkopf entered my mind for some unknown reason I started reading the FB page her niece created and what a mess for the family in boston 11-13 hours away who have no knowledge of how much corruption Pia may have been living around. A contractor came to do a trash out and the police never took the computers and mail to search through??? That's the kind of stuff that makes me give directions that if anything happens I am not to be autopsied or otherwise kept in northern ny. If I'm dead tomorrow I have a family of tremendous neglect - tremendous due to my development disabling vulnerabilities that my family is heart wrenchingly out of touch with. The cops here have no clue of the political switchboard Potsdam is and what that means. There was a disadvantaged German (?) woman who used to walk those streets prior to the ice storm of '98(?) never to be seen, heard from, or mentioned again. She was disadvantaged because a man she married(?) stole all her money and left her high and dry - common corruption for that particular area where i came to know the definition of "repressed women." She walked around with a shopping cart and one day she told me when she sprained her ankle the er doc didnt give her crutches but told her to just walk with the cart - common bizarre things to witness. (Thats why i say that if i died in the arms of the one and only north country guy i ever had interest in i'm ok with that coz that one and only was home to me). Some time later a woman I would say could be her sister used to come into the library and use the computer. I sometimes wondered if she was researching the whereabouts of this woman. Interesting to note Pia graduated high school same year as Claire.
And by the way my one and only is a cop (or more like messy marvin with a gun who needs to be true to himself and give up the act).
I just informed mom christine's casemanager is not a case manager but a voc rehab counselor (as I looked her up on the internet) and it was a voc rehab counselor who ruined my career most likely because they're not trained to deal with or help highly educated people. She never heard the term voc rehab counselor. YEAH THAT'S THE CARE CHRISTINE HAS BEEN LEFT TO. I TRIED AGAIN TO REASON WITH HER THAT'S WHY SHE NEEDS TO GO DOWN TO THE SURROGATE'S COURT AND ADD ME ON TO CHRISTINE
"Coming dear...xozo"
But I did just ask her if she remembers claiming in court that I was after christine's money and no response. I took a picture of a piece of mail with her and Claire's name on it let alone all her checks have Claire's name on it. Claire's name in the history since I turned 18 have never been on mom's stuff. Only mine and mine is no longer there. This paranoid longer did her loose cannon thing of guessing with LIVES. throw her in fucking jail already.
"Eeks...reading a few times."
"Try calling adult protective service announamously. ..talk to supervisor?"
say what? The independent living center (another thing mom never heard
of when i said it to her) said they'd call them for me but haven't heard
back. I've called them before but they can't help me so I'll see if the
ilc can.
in the lives of her children" is how I phrased it I think. That is also
consistent with how she was pre-accident. W/o those sisters to help me
get thru and understand life this is the result. No protection from
pays off. I atleast know where to be when the next doc appt rolls
around that she conveniently didn't call me prior to going for follow up
but calls me up after to go to fucking dinner.
Never mind. It was the old appt card.September 15th 2014
there mom goes with a medical plan laid out for her that she doesn't
understand but I do coz I was there when it was laid out and asked
questions along the way. SHE DOES THE SAME FOR CHRISTINE. I learned
today though that once a court appointed attorney is done with the
guardianship, hired by the court, they are released from their duties. I
thought they're chained to it. Ok. Just another numbed night for the
justice in family court that continues to destroy the lives it
conveniently got out of the way. I just want to be done with this and
have the means to do so. Yeah. What the f*ck are we doing here? Perhaps
the answer is found in Princeton theological seminary graduate dr.
Victor Paul Wierewille starting The Way International but known by some
of his fellows to be a hippie pedofile.
sweetie. I don't mean to offend. Those were the exact words said to me
by a Cornell alumni who knew people acquainted with Dr Victor Paul
Wierewille. Here's a link about the father of MP: http://abcnews.go.com/.../mackenzie-phillips.../story...
"Im a hippy"
I don't doubt it . Some were/are peace, love - most - some destroyed lives (like McKenzie Phillips: father) .
"Confused....im offended wen people use hippy as a cut.""Hippy and crazy are misused. Hippies are not lazy....that would be lazy pepple arevlazy...bad parents are called abusers or enablers.Ty for clarification....and opp to defend the most beautiful group of people I strive to be a better hippy ...the stigma is rough."
"I am marin county native and no one I knew had a hot tub."
September 16th 2014
JUSTIFIED! Hahahahaha. My Neuroscientist girl knows it!!! http://www.kveller.com/…/mayim-bialik-why-my-sons-and-i-ha…/
Mom is exuding her usual crisis stress saying she's running around trying to get so much done and so Christine is stressing and mom is telling her to calm down while I'm going on 36 hours of being continually numb. Emailed the court-appointed attorney since I have nothing to lose. Dodged a security situation at the hospital the other day due to a shit-4-brains social services person when all I'm trying to do is help the sister I lived in a hospital with. THAT'S the kind of people mom couldn't decipher so she kept us away from ALL social service people. Mom has still not cancelled the next appt with christine's inappropriate doctor that the court ruled is too traumatic for her to go to. She needs to cancel and take a step back and do more research for something more appropriate 4 Christine. Where's Claire in all this?. Nice going Morris County Surrogate's Court.
mom went out not saying where she's going denying it has anything to do
w Christine. Ty Mhana Mason 4 pointing out her saying nothing to anyone
is her way of controlling.
"A rush song lyric says.When we do nothing we still have made a choice. Something like that. Study Disengagement and deflection and passive aggressive and narcisism to understand better. And how to disengage from narsists and passive aggressive....learning more than how to indentify but how to deal with and free one's self from their control."
September 20th 2014"A rush song lyric says.When we do nothing we still have made a choice. Something like that. Study Disengagement and deflection and passive aggressive and narcisism to understand better. And how to disengage from narsists and passive aggressive....learning more than how to indentify but how to deal with and free one's self from their control."
lied bout tending to christine's needs when she got home. The usual. We
needed 2b cared4by someone not overwhelmed like this.
hahahahaa. I'm hanging out on the snooty side of town today and when they seen me coming and hadn't ordered yet I noticed from the side of my eye the "minority" worker said something to the illegal immigrant worker but the illegal immigrant worker's family has seen me many times in the other places so they were able to say I'm OK. Before that you should have seen the looks looking me up and down. hahaha. I mean I am wearing pants from the last decade coz that's all the clothes I have left and I wear my ripped shirt under my non-ripped shirt which is a woman Kmart shirt dollar store (?) shirt. These people just didn't know that not only wasn't I ever like this in life but that being pulled out of my everyday habits (which is brain injury important) by a man that thought I was some hot chick "without a life" (that he could give a life - you know the song lyrics "...take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world...") and thereby crashing my life. Anyway, onto my next ten hours of trying to catch up on what I've missed out on while bedridden from stress while babysitting what I'm missing while our loose cannon is doing things against the court findings.
there she went. Yet again out of touch. Out of the blue asking me to
help her with her back stuff when I already told her she can fend for
herself if she's going to shit on me. The fact I wouldn't do it made her
go off and she had Christine do it stressing Christine out with open
curtains in her underwear for all to see which she stopped doing in 2009
after I lost being medical guardian. Then she tried calling me every
name in her book telling me to get out while I tell her plain and simple
to get a court order (again). She then says the police are enough.
Sounds petty? Do I sound like an unharassed medically needy person at
peace w having my needs met?
September 22nd 2014
September 23rd 2014September 22nd 2014
the word for anyone who was or will be completely devastated by a
miscarriage of justice in family court. "FCLU has received hundreds of
incredible case profiles and has three pairs of adversaries that are
willing to be Whistleblowers. We are now expanding our investigation to
probe family court clerks and judges. Please forward all family court
clerk and judge email addresses. FCLU shall contact them for a last
chance Whistleblower opportunity before the expose' is broadcast. Thank
you. Groberts@fclu.org " http://www.fclu.org/
the usual mom telling Christine in a cold tone of voice she did
something wrong and Christine responding back in a defensive, stressed
THIS lying her way thru a court system she didn't understand.
September 24th 2014
September 25th 2014
September 24th 2014
on me for not keeping in mind I left this northeastern corner of the
country to find out things. Just because cops get waited on by illegal
immigrants all the time doesn't mean they're not illegal. The small talk
suddenly stopped hehehe
September 25th 2014
got caught in a lie regarding christine's welfare. She doesn't know
that just because a number comes up "unknown name" on caller id that
they still can be found on the internet. I'll have to ask her what she's
hiding this time to convenience herself cutting christine's life into a
shortened nightmare.
and there is one of the humiliating realities of this family not dealing with a car accident that injured all of us. I'm at a function of Christine's and had gone to one recently. The thing I went to recently was a memorial of the mother of one of the women. I just asked (verifying her name). Not only was it extremely uncomfortable for me to learn it was for her mother and not a peer of Christine but that my brain injury causes problems with recognition and overload. The loud music here tonight is overload and the new situation of the memorial was overload oh but I'm just an embarrassment - not so much to mom anymore because she's let go of me under Claire's brainwashing or whoever else that she did all she was supposed to do and I'm just an idiot all my own. That's abuse of a vulnerable adult with no protection.
—feeling emotional
September 26th 2014 this story is so exhausting to keep repeating. The only plus is NYS's underwear is hung out:
I guess it also depends on what state you're in. I was injured as a young child but grew up in regular schooling until I insisted on a diagnosis my senior year of highschool - i had transferred into public school for the last two years of my basic education. I worked since I was ten years old right up until leaving for college and when I returned home from college. I never have a problem getting a job in NJ whether it's from a diagnosed or undiagnosed point of view. During college I took advantage of the "special education/testing needs." After college I got involved with NYS VESID (Vocational Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities). I gave them all the medical records I had thus far that carried me through a life of grammar school and a job, high school and a job, and college and a job. They felt it wasn't enough for them to go by so they left me sitting around for two years (not weeks) while my IT career died. My biggest weak point is interviewing. Just as I started practicing interviewing and getting good at it they dropped me from those services stating they didn't have enough medical records on me. The Client Assistance Program which overseas them and promised they would help me, completely wasted two years of my life when the State (VESID) said they would pay for me to go a hundred miles away to a brain injury rehab place and be pharmacologically treated. (Ha! I totally saved my health on that one! I would be strung out on psychotropic drugs to this day had I gone against my own natural instincts to treat myself naturally (I've had a bit of experience with antidepressants...some by choice but most by force or deception)). When they closed my case over this I simply returned to NJ and worked a bunch of jobs gaining references and a letter/testing from a reputable doctor at the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation stating for me to not return to VESID without a lawyer. Not a lawyer in NY would touch my case stating that the State can do whatever they want and the reputable doctor didn't mean a thing to NYS. By the time I got back with VESID I could only get legal services to "help ease the tension" so to speak in getting me back with VESID. Enter the Ticket to Work Program. I restarted all the interviewing help I needed and job coaching, etc. The first agency I was involved with falsified information about me so VESID got me in touch with another agency to do all those job related activities. I went on job interviews with and without my job coach and did all this stuff and no one would hire me. The reason I stay away from settling in NJ is because there is no oversight to my previous guardian who is not competent to be a medical and vocational guardian. I had ALL I needed to be successful in NYS. My medical records in NJ prepared me for a life of working to specifically keep my mind engaged away from the stress of my home in NJ. As NYS left me idling for two years I was pulled into a vortex of living a life with tied hands because some things are out of my control. Anyway, this novel could go on but I guess I'll end here :). . Just one last note - doing legal research I found out The Department of Education which runs VESID cut funding for Legal Services to take those cases to court right around the time I needed them most.
September 27th 2014
I guess she found the non-emergency # for the police. SM FUCKING H
September 29th 2014
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way. http://pagesix.com/…/george-pataki-mulls-2016-bid-meets-wi…/
October 1st 2014
Are you paying attention Aunt Maureen Murray? So you can not be so abusive in your niece's condition? How about some justice in America? How about not influencing your sister to believe I'm full of crap? How about if no one does anything for me then I need to take care of myself? How about learning about child brain development and what happens when that formation is injured during the time of development? How about stepping outside the only things you know of growing up in your own culture with your own amount of education? http://dolmanlaw.blogspot.com/…/08/unnoticed-brain-injury.h…
October 2nd 2014
This is absolutely rediculous. I'm where I grew up and know the NJ laws on loitering. Unfortunately, my home has turned into the land of Babel. In broken English-Bangladesh I'm being told the time I should leave because the manager is coming in at that time. I'm told manager who is male from Bangladesh said(?) they have to charge me for staying here so long. HA! I have to charge you buddy for living here illegally and stealing a job away from me!
I really hate that rising feeling of harassment. The manager when they come in is going to have to discuss this issue with the owner who (if my research is complete) is AMERICAN. Nice try buddy. This was said to me by someone who earlier started asking me questions in a friendly manner but then I saw connection that after talking to me walked outside standing in front of my car. Then a cop walked in and seemed to be observing my area in particular. I then went to purchase something and asked him but totally don't remember how the conversation went because there was a complete language/cultural understanding barrier. He then spoke in Indian/Bangladeshi with his coworker. Later on he offered me a free sugarless doughnut since the thing I had ordered was Iced tea with no sugar, little ice and fresh lemons (I used to work at one of these stores before the 90s NAFTA invasion which is separate from "Asian Invasion" and I know all about how the doughnuts of the day get thrown out. That's what he was offering me. After I said thank you and walked away he said something to his coworker which had something to do with what he just did. As he was telling me about the manager I asked if the manager is American or Bangladesh. He said Bangladesh. My mind remembered back to a woman that comes in at this time every morning and sure enough the manager is not a man.
Advances Christine is tragically will miss out on and getting better has always been the verbal goal recently silenced by mom *smh* http://www.newscientist.com/…/dn26312-embryonic-stem-cells-…|NSNS|2013-GLOBAL-hoot
October 5th 2014
My patience is thin this morning. This loose cannon is asking if anyone is cold. OH REALLY? and when the electric garage door was being put in the guy knew right away that whoever slept above it must have been freezing because there's no insulation between the garage and the bedroom above it. Him: has anyone above here ever complained of the cold? Mom: a few times. SLAP SLAP SLAP DIE NOW! of all I suffered in this house because of this woman who went into court and lied to a Dumbass claiming I just keep fighting with her. Maybe I was fighting about that I was fucking freezing and being ignored repeatedly by a jackass who wasn't taking care of my well being. Remember the John Candy movie about him and his wife come to visit his irish mother who opens the window? NOT FUCKING FUNNY FOR A DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILD WHO CAN'T GET A BREAK AT HOME, SCHOOL, OR THE NEIGHBORHOOD, ONLY TO FACE DOWN A DUMBASS'S NAMED JUDGE DEANNE M. WILSON.
and there is one of the humiliating realities of this family not dealing with a car accident that injured all of us. I'm at a function of Christine's and had gone to one recently. The thing I went to recently was a memorial of the mother of one of the women. I just asked (verifying her name). Not only was it extremely uncomfortable for me to learn it was for her mother and not a peer of Christine but that my brain injury causes problems with recognition and overload. The loud music here tonight is overload and the new situation of the memorial was overload oh but I'm just an embarrassment - not so much to mom anymore because she's let go of me under Claire's brainwashing or whoever else that she did all she was supposed to do and I'm just an idiot all my own. That's abuse of a vulnerable adult with no protection.
—feeling emotional
September 26th 2014 this story is so exhausting to keep repeating. The only plus is NYS's underwear is hung out:
I guess it also depends on what state you're in. I was injured as a young child but grew up in regular schooling until I insisted on a diagnosis my senior year of highschool - i had transferred into public school for the last two years of my basic education. I worked since I was ten years old right up until leaving for college and when I returned home from college. I never have a problem getting a job in NJ whether it's from a diagnosed or undiagnosed point of view. During college I took advantage of the "special education/testing needs." After college I got involved with NYS VESID (Vocational Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities). I gave them all the medical records I had thus far that carried me through a life of grammar school and a job, high school and a job, and college and a job. They felt it wasn't enough for them to go by so they left me sitting around for two years (not weeks) while my IT career died. My biggest weak point is interviewing. Just as I started practicing interviewing and getting good at it they dropped me from those services stating they didn't have enough medical records on me. The Client Assistance Program which overseas them and promised they would help me, completely wasted two years of my life when the State (VESID) said they would pay for me to go a hundred miles away to a brain injury rehab place and be pharmacologically treated. (Ha! I totally saved my health on that one! I would be strung out on psychotropic drugs to this day had I gone against my own natural instincts to treat myself naturally (I've had a bit of experience with antidepressants...some by choice but most by force or deception)). When they closed my case over this I simply returned to NJ and worked a bunch of jobs gaining references and a letter/testing from a reputable doctor at the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation stating for me to not return to VESID without a lawyer. Not a lawyer in NY would touch my case stating that the State can do whatever they want and the reputable doctor didn't mean a thing to NYS. By the time I got back with VESID I could only get legal services to "help ease the tension" so to speak in getting me back with VESID. Enter the Ticket to Work Program. I restarted all the interviewing help I needed and job coaching, etc. The first agency I was involved with falsified information about me so VESID got me in touch with another agency to do all those job related activities. I went on job interviews with and without my job coach and did all this stuff and no one would hire me. The reason I stay away from settling in NJ is because there is no oversight to my previous guardian who is not competent to be a medical and vocational guardian. I had ALL I needed to be successful in NYS. My medical records in NJ prepared me for a life of working to specifically keep my mind engaged away from the stress of my home in NJ. As NYS left me idling for two years I was pulled into a vortex of living a life with tied hands because some things are out of my control. Anyway, this novel could go on but I guess I'll end here :). . Just one last note - doing legal research I found out The Department of Education which runs VESID cut funding for Legal Services to take those cases to court right around the time I needed them most.
September 27th 2014
Mom needs to go to the hospital becoz not sure what's wrong. I asked if
this has happened before. Who did she call for help. Claire? Not at
all. She called her friend. Oh THAT'S the time aunt Maureen called me up
when I was 400 miles away to come take care of her and my reply was
"where's Claire?" Aunt Maureen was at a loss. Mom won't call Claire even
now. Something has been and is very wrong here. Nice going Morris
County Surrogate's Court.
She's looking for the non-emergency number for the police. Smh Claire's 30 mins away.
won't even recognize I've been shit on and she would just be using me
as usual. Get your own damn ride to the hospital. Is she calling Claire?
Now she's looking to take a taxi instead.
I guess she found the non-emergency # for the police. SM FUCKING H
Police are here evaluating the situation first. 1 is the same as last time I graduated hs with.
At least
she has a scapegoat that she's going alone coz I'm caring for my
handicapped sister. Just like Claire used her husband as a scapegoat in
christine's life guardianship.
Let's see how long the ambulance takes.
that. 25 minutes to get here and cops said she has a stomach bug that's
going around. By the time they load her in and leave Claire could have
been here.
Sure enough. That's how it happened.
Thanks for being here with me Mhana Mason!
Hi Mhana Mason I hope you see this. I know you're online now coz u just liked my link. I'm about to yell ...
September 29th 2014
September 30th 2014http://www.cnn.com/…/…/25/justice/supreme-court-cell-phones/
The Department of War located in the building the government wont
comment on stored grenades onsite. That is quite possibly the reasons
for all these explosions you're hearing about. This was told to me by
the Judge Etna Judy I met in California who supposedly had a daughter
that worked and perished in that building where she worked for the war
department. This woman in CA turned out to be full of crap and a liar on
many fronts so is it true or false? You decide.
"no words to say"
And there's the connection of rape in my life http://www.newsmax.com/…/george-patak…/2014/08/07/id/587569/
usual the cannon is running loose without me involved to remind her of
the directions given to her. I didn't even have to be there to know what
those directions are because we've already been through this with
Christine. She had no need to call up the follow -up doctor first thing
today and then call back 4 hours later when she didn't hear back. Let me
guess. She's scared or worried - the fear that runs her life and thus
such overwhelmingness created the runaway train of her Children's lives.
Or maybe it has more to do with she just doesn't pay attention which is
nothing new and the Morris County Surrogate's Court has deemed that at
least we're alive and look well so just let it slide.
it's ok. Your presence provides whatever support I can get.
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way. http://pagesix.com/…/george-pataki-mulls-2016-bid-meets-wi…/
October 1st 2014
Are you paying attention Aunt Maureen Murray? So you can not be so abusive in your niece's condition? How about some justice in America? How about not influencing your sister to believe I'm full of crap? How about if no one does anything for me then I need to take care of myself? How about learning about child brain development and what happens when that formation is injured during the time of development? How about stepping outside the only things you know of growing up in your own culture with your own amount of education? http://dolmanlaw.blogspot.com/…/08/unnoticed-brain-injury.h…
October 2nd 2014
This is absolutely rediculous. I'm where I grew up and know the NJ laws on loitering. Unfortunately, my home has turned into the land of Babel. In broken English-Bangladesh I'm being told the time I should leave because the manager is coming in at that time. I'm told manager who is male from Bangladesh said(?) they have to charge me for staying here so long. HA! I have to charge you buddy for living here illegally and stealing a job away from me!
I really hate that rising feeling of harassment. The manager when they come in is going to have to discuss this issue with the owner who (if my research is complete) is AMERICAN. Nice try buddy. This was said to me by someone who earlier started asking me questions in a friendly manner but then I saw connection that after talking to me walked outside standing in front of my car. Then a cop walked in and seemed to be observing my area in particular. I then went to purchase something and asked him but totally don't remember how the conversation went because there was a complete language/cultural understanding barrier. He then spoke in Indian/Bangladeshi with his coworker. Later on he offered me a free sugarless doughnut since the thing I had ordered was Iced tea with no sugar, little ice and fresh lemons (I used to work at one of these stores before the 90s NAFTA invasion which is separate from "Asian Invasion" and I know all about how the doughnuts of the day get thrown out. That's what he was offering me. After I said thank you and walked away he said something to his coworker which had something to do with what he just did. As he was telling me about the manager I asked if the manager is American or Bangladesh. He said Bangladesh. My mind remembered back to a woman that comes in at this time every morning and sure enough the manager is not a man.
As soon as a customer came in this worker stopped talking to me about
it. Oh no witnesses? I don't think so. I need to look up who the owner
of this joint is just as precaution like the time I could have sworn
"loitering" was going to be the next shoe to drop. I can't believe I'm a
paying customer in an establishment and he told me I should leave
before the manager comes in. This guy spoke enough english to ask me if I
have kids and a husband. Why did he tell me the manager was a man?
Bring it on http://www.njcic.com/faq
October 3rd 2014 Bring it on http://www.njcic.com/faq
gofundme is telling me to post an update but no one's contributed to my account yet so there really is no update . No justice. No peace.
Thankyou for your support
Thankyou for your support
Advances Christine is tragically will miss out on and getting better has always been the verbal goal recently silenced by mom *smh* http://www.newscientist.com/…/dn26312-embryonic-stem-cells-…|NSNS|2013-GLOBAL-hoot
October 5th 2014
My patience is thin this morning. This loose cannon is asking if anyone is cold. OH REALLY? and when the electric garage door was being put in the guy knew right away that whoever slept above it must have been freezing because there's no insulation between the garage and the bedroom above it. Him: has anyone above here ever complained of the cold? Mom: a few times. SLAP SLAP SLAP DIE NOW! of all I suffered in this house because of this woman who went into court and lied to a Dumbass claiming I just keep fighting with her. Maybe I was fighting about that I was fucking freezing and being ignored repeatedly by a jackass who wasn't taking care of my well being. Remember the John Candy movie about him and his wife come to visit his irish mother who opens the window? NOT FUCKING FUNNY FOR A DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILD WHO CAN'T GET A BREAK AT HOME, SCHOOL, OR THE NEIGHBORHOOD, ONLY TO FACE DOWN A DUMBASS'S NAMED JUDGE DEANNE M. WILSON.
Families Civil Liberties Union originally shared to Guys With Kids (Introductions):
FCLU needs parents of divorce that were advised by their lawyers to file false DV charges or false accusations to gain a leg up on divorce proceedings and custody. Contact Greg Roberts groberts@fclu.org
October 6th 2014
I REPEAT! Good night. Early night. Attempting to catch a legal seminar tomorrow regarding all the life things I'm unprepared for. I noted it 2 months ago with the thought IF I'm still alive. Unfortunately I am. Cheers!
FCLU needs parents of divorce that were advised by their lawyers to file false DV charges or false accusations to gain a leg up on divorce proceedings and custody. Contact Greg Roberts groberts@fclu.org
October 6th 2014
I REPEAT! Good night. Early night. Attempting to catch a legal seminar tomorrow regarding all the life things I'm unprepared for. I noted it 2 months ago with the thought IF I'm still alive. Unfortunately I am. Cheers!
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
#President2016 #MovetoAmend #NewYork #MoneyInTheElectoralProcess #NationalCouncilOnDisability
EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
The end of the world has arrived because mom is having probs with her shoelaces. Stress!
Ah welcome to the Pataki slimes. so there's been an "automated" change to my NY telephone account and a financial mistake at my NY electric account is still brewing. That doesn't even touch on my NY phone account that was viewed for sliime reasons to find out my phone calls about 14 years ago. Remember when the phone company started asking your permission if they could view your account when you call up about your account? Yep. That's about the same time HIPPA supposedly got real strict about medical records? yep. Oh but hey Mr. Yale graduate has his connections to have me diagnosed as "paranoid schizophrenic" to cover everything.Yep. And those are the protections I did not have going out into the world that no one would ever guess I needed. Yep.
WHAT CHRISTINE IS MISSING OUT ON http://brain-injury-law-center.com/stem-cells-tbi-repairAh welcome to the Pataki slimes. so there's been an "automated" change to my NY telephone account and a financial mistake at my NY electric account is still brewing. That doesn't even touch on my NY phone account that was viewed for sliime reasons to find out my phone calls about 14 years ago. Remember when the phone company started asking your permission if they could view your account when you call up about your account? Yep. That's about the same time HIPPA supposedly got real strict about medical records? yep. Oh but hey Mr. Yale graduate has his connections to have me diagnosed as "paranoid schizophrenic" to cover everything.Yep. And those are the protections I did not have going out into the world that no one would ever guess I needed. Yep.
Silent All These Years - Tori Amos
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
Koch Bros - It's the evil thing.
Move to Amend: David Cobb in Phoenix, Az. on 6/13/12
Syracuse York originally shared:
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
October 7th 2014
I REPEAT! Good night. Cheers! And yes I did miss the legal seminar I was going to go to yesterday because I'm just a shameful injured embarrassment to a legal immigrant whose way of "doing her best" was to dodge her medical duty of her children because she was too overwhelmed to understand it or take care of it and then the Morris County Surrogate's Court, Morristown NJ took away the last straw of justice for children without a voice (or actually the only voices that became available for them were filled with lies). Sleep disturbances are not a problem with brain injury and even though she received calls about my sister falling asleep in class it doesn't matter because she slept right through it having no idea and my sister gets a full night sleep after being put on seizure medication over a decade after the sleep disturbances existed. It's justice for me or death for me.
October 10th 2014 http://www.gofundme.com/Some-Justice
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
Koch Bros - It's the evil thing.
Move to Amend: David Cobb in Phoenix, Az. on 6/13/12
Syracuse York originally shared:
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
October 7th 2014
I REPEAT! Good night. Cheers! And yes I did miss the legal seminar I was going to go to yesterday because I'm just a shameful injured embarrassment to a legal immigrant whose way of "doing her best" was to dodge her medical duty of her children because she was too overwhelmed to understand it or take care of it and then the Morris County Surrogate's Court, Morristown NJ took away the last straw of justice for children without a voice (or actually the only voices that became available for them were filled with lies). Sleep disturbances are not a problem with brain injury and even though she received calls about my sister falling asleep in class it doesn't matter because she slept right through it having no idea and my sister gets a full night sleep after being put on seizure medication over a decade after the sleep disturbances existed. It's justice for me or death for me.
I suffer from the same honesty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
hindsight regarding Cheyney and Haliburton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
electoral college is a sham as seen in 2000 when Gore won the popular vote but the people's popular vote lost out. Contributes to why I am not involved in politics.
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability in Albany, NY. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's testimony. After my testimony though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my testimony entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
I suffer from the same honesty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
hindsight regarding Cheyney and Haliburton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
electoral college is a sham as seen in 2000 when Gore won the popular vote but the people's popular vote lost out. Contributes to why I am not involved in politics.
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability in Albany, NY. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's testimony. After my testimony though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my testimony entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
#President2016 #MovetoAmend #NewYork #MoneyInTheElectoralProcess #NationalCouncilOnDisability
EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news
Move to Amend: David Cobb in Phoenix, Az. on 6/13/12
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
October 11th 2014http://www.gofundme.com/Some-Justice
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
has too much of a problem taking the garbage down the stairs so I
reminded her That's why she doesn't go into a surrogate's court and lie
just to get her way. The other night I had to get my own shirt hanging
on the clothesline because mom's hands/arms can't reach that high
anymore. this is the care christine is left in. Nice going judge deanne m.
incompetent c*NY that I gave the benefit of the doubt to at the
surrogate court who dis-approptriated justice, just made her service of
pain down the stairs w garbage.
had no protection from this woman. If she doesn't have transport for
Monday she needs to call Claire - the one she didn't shit on - for
assistance. What a joke. Black comedy.
don't fucking believe what I did for these illegal immigrants here and
their response was to insist I wait out in the fucking rain. I helped
ease the angry customers that the door was locked so when they let in
one person for whatever reason and I followed. I was asked to wait
another hour. I've been sitting out here since the last 5 hours. Fuck
these losers. Go back to Bangladesh and India. I'm going to let them
have it when I get in there. Let
EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news
October 12th 2014
Good morning Facebook community! Let's hope for no power outages tonight. So I guess I'll start off with a daily reminder I just have to get out there on a daily basis as my life flashed before my eyes. I REPEAT! DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN PATAKI.
this time. This time I got out of my car when it looked like he was
letting someone else in and I let myself in first. The worker who speaks
worse English didn't understand what I was saying but knew I was upset.
Then the half broken english manager
tried to explain that the customer came in when he went to unlock the
door to tell him they are closed. What bullcrap! I've seen those type
lies all before! My mother is really good at it. Another person who
needs to admit her fate in America is too much. I really don't know if
he understood that had he done that to anyone else he'd have a
discrimination lawsuit slapped on him. UUUUUGH. Oh but he said sorry
sorry. I can't even know he knows what he did. The two of them are real
quiet now.
EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news
After reading how garth brooks had to be cancelled in Ireland I'm more supported in understanding I am the train wreck I am.
2014 Ireland concerts controversy
To kick off his new tour Brooks announced two dates at Croke Park, Dublin,Ireland for July 25 and 26, 2014. After going on sale the tickets sold out in twenty minutes. A third date was soon added for July 27 and this sold out in fifteen minutes. There was anger among fans as some people were purchasing tickets to profit by reselling at higher prices (nearly three times face value). [citation needed] A few days after saying that there would be no extra shows added, Brooks announced a fourth date for July 28. Tickets for this date went on sale February 6 at 9am and sold out in twenty-five minutes. After selling out the fourth date, Brooks announced he would play a further fifth date, and tickets for this show sold out in approximately fifty minutes. In total, 400,000 tickets were sold [69] for approximately €28,600,000.
However, some local residents expressed opposition to the concerts taking place and notified the event's organisers, Aiken Promotions and Croke Park management, of potential legal action [70][71][72] should a license be granted for the concerts by Dublin City Council. Residents pointed out that an agreement signed in 2009 between the GAA/Croke Park and local residents' groups - the Croke Park Area Residents Alliance (CPARA), was being broken. Under this agreement, undertaken to allow the redevelopment of the stadium to go ahead without objection, a maximum of three non-sporting events would be staged annually (see Mulvey Report p8). [73] Croke Park was to host three consecutive nights of sold out One Direction concerts on May 23 to 25, 2014.
On July 3, 2014, Dublin City Council refused permission for two of the five nights - July 28 and July 29. [74] Garth Brooks responded by issuing a statement saying "For us, it is five shows or none at all", [75] and a number of area residents came out in support of all five concerts, asserting that the concert benefits outweighed the disruption. [76]
Peter Aiken from Aiken Promotions reportedly flew to the United States on July 8, 2014, in an attempt to persuade Garth Brooks to continue with the three nights. [77] However, Brooks retained his position, and later on July 8, it was announced that all five concerts were to be cancelled. [78] Ticketmaster.ie said it was "facing an 'unprecedented' operation to refund Garth Brooks tickets for the 400,000 people who bought them, However the scale of this operation is unprecedented in the Irish entertainment industry and (we) therefore ask customers to continue to be patient while we finalize refund plans". [79] The promoters' full statement read:
"It is with great regret that Aiken Promotions today announce that the 5 concert Garth Brooks Comeback Special Event at Croke Park has been cancelled. No concerts will take place. The ticket return process will be outlined tomorrow. Aiken Promotions have exhausted all avenues regarding the staging of this event. We are very disappointed for the 400,000 fans who purchased tickets for The Garth Brooks Comeback Special Event." [80]
There followed some behind-the-scenes negotiations between interested parties and arrangements to make refunds were suspended but on July 14, it was announced that the concerts were not going to happen after all. [81][82]
2014 Ireland concerts controversy
To kick off his new tour Brooks announced two dates at Croke Park, Dublin,Ireland for July 25 and 26, 2014. After going on sale the tickets sold out in twenty minutes. A third date was soon added for July 27 and this sold out in fifteen minutes. There was anger among fans as some people were purchasing tickets to profit by reselling at higher prices (nearly three times face value). [citation needed] A few days after saying that there would be no extra shows added, Brooks announced a fourth date for July 28. Tickets for this date went on sale February 6 at 9am and sold out in twenty-five minutes. After selling out the fourth date, Brooks announced he would play a further fifth date, and tickets for this show sold out in approximately fifty minutes. In total, 400,000 tickets were sold [69] for approximately €28,600,000.
However, some local residents expressed opposition to the concerts taking place and notified the event's organisers, Aiken Promotions and Croke Park management, of potential legal action [70][71][72] should a license be granted for the concerts by Dublin City Council. Residents pointed out that an agreement signed in 2009 between the GAA/Croke Park and local residents' groups - the Croke Park Area Residents Alliance (CPARA), was being broken. Under this agreement, undertaken to allow the redevelopment of the stadium to go ahead without objection, a maximum of three non-sporting events would be staged annually (see Mulvey Report p8). [73] Croke Park was to host three consecutive nights of sold out One Direction concerts on May 23 to 25, 2014.
On July 3, 2014, Dublin City Council refused permission for two of the five nights - July 28 and July 29. [74] Garth Brooks responded by issuing a statement saying "For us, it is five shows or none at all", [75] and a number of area residents came out in support of all five concerts, asserting that the concert benefits outweighed the disruption. [76]
Peter Aiken from Aiken Promotions reportedly flew to the United States on July 8, 2014, in an attempt to persuade Garth Brooks to continue with the three nights. [77] However, Brooks retained his position, and later on July 8, it was announced that all five concerts were to be cancelled. [78] Ticketmaster.ie said it was "facing an 'unprecedented' operation to refund Garth Brooks tickets for the 400,000 people who bought them, However the scale of this operation is unprecedented in the Irish entertainment industry and (we) therefore ask customers to continue to be patient while we finalize refund plans". [79] The promoters' full statement read:
"It is with great regret that Aiken Promotions today announce that the 5 concert Garth Brooks Comeback Special Event at Croke Park has been cancelled. No concerts will take place. The ticket return process will be outlined tomorrow. Aiken Promotions have exhausted all avenues regarding the staging of this event. We are very disappointed for the 400,000 fans who purchased tickets for The Garth Brooks Comeback Special Event." [80]
There followed some behind-the-scenes negotiations between interested parties and arrangements to make refunds were suspended but on July 14, it was announced that the concerts were not going to happen after all. [81][82]
October 12th 2014
Good morning Facebook community! Let's hope for no power outages tonight. So I guess I'll start off with a daily reminder I just have to get out there on a daily basis as my life flashed before my eyes. I REPEAT! DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN PATAKI.
I suffer from the same honesty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
HINDSIGHT REGARDING CHEYNEY AND HALLIBURTON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
Good morning Facebook community! Tonight I need to say all New Yorkers should be voting for #HowieHawkins for Governor. Yes the #GreenParty is by and large not taken seriously which is a shame. Remember not only how we all fight for our clean air, land, and water but a lot are left to live a life of tied hands with the only two parties taken seriously thus far. I can't even attempt to talk you into or out of politics because I did a 180 regarding politics and walked after the 2000 corruption involving the people's popular vote of Al Gore. My reservations of being involved in politics beforehand were only verified. Any involvement after the 2000 election was merely something to do with my time in NY as I lost my life under the Pataki administration. Remember the hindsight we gain from David Cobb of when he ran for the 2004 Presidential race (links will be provided here again below).
For the most part hydrofracking and all its processes have been banned in NY and keep in mind how "environmentalists" were laughed at as being Green Tree Huggers until the public became more educated about the destruction fracking causes. Sadly, NY Governor Cuomo didn't have the balls to come out and say "NO WAY" to the fracking companies but waited for them to simply go away. I know very well what that NY attitude is like as here I am today
I saw a commercial of an Asian running for a political office in NY emphasizing the hard work of immigrants and fiscal responsibility. I know first hand the high work ethic passed down especially to first generation immigrants (and the stifling thereof done under the Pataki administration). I still feel the same: EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news. (Actually David Cobb provides a good introduction and Ralph Nader takes home the win on this issue http://www.ontheissues.org/2004/Ralph_Nader_Immigration.htm).
My most important message in this post like every other day is DO NOT LET FORMER NY GOVERNOR PATAKI ANY WHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE.
"This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way."
#nationalcouncilondisability #ElectoralProcess #alabama #alasaka #arizona #arkansas #connecticut #colorado #delaware #districtofcolumbia #florida #georgia #hawaii #idaho #illinois #indiana #iowa #kansas #kentucky #louisiana #maine #maryland #massachusettes #michigan #minnesota #mississippi #missouri #nebraska #whathappenedtomyhashtagcapability
October 14th 2014
I suffer from the same honesty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
HINDSIGHT REGARDING CHEYNEY AND HALLIBURTON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
Good morning Facebook community! Tonight I need to say all New Yorkers should be voting for #HowieHawkins for Governor. Yes the #GreenParty is by and large not taken seriously which is a shame. Remember not only how we all fight for our clean air, land, and water but a lot are left to live a life of tied hands with the only two parties taken seriously thus far. I can't even attempt to talk you into or out of politics because I did a 180 regarding politics and walked after the 2000 corruption involving the people's popular vote of Al Gore. My reservations of being involved in politics beforehand were only verified. Any involvement after the 2000 election was merely something to do with my time in NY as I lost my life under the Pataki administration. Remember the hindsight we gain from David Cobb of when he ran for the 2004 Presidential race (links will be provided here again below).
For the most part hydrofracking and all its processes have been banned in NY and keep in mind how "environmentalists" were laughed at as being Green Tree Huggers until the public became more educated about the destruction fracking causes. Sadly, NY Governor Cuomo didn't have the balls to come out and say "NO WAY" to the fracking companies but waited for them to simply go away. I know very well what that NY attitude is like as here I am today
I saw a commercial of an Asian running for a political office in NY emphasizing the hard work of immigrants and fiscal responsibility. I know first hand the high work ethic passed down especially to first generation immigrants (and the stifling thereof done under the Pataki administration). I still feel the same: EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." - David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news. (Actually David Cobb provides a good introduction and Ralph Nader takes home the win on this issue http://www.ontheissues.org/2004/Ralph_Nader_Immigration.htm).
My most important message in this post like every other day is DO NOT LET FORMER NY GOVERNOR PATAKI ANY WHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE.
"This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way."
#nationalcouncilondisability #ElectoralProcess #alabama #alasaka #arizona #arkansas #connecticut #colorado #delaware #districtofcolumbia #florida #georgia #hawaii #idaho #illinois #indiana #iowa #kansas #kentucky #louisiana #maine #maryland #massachusettes #michigan #minnesota #mississippi #missouri #nebraska #whathappenedtomyhashtagcapability
October 13th 2014
god the protective unreality this woman is living in. No protector and
surrounded by corruption. She made an excuse to the hospital that I
couldn't take her there today because I would be staying here taking
care of my sister. Where's Claire? Oh of course not. What was I
thinking? There's no guessing about my tolerance.
Were we failed again? Waiting to find out.
October 15th 2014
It's not worth anything, More than this at all. I'll live as I choose, Or I will not live at all.
So return to where you come from, Return to where you dwell, Because harassment's not my forte, But you do it very well.
I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all. I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
You must have nothing, More with your time to do. There's a war in Russia, And Sarajevo too.
So to hell with what you're thinking, And to hell with your narrow mind, You're so distracted from the real thing, You should leave your life behind, behind.
'Cause I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
I have a feeling we were failed again. Hard to sit still to find out
for sure. Failure for comedy central material. Failure to perpetuate
wrong. Failure by these people to intervene. Failure on so many levels.
The hospital called here before and mom did her usual I'm fine routine.
"We might study how to won these cases and do it ourselves?"
would never do pro se ever again and would not have had it not been for
the court clerk. I have heard of pro se winning cases and maybe you
would be successful but due to the nature of my brain injury never again
for me.
"Xoxo I too feel limited in my mental ability. Sigh....but we're smarter than the average bears...honey." October 15th 2014
just raised her bed and used the bathroom without making all these
stressful noises she does every fucking day. Oh gee she's able to do
that. WTF?!
"Free To Decide"
now getting up regular time little Liar is making all these woeful
noises. If this isn't child harrassment I don't know what is. Christine
who doesn't know better copies in public what she learns at home and
makes a fool out of herself. Because she has a severe brain injury
people just blow it off as her injured ways.
It's not worth anything, More than this at all. I'll live as I choose, Or I will not live at all.
So return to where you come from, Return to where you dwell, Because harassment's not my forte, But you do it very well.
I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all. I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
You must have nothing, More with your time to do. There's a war in Russia, And Sarajevo too.
So to hell with what you're thinking, And to hell with your narrow mind, You're so distracted from the real thing, You should leave your life behind, behind.
'Cause I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
I'm free to decide, I'm free to decide, And I'm not so suicidal after all, At all, at all, at all.
gets really annoyed at how mom talks to her. Happened last night and
this morning over her jacket. I guess I'll get numb again now that my
plans for the week are ruined and life has become a shambles. Why didn't
you let me go at 17 when I needed to let go kevin?
now she's on the phone w one of her sisters. How in the fuck did I get
left under this care? What a fucking idiot. What was her msg? That I
should talk to my sister more? Go back to where you came from.
this is a duplicate msg today. Problems w mobile noted below. Cheers!
Good morning Facebook community! Tonight I need to say all New Yorkers
should be voting for #HowieHawkins for Governor. Yes the #GreenParty
is by and large not taken seriously which is a shame. Remember not only
how we all fight for our clean air, land, and water but a lot are left
to live a life of tied hands with the only two parties taken seriously
thus far. I can't even attempt to talk you into or out of politics
because I did a 180 regarding politics and walked after the 2000
corruption involving the people's popular vote of Al Gore. My
reservations of being involved in politics beforehand were only
verified. Any involvement after the 2000 election was merely something
to do with my time in NY as I lost my life under the Pataki
administration. Remember the hindsight we gain from David Cobb of when
he ran for the 2004 Presidential race (links will be provided here again
For the most part hydrofracking and all its processes have been banned in NY and keep in mind how "environmentalists" were laughed at as being Green Tree Huggers until the public became more educated about the destruction fracking causes. Sadly, NY Governor Cuomo didn't have the balls to come out and say "NO WAY" to the fracking companies but waited for them to simply go away. I know very well what that NY attitude is like as here I am today
I saw a commercial of an Asian running for a political office in NY emphasizing the hard work of immigrants and fiscal responsibility. I know first hand the high work ethic passed down especially to first generation immigrants (and the stifling thereof done under the Pataki administration). I still feel the same: EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." -David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news. (Actually David Cobb provides a good introduction and Ralph Nader takes home the win on this issue http://www.ontheissues.org/2004/Ralph_Nader_Immigration.htm).
My most important message in this post like every other day is DO NOT LET FORMER NY GOVERNOR PATAKI ANY WHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE.
"This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way."
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=45xrdj46HSM
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ijkd14W8bdc
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ijSsZdCatTM
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=MbykzqJ6ens
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
#nationalcouncilondisability #ElectoralProcess #alabama #alasaka #arizona #arkansas #connecticut #colorado #delaware #districtofcolumbia #florida #georgia #hawaii #idaho #illinois #indiana #iowa #kansas #kentucky #louisiana #maine #maryland #massachusettes #michigan #minnesota #mississippi #missouri #nebraska #whathappenedtomyhashtagcapability MOBILE SUCKS. SORRY FOR THE BROKEN YOUTUBE LINKS BUT THAT'S A MOBILE PROBLEM. I'M STUCK HERE BABYSITTING MY SISTER'S GUARDIAN AND HAVE DECIDED ON ROUND 2 TODAY OVER MY LOST LIFE.
October 16th 2014
For the most part hydrofracking and all its processes have been banned in NY and keep in mind how "environmentalists" were laughed at as being Green Tree Huggers until the public became more educated about the destruction fracking causes. Sadly, NY Governor Cuomo didn't have the balls to come out and say "NO WAY" to the fracking companies but waited for them to simply go away. I know very well what that NY attitude is like as here I am today
I saw a commercial of an Asian running for a political office in NY emphasizing the hard work of immigrants and fiscal responsibility. I know first hand the high work ethic passed down especially to first generation immigrants (and the stifling thereof done under the Pataki administration). I still feel the same: EXACTLY: "Illegal immigration in this country is being driven by the policies of NAFTA (search), the World Trade Organization (search) and the International Monetary Fund. Anybody who is concerned with so-called illegal immigration in this country should be working to help change the international economic policies that are displacing people from the global south." -David Cobb, 2004 Source: Fox news. (Actually David Cobb provides a good introduction and Ralph Nader takes home the win on this issue http://www.ontheissues.org/2004/Ralph_Nader_Immigration.htm).
My most important message in this post like every other day is DO NOT LET FORMER NY GOVERNOR PATAKI ANY WHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE.
"This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way."
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=45xrdj46HSM
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ijkd14W8bdc
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ijSsZdCatTM
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=MbykzqJ6ens
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
#nationalcouncilondisability #ElectoralProcess #alabama #alasaka #arizona #arkansas #connecticut #colorado #delaware #districtofcolumbia #florida #georgia #hawaii #idaho #illinois #indiana #iowa #kansas #kentucky #louisiana #maine #maryland #massachusettes #michigan #minnesota #mississippi #missouri #nebraska #whathappenedtomyhashtagcapability MOBILE SUCKS. SORRY FOR THE BROKEN YOUTUBE LINKS BUT THAT'S A MOBILE PROBLEM. I'M STUCK HERE BABYSITTING MY SISTER'S GUARDIAN AND HAVE DECIDED ON ROUND 2 TODAY OVER MY LOST LIFE.
October 16th 2014
there was such a hole in my life after losing touch with you. I wish
you would get in touch with me. We had no one here but mom after dad
died which was one of the worst ideas. I paid dearly for it. I so miss
you both.
across old pics like this and people I haven't seen in years. There's
not really room for Occupied Newbie with the brain injury. No one knows
what to do with me and then the Morris County Surrogate's court stomped
out the last chance I had. Cheers!
And yes I did verify all that was wrong w me in 1995 through a listserv
type thing run by Clara Lyons from Michigan who had her son(?) run it
off a sthohns.edu server. I'll assume it was one of #georgepataki friends in low places who uploaded a virus to it or had it shut down in some way. Vodka.
Greg Zukowski that's why I still own my dinosaurs. I still have the evidence.
Mason this is my Uncle Eddie with his adopted daughter Susan. He's a
cop. Susan married a cop. The love of my life who's thrown his life away
is a cop (or actually used his sidekick for a security job due to her
connections). In one of her pics it sounds like someone died due to
illness. I don't know if it would be her husband or son. There's
reference to someone dying so young.
it was absolutely wonderful speaking with you even though you don't
remember the porch off the back room off the top of the stairs that we
weren't allowed to go on because it had supposedly become unsafe. anyway I wanted to ask your father for
years what he meant by something just wasn't right about the accident
investigation. I was 17 when Claire told me he said that. My bad for not
investigating further before speaking. Places like Mattitauk and laurel
are far out on the island.
just said she's the sorriest person who started this chiropractic
regimine. I said "then maybe you should have someone to help you manage
your life so you're not the sorriest person." This woman had no business
raising 2 medically needy children in a foreign land all by herself.
incompetent moron just did it again. She doesn't feel like going to a
brain injury meeting tonight so she's not. There's always an excuse.
She used claire's kids as an excuse and then she uses claire's job as an
excuse. THAT'S why she got stuck in
the hospital overnight the other day only for us to be failed again.
She came always to the mediator last year but that mediator was
inappropriate because they don't come from a brain injury perspective.
of my favorite people and I always relive our ride home from Belle
Harbor after either the funeral or the wake when I hear this song m.youtube.com/watch?v=30uKyzGdtIo
October 17th 2014
Brilliancy. I went with my mother to the ER doc - the one she never called me about when it was christine's appt which brought about the inappropriate doctor scare-but called me after appt to go to dinner. Sure enough enough here we go. She missed 2 days this week of her chiropractor and when I asked her about it today she said she wants to talk first to him if she should go back to the chiropractor after surgery. WE ALREADY ADDRESSED THE ISSUE OF HER GOING TO ONE WHEN I WAS IN THE ROOM THAT DAY. IF IT RAISED A RED FLAG HE WOULD HAVE SAID HOLD OFF ON GOING BACK AFTER. NOW SHE HASN'T HEARD BACK FROM HIM - GEE I WONDER WHY. and now the harassment begins. Now she calls up the chiropractor and makes her appt after i go on about it. There's the lack of validation that crashed me. remember this is the sole care we were left under and remember I didn't know something missing was having my sisters around me to make sense of life. I just woke up from a dream where I was adjusting the height of a car seat to go down and when I would push the levee down it would go up so that I would feel my legs being squished. I had to get out of the car to adjust the seat and disregard the amount of people looking at me. So I'm driving up the highway on cruise control and I make note of gray and red mountains around. As I come up toward the curves I realize I have to turn to negotiate but my hand doesn't have the strength so that I brace for what's about to happen because I'm driving an open SUV and once off the road it's straight down into hard rocks mountain cavern. I accept my end and just as the vehicle turns downward in midair I wake up.
"Are u ok? Were u in a crash?!!!!!"
"I hate those dreams."
"I hate those dreams."October 17th 2014
Brilliancy. I went with my mother to the ER doc - the one she never called me about when it was christine's appt which brought about the inappropriate doctor scare-but called me after appt to go to dinner. Sure enough enough here we go. She missed 2 days this week of her chiropractor and when I asked her about it today she said she wants to talk first to him if she should go back to the chiropractor after surgery. WE ALREADY ADDRESSED THE ISSUE OF HER GOING TO ONE WHEN I WAS IN THE ROOM THAT DAY. IF IT RAISED A RED FLAG HE WOULD HAVE SAID HOLD OFF ON GOING BACK AFTER. NOW SHE HASN'T HEARD BACK FROM HIM - GEE I WONDER WHY. and now the harassment begins. Now she calls up the chiropractor and makes her appt after i go on about it. There's the lack of validation that crashed me. remember this is the sole care we were left under and remember I didn't know something missing was having my sisters around me to make sense of life. I just woke up from a dream where I was adjusting the height of a car seat to go down and when I would push the levee down it would go up so that I would feel my legs being squished. I had to get out of the car to adjust the seat and disregard the amount of people looking at me. So I'm driving up the highway on cruise control and I make note of gray and red mountains around. As I come up toward the curves I realize I have to turn to negotiate but my hand doesn't have the strength so that I brace for what's about to happen because I'm driving an open SUV and once off the road it's straight down into hard rocks mountain cavern. I accept my end and just as the vehicle turns downward in midair I wake up.
"Are u ok? Were u in a crash?!!!!!"
"I hate those dreams."
Unfortunately just a dream :-/. I would have been a goner
I've tanked since being woken by police on monday(?) and all plans
cancelled. Earlier mom asks if I want to go to the Chinese Buffet (which
they really can't do without me). Really??? That's the usual disregard,
moving-on-in-life attitude that is fine in its own right but not
appropriate here. There is no addressing of our needs here.
Sounds like mom gathered up her strength and did the buffet
"You don't need it right now right?" That's the usual question phrasing that has shaped christine's life post-accident. Instead of taking her to a doctor over potentially non-working taste buds christine can't express, my mother geared her toward food choices and many other things in that manner. Christine is not "retarded" in that she does things like that for no reason. Her life is stifled by a woman who specifically cannot deal with these things. We fought for years over getting her to a dr over her taste buds since it would make no sense we would come home from driving me around with my paper route and grease was fingered out of the used pan on the stove.
This was also the time when daily life would entail the empty but taken seriously threats of putting locks on the refrigerator - which mom vehemently denies ever happened. Those threats were an EVERYDAY way of life that never carried through! What's a problem in my life? CARRY-THROUGH. so tonight the question was geared toward a situation Christine needed help with but mom is tired from the Buffet. Christine is now happy she got paid 20 dollars more than usual at her workshop which brings christine's hourly earnings up from the $2 range to the $3 range. If Christine were mentally retarded i'd be at peace but she has a brain injury worthy of way more than she's getting. There's way more to life than packaging empty bags into empty boxes. She stays away from the computer probably because negotiating one working hand with one working eye is too much without compensatory strategies but her life has been left to rot by judge deanne m. wilson of the morris county surrogate's court.
Sounds like mom gathered up her strength and did the buffet
"You don't need it right now right?" That's the usual question phrasing that has shaped christine's life post-accident. Instead of taking her to a doctor over potentially non-working taste buds christine can't express, my mother geared her toward food choices and many other things in that manner. Christine is not "retarded" in that she does things like that for no reason. Her life is stifled by a woman who specifically cannot deal with these things. We fought for years over getting her to a dr over her taste buds since it would make no sense we would come home from driving me around with my paper route and grease was fingered out of the used pan on the stove.
This was also the time when daily life would entail the empty but taken seriously threats of putting locks on the refrigerator - which mom vehemently denies ever happened. Those threats were an EVERYDAY way of life that never carried through! What's a problem in my life? CARRY-THROUGH. so tonight the question was geared toward a situation Christine needed help with but mom is tired from the Buffet. Christine is now happy she got paid 20 dollars more than usual at her workshop which brings christine's hourly earnings up from the $2 range to the $3 range. If Christine were mentally retarded i'd be at peace but she has a brain injury worthy of way more than she's getting. There's way more to life than packaging empty bags into empty boxes. She stays away from the computer probably because negotiating one working hand with one working eye is too much without compensatory strategies but her life has been left to rot by judge deanne m. wilson of the morris county surrogate's court.
just get so a...up...overwhelmed with these things I just can't take it
anymore." Words mom just said to aunt Maureen who plays the same "told
you so" game with mom as me. This is over a foot problem that mom goes
onto compare herself to my father's father.
mom just relayed how we met an old family friend at the ER with
christine while taking christine to the bathroom ommitting the part that
I took over while she chatted. The kind of chatting Claire started mom
on is unhealthy because mom has lost the difference of talking to Claire
or other people. I've witnessed these things.
October 18th 2014
#saturday Good morning Facebook community! I'm stuck at home still & mobile sucks....
it never ends
followers come and followers go. On Google+ I'm now under the 1.2k
mark. I try to lay off the Pataki rant when I think people are sick of
being notified about it. Ok So I'll keep it short and sweet tonight. I
was happy to be nonmobile after a week. The home situation is the flame
and the Pataki situation I fell into is the frying pan. At least me
being messed with got NY's underwear hung out to dry on the national
clothesline (although Gov Cuomo has taken a stance of cleaning out
corruption in the state or supposedly). Remember New York to vote for #HowieHawkins for Governor and keep this former NY governor man steered clear of the whitehouse Good night zzzzzzzzzz: http://pagesix.com/…/george-pataki-mulls-2016-bid-meets-wi…/
well this did not go as planned! I've lived in my car for about 4 years (almost the last of the 4 in year-round warm convenient California -aaaaah!). However the Occupy Movement allowed me to keep the arctic suit for the sometimes -20 degree farrenheight weather I was sleeping in before that. Before Occupy I was sleeping in a truck stop where the air is warmed quite a bit more because of idling trucks. (How ironic I got booted out of there by law enforcement who were within ear shot of idling being done against idling laws!) So here I am looking like a real winner in my arctic suit overalls lololol but only got 3 hours of sleep I did not expect to wake up after 3 hrs! I remember hearing footsteps around my car at one point. Is that what woke me up?! Boohoo! It could be someone concerned making sure a person inside a car in the cold is not dead. PLEASE PEOPLE if you see a woman traveling alone sleeping in a non idling car, MAYBE she has enough ovum and insight to survive! Boohoo!!! Change of plans coz I am not driving on 3 hours sleep. Now I need to tire myself out so I can get more sleep before I hit the road again. This spot is perfect but unlike NJ that doesn't have loitering laws anymore, I don't need aggravation by being told to move on. Otherwise I would spend another day here. boohoo boohoo boohoo! Oh and by the way when I came inside to type I had to take my sweater off coz I was sweating. Arctic suits really do work people!! So please let me sleep next time!!!
October 19th 2014well this did not go as planned! I've lived in my car for about 4 years (almost the last of the 4 in year-round warm convenient California -aaaaah!). However the Occupy Movement allowed me to keep the arctic suit for the sometimes -20 degree farrenheight weather I was sleeping in before that. Before Occupy I was sleeping in a truck stop where the air is warmed quite a bit more because of idling trucks. (How ironic I got booted out of there by law enforcement who were within ear shot of idling being done against idling laws!) So here I am looking like a real winner in my arctic suit overalls lololol but only got 3 hours of sleep I did not expect to wake up after 3 hrs! I remember hearing footsteps around my car at one point. Is that what woke me up?! Boohoo! It could be someone concerned making sure a person inside a car in the cold is not dead. PLEASE PEOPLE if you see a woman traveling alone sleeping in a non idling car, MAYBE she has enough ovum and insight to survive! Boohoo!!! Change of plans coz I am not driving on 3 hours sleep. Now I need to tire myself out so I can get more sleep before I hit the road again. This spot is perfect but unlike NJ that doesn't have loitering laws anymore, I don't need aggravation by being told to move on. Otherwise I would spend another day here. boohoo boohoo boohoo! Oh and by the way when I came inside to type I had to take my sweater off coz I was sweating. Arctic suits really do work people!! So please let me sleep next time!!!
would love to know what if my nephew knows about this. http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/18/air-force-x-37b-returns/…
Good night. Ok I'm back with my rant before I turn in early to deal with this traveling. All New Yorkers...
October 20th 2014
" I doubt his "nose" is that long! ha!"
Lol. His schlong is not that long but his nose is even longer!
October 22nd 2014
I have a feeling we were failed again. Hard to sit still to find out
for sure. Failure for comedy central material. Failure to perpetuate
wrong. Failure by these people to intervene. Failure on so many level
Good night. Ok I'm back with my rant before I turn in early to deal with this traveling. All New Yorkers...
October 20th 2014
is soooo true. I've been alone for so long and until I finally throw in
the towel with no way out left this helps me see how when a whole bunch
of people gave up on me including family, I stayed one persistent
little bugger.
PATAKI ALERT. Pataki's lying nose? Pataki's underwear? Same thing?
Don't let this man near the white house and NY vote for #HowieHawkins Good night.
" I doubt his "nose" is that long! ha!"
Lol. His schlong is not that long but his nose is even longer!
October 22nd 2014
BALLS. WATCH THE DEBATE TONIGHT AT 8PM Watch it livestreamed here: http://www.buffalonews.com/
and on these PBS affiliates: WNED Buffalo · WMHT Albany · WSKG
Binghamton · WCNY Syracuse · WPBS Watertown · WXXI Rochester · MLPBS
Plattsburgh · WNET New York City -Channel 13
October 23rd 2014
sad. NYC stations are talking about our Republican and Democrat debate
tonight. Really??? Oh and they'll be joined by Green Party candidate
Howie Hawkins and Libertarian candidate ??
Untie your hands people and stop being bought and sold. Ny minimum wage at $15/hr is a livable wage. You're really at peace with contaminated water from hydrofracking?
Untie your hands people and stop being bought and sold. Ny minimum wage at $15/hr is a livable wage. You're really at peace with contaminated water from hydrofracking?
Uncut McDonald's reported its worst profit and sales numbers in a
decade on Tuesday, suffering losses in every major segment of business.
By contrast, In-N-Out Burger, which pays workers $11-14/hour plus
health, dental, and 401(k) retirement benefits, continues to thrive and
has been consistently ranked the top fast food chain in the US by
Consumer Reports. SHARE if more companies should follow In-N-Out and pay
workers a living wage.
SOURCES: McD vs. In-N-Out: http://bit.ly/1pC04QZ McD "horrible" report: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102104126 In-N-Out salaries via Glassdoor: http://bit.ly/ZHmObg Consumer Reports: http://bit.ly/Vddv1c
How Hawkins is at 9% at the polls which is the largest for 3rd party candidate and that's great but that's not enough. On the issue of hydrofracking I can't believe the flat out lies of the Republican candidate; the same old same old of the dodging democrat (really??? another sgis study? Really?); and the wishy- washiness of the Libertarian candidate (who gave an EXCELLENT alternative of Industrial Hemp which Howie Hawkins did not give but it nothing out of his league or knowledge). On the issue of Marijuana legalization, I don't people are connecting the dots that ETOH which stands for Ethanol which means ALCOHOL which translates to Budweiser, Michelob, Miller, Wine, Wine Coolers, Vodka, Four Loko, Rum, Gin, Pina Coloda, Strawberry Daquiri, etc, etc, etc... IS A RECREATIONAL DRUG. People are not connecting that the same or similar laws applying to alcohol would also be required of Marijuana. I for one am only concerned about medical marijuana since my drug of choice is alcohol (although I've been told I'd be better off with marijuana because it doesn't take the same toll on the liver and other organs). Those are the only 2 issues I'll even touch on but come on people vote #HowieHawkins for Governor.
SOURCES: McD vs. In-N-Out: http://bit.ly/1pC04QZ McD "horrible" report: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102104126 In-N-Out salaries via Glassdoor: http://bit.ly/ZHmObg Consumer Reports: http://bit.ly/Vddv1c
How Hawkins is at 9% at the polls which is the largest for 3rd party candidate and that's great but that's not enough. On the issue of hydrofracking I can't believe the flat out lies of the Republican candidate; the same old same old of the dodging democrat (really??? another sgis study? Really?); and the wishy- washiness of the Libertarian candidate (who gave an EXCELLENT alternative of Industrial Hemp which Howie Hawkins did not give but it nothing out of his league or knowledge). On the issue of Marijuana legalization, I don't people are connecting the dots that ETOH which stands for Ethanol which means ALCOHOL which translates to Budweiser, Michelob, Miller, Wine, Wine Coolers, Vodka, Four Loko, Rum, Gin, Pina Coloda, Strawberry Daquiri, etc, etc, etc... IS A RECREATIONAL DRUG. People are not connecting that the same or similar laws applying to alcohol would also be required of Marijuana. I for one am only concerned about medical marijuana since my drug of choice is alcohol (although I've been told I'd be better off with marijuana because it doesn't take the same toll on the liver and other organs). Those are the only 2 issues I'll even touch on but come on people vote #HowieHawkins for Governor.
It was really good to hear Howie introduced second instead of the
typical AND to hear him give the last word in tonight's debate. He's
right on about this being ONE debate and there needs to be more to touch
fully on the issues. OR (let me guess) was this just a bit of
entertainment purposefully put on by shallow intentions of the rich and
just like insurance companies to set it up that It's quakery not in
favor of people! Just like all the natural things out there that heal
but insurance is behind the belief that there's no proof, it's quakery,
or they don't cover it so the insured is stuck. Just like brain injury
compensations would have to go back to the beginning of the 19th century
when the automobile came about but because of insurance only after the
long wait for brain injury to come to light, does it only apply to
veterans and sports players! aha! ALTERNATIVELY, INSURANCE COMPANIES
V.S. INJURED INSURED: http://www.latimes.com/…/la-me-pol-proposition46-20141021-s…
"Im guessing to side with the lawyer consumer advocats"
too sure. In a way lawyers had their hands tied of helping us in the
70s because it was an uphill battle getting enough specialists to
testify about an issue that hadn't come out in the open yet."Im guessing to side with the lawyer consumer advocats"
So how this question came about is because I got woken up by police
knocking at the door when mom went in for same day surgery. As is usual
ALWAYS she refused to call Claire for help with this KNOWING that I'm up
all night and sleep in the day AND that on this particular morning I
had gotten home at about 4:30am (dead tired because I failed to have my
2nd kick of caffeine that night) but as per her instructions stayed
awake to see Christine off 3 hours later - mom was picked
up 1.5 hours later. I took the phone off the hook so I could get some
undisturbed sleep. Sure enough she was calling me at 10am to pick her
up. I forget what time the police came by (have it noted someplace) but I
told them to call Claire. The police gave me Claire's phone number (AH
NUMBER TO GIVE TO ME???) and I called the hospital and got the run
around 3 times until finally a woman said she already called Claire and
Claire is on her way and that she had no idea who called the police. I
said "THANK YOU" and took the phone back off the hook and went back to
bed (this all happened Oct 13th). These people at the hospital were
still trying to contact me.
Hours went by so I figured Claire took mom out to dinner, over her
house, or whatever. NOT A CHANCE. At 7pm Christine answered the phone
and it was mom. They held her at the hospital. NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE
OTHER GUARDIAN) FOR HELP. THAT'S the bullshit surrounding the lie being
lived with mom, Claire (airhead), my brother-in-law (robodick), this
failed life of mine, this corrupt surrogate's court, this failed life of
Christine's, airhead and robodick's inappropriate involvement in
Christine's life, etc. and I will not have this be the outcome. It's
coming to a head and when it does it's going to be big.
Mom wound up coming home around 11am the next day. I was hoping they would do an investigation as to adequate care.
Mom wound up coming home around 11am the next day. I was hoping they would do an investigation as to adequate care.
this is what's going on in that my name has been removed from all bank
accounts with mom. This uneducated useless immigrant who can't raise
medically needy children in America needs to go back to Ireland and walk
in cows shit where she started from. Nice going woman. That's the end
of my night.
Oh wait ...i do.
Scott was awarded,,,,and vinticated!"
"Cop actually benefited from this from pepper spay at the school campus.....i know from experince schools are not where one finds equal civil rights,,,,its were you find cops w real guns. I sued the campus police ,,,,,they dont call it fighting city hall for t
home and as christine's coming towards the clock to turn it off I have
to run over to her bcoz I hear her start to stumble. She's holding onto
the counter saying she's ok and that her paralyzed foot rolled out.
I've seen her do that in her shoes. I've had the same happen to me becoz
we're stuck with no-fault shoes. THAT'S how I broke my toe in 2011(?)
by rolling onto my outer toe in the cheap orthotic shoes I was left
something is going to happen here such as christine's life being cut
short like the dances she loves but being left to mom says she doesn't
like them anymore because of whatever degenerative injury she's
sustained to her knee(s). And life goes on.
" I wish i had a sis looking after me like u. Oh wait ...i do.
morning all! My first line of business is to remind everyone not to
allow a real slime into the White House named George Pataki who was the
Republican governor of NY from approximately 1995 -2006. Need a
visual/audio to drive the point home? They're here. I'll provide all
links again that everyone needs to know to get through life but for now
here is an audio and visual to drive the point home to KEEP PATAKI OUT
OF THE WHITE HOUSE. Audio:www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk_cvERwBJk
and visual attached.
October 24th 2014
Ok everyone waking up. I'm going to sleep and here's what you need to pay attention to for the day:
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
and visual attached.
October 24th 2014
Ok everyone waking up. I'm going to sleep and here's what you need to pay attention to for the day:
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
How we protect our Constitution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijkd14W8bdc
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
The thing in life that will come back to bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
The thing in life that will come back to bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
after a life is shot to hell for always being at fault I prepared
myself before mom started in about what I "should've done." Yesterday I
had a broken English restaurant person double charge her credit
card...more later.
morning everyone! NY only commercials for Dems and Repubs are on TV.
There's a reason for that: You're being bought and sold and then
complaining how things are. Vote Green! Howie Hawkins, The Capitol
Pressroom Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jutarRHUgqI
October 25th 2014
the awård was a year ago.
unless i'm confused"
to worry. I'm fuzzy on the memory too. All I know is that I was at the 1
year anniversary of the pepper spray incident in Oakland CA and scott
olsen came to it (thus my FB cover photo). I found them as 2 seperate
events: h http://abcnews.go.com/.../occupy-uc-davis-pepper.../story...October 25th 2014
are we a sorry bunch. Not only does The Great Salt Lake in Salt Lake
City Utah quite possibly hold as much saline as the water "Jesus walked
on" but isn't there something about the Holy spirit appearing as a flame
of fire? http://www.newscientist.com/…/mg22429914.900-metal-solves-m…|NSNS|2013-GLOBAL-hoot#.VEsrBFeKVjk
"oakland was olsen
the college was was the pepper spray
the students protested to support the occupy movement.
the cops were rewarded... makes me sick.
i wonder if i can find something on it"
"happened nov 2011"oakland was olsen
the college was was the pepper spray
the students protested to support the occupy movement.
the cops were rewarded... makes me sick.
i wonder if i can find something on it"
the awård was a year ago.
unless i'm confused"
occupy Oakland held the anniversary but I'll have to read more later.
I'm awake 3 hours too soon from the garage door opening and out of sleep
You would know better than me coz ur right there zzzz
changed it above. There's a reason why I had the pepper spraying in my
head. Maybe becoz occupy Oakland consolidated both events into that
"The school students and faculty was demonstrating in support of ows that day and so. Scott was awarded,,,,and vinticated!"
"Cop actually benefited from this from pepper spay at the school campus.....i know from experince schools are not where one finds equal civil rights,,,,its were you find cops w real guns. I sued the campus police ,,,,,they dont call it fighting city hall for t
Oh I didn't realize you were seeking employment w school police. I thought it was regular police.
"Happy day!"
"Seafood kinda scary fuku contaminated"
after learning about Strike Debt I made sure to have a big seafood meal everyday. Easier to go from radiated out fish killing my insides. Never happened - that doesn't mean that our oceans are not in real trouble and our dependency on them is going to put the human race in real trouble.
October 26th 2014
I pledged allegiance to a disgrace with all our lives a slap in the face.
And to the republic for which it stands with white collar murder easy for immigrants who don't understand.
Indivisible with liberty aloof and justice for all except those of us sound-proofed.
In this land where I reside no one wanted to see my ugly side.
Ok so I played along - in the end stumped they had me all wrong.
Ah death finally peace at this time. My undiagnosis made me the joke of a lifetime.
How's my once intelligent sister been? I'd like to tell her all about hospital life and fair-weathered friends.
Don't forget fellow patient whose name sounds like sick Aladdin. I would have admitted I'm a terrorist waiting to happen but then I'm accused of a felony. Mom never got over you Stephanie.
Over 30 years that you were gone the things in your bedroom still intact. Then my life was destroyed by suppression of facts.
I'm sorry Steph I really can't stay. For me to come back is all you really need to pray.
Homeland Security had a run for their money and a whole bunch thought this is all so funny.
Everybody left mom in her half-baked shell and for what I've done I need to escape the forces of hell.
With every keystroke more and more are disturbed. It doesn't compare to the rape I've endured.
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
SPREAD THE WORD! The cops didn't make any arrests because they just want us to go away! hahahahaha! My shoulder injuries are not going away anytime soon from police and that's just scratching the surface. We're not going anyplace
October 28th 2014

If you are truly undecided in this year's 24th District Congressional race, please don't base your vote on negative ads. In fact, don't base it on advertisements at all. Watch tonight's debate on Time Warner Cable News at 7 and replayed at 10, hear them in their own words and then decide. If you watch the debate and think Dan Maffei is the best candidate, you should vote for him. I am confident, though, you will see what a great Congressman John Katko will be.
October 29th 2014
So today over the radio comes a scenario of someone stuck in the 90s and can't move on. NICE TRY. I'd have to wonder what they come out with after I'm dead. If after all this time someone hasn't been humiliated into hiding take a hint. They're not going to be.
NY PLEASE break out of your two party misery and vote Howie Hawkins in as governor. BREAK from your bought and paid for chains of a 2 party system.
My biggest message is to not allow this man pataki anywhere near the white house lest you become disabled and laughed at.
October 31st 2014
So even though Christie is guilty of outbursts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq9n5kpVR1A a state's governor is not necessarily indicative of the legislature. On the good side of NJ politics we can note good work of the legislature: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e02AEJPwu50
In NY we learn this example by the horrific unconstitutional arrests of the homeless in NYC which spanned 2 decades from Mario Cuomo (and before?) through several governors to David Paterson's governor interim. The horrific thing about it is that the courts had already given instruction on this and it was the NYS legislature at fault for not rescinding the unconstitutional laws. Perhaps a 20 year sleep-walking defense???: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/27/nyregion/27contempt.html… and http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/city-is-held-in-con…/
I was going to post this first here tonight but unexpectedly ran into a very sweet person who actually has a very social justice point of view and reached out to me. Like many others she thought I'm here at work. Would be, could be, should be but as a disabled American I was slimed by the Pataki administration. At first she asked me for a card but all I could offer her was different websites to go to and conversation. So I'm sooooo far behind but it's all good. I actually haven't had someone break down in tears like that in front of me (about my life) in a long time. It's a very sad story and this person really felt it but SOMEONE needed to be strong to protect us. Mom stayed strong but mom did not protect us like we needed. Mom needed to say "this is too much. I need to go back to Ireland and raise my kids so they get a fair shake at what we have left."
I have my same daily reminders for people:
#NY please break your chains of a 2 party system, stay away from the wishy-washy Libertarian, and #VoteGreen
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
How we protect our #Constitution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijkd14W8bdc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM https://www.facebook.com/wolfpacnj and https://movetoamend.org/
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
Things in life that will come back to bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
This man's administration is...
Round2. STUPID. 3 bags of candy here and mom went to the door once. Since the doorbell keeps waking me I need to get more sleep. I told her to take a chair with her and sit by the door. Nope. Her answer on the candy is "someone will eat it." Now she needs to tend to the garbage. Too much complaining in this house. I was fucking left here to rot while Claire was court-ordered out of the house and christine ... more complaining ... it doesn't stop... christine is silenced into frustration, negativity, ... this is no fair. Rot rot rot. Last night I got to tell someone involved ... can still hear mom stressing christine out with more complaining - a Typical day. Another round of kids and a door that will go unanswered. Anyway, someone involved in family court because they have kids and a divorce exactly what judge deanne m. wilson did. Almost asleep.
November 1st 2014
"Seafood kinda scary fuku contaminated"
after learning about Strike Debt I made sure to have a big seafood meal everyday. Easier to go from radiated out fish killing my insides. Never happened - that doesn't mean that our oceans are not in real trouble and our dependency on them is going to put the human race in real trouble.
was going to have a variety of seafood tonight btw but settled on baby
shrimp and scallops because they were included in an alfredo sauce which
I'm a sucker for.
never knew bout the other Occupy Oakland but I was floored by two
things: police walking around with ropes (which if the pic is clear I'll
upload it when I can) and the waste of money over the peaceful protest
that not only was caused by them in the
first place but was still peaceful. I thought I was going to die
laughing when the occupiers put on a pig show right in front of the
police who couldn't do a damn thing about it but watch in humiliation
lolol. It was a good anniversary and Scott Olsen got some kind of
justice. He'll never get his nondisabled non-brain injured life back but
he's got a whole lot of support.
October 26th 2014
Wish I had known. https://www.youtube.com/watch…
I can't deal with reality. We went out to eat yesterday and I was
pretty disconnected from reality that when mom asked if I wanted to go
to breakfast with them I actually planned on going.I wound up getting
enough sleep that I could stay awake and leave w them and go have
breakfast. Then as I sat there tonight pieces of reality settled in of
how much of a legal black comedy we are. That the unknowing ones say
about mom "she did her best" while the somewhat autistic children she
was left to care for witnessed "she dodged her medical duty." The case
manager nurse for the no-fault insurance who kicked off me being
humiliated and assaulted by police is a piece of upstate NY trash. And
the list goes on of the failure of children in this land of the deadly
free. Cheers.
October 27th 2014
now I lay me down to sleep and pray for death so i may have peace. I
pledged allegiance to a disgrace with all our lives a slap in the face.
And to the republic for which it stands with white collar murder easy
for immigrants who don't understand. Indivisible with liberty aloof and
justice for all except those of us sound-proofed. In this land where I
reside no one wanted to see my ugly side. Ok so I played along - in the
end stumped they had me all wrong. Ah death finally peace at this time.
My undiagnosis made me the joke of a lifetime. How's my once intelligent
sister been? I'd like to tell her all about hospital life and
fair-weathered friends. Don't forget fellow patient whose name sounds
like sick Aladdin. I would have admitted I'm a terrorist waiting to
happen but then I'm accused of a felony. Mom never got over you
Stephanie. Over 30 years that you were gone the things in your bedroom
still intact. Then my life was destroyed by suppression of facts. I'm
sorry Steph I really can't stay. For me to come back is all you really
need to pray. Homeland Security had a run for their money and a whole
bunch thought this is all so funny. Everybody left mom in her half-baked
shell and for what I've done I need to escape the forces of hell. With
every keystroke more and more are disturbed. It doesn't compare to the
rape I've endured.
other night mom and christine went to dinner and brought me home a
dinner at my request. I went down to get my own dinner and christine
threw a tantrum swearing and banging her crutch. I asked her what was
wrong and like a child said nothing. She lives a life of frustration in
this house.
we all went to dinner and Christine had her salad with the new oil and
vinegar I started to tell mom the alternative and mom started her usual
latest of cutting me off arguing I'm wrong. Then I started getting
louder repeating Christine is suddenly
not finishing her salad because the vinegar is too much. The more we
fought the more I witnessed Christine finishing her salad all in the
name of the fighting to stop. When done mom says to her "that was good
right?" Until this is fixed this loose cannon brought on her worst
nightmare - ME. If never fixed well I've given enough warning.
And now I'll lay me down to sleep and pray for death so i may have peace.I pledged allegiance to a disgrace with all our lives a slap in the face.
And to the republic for which it stands with white collar murder easy for immigrants who don't understand.
Indivisible with liberty aloof and justice for all except those of us sound-proofed.
In this land where I reside no one wanted to see my ugly side.
Ok so I played along - in the end stumped they had me all wrong.
Ah death finally peace at this time. My undiagnosis made me the joke of a lifetime.
How's my once intelligent sister been? I'd like to tell her all about hospital life and fair-weathered friends.
Don't forget fellow patient whose name sounds like sick Aladdin. I would have admitted I'm a terrorist waiting to happen but then I'm accused of a felony. Mom never got over you Stephanie.
Over 30 years that you were gone the things in your bedroom still intact. Then my life was destroyed by suppression of facts.
I'm sorry Steph I really can't stay. For me to come back is all you really need to pray.
Homeland Security had a run for their money and a whole bunch thought this is all so funny.
Everybody left mom in her half-baked shell and for what I've done I need to escape the forces of hell.
With every keystroke more and more are disturbed. It doesn't compare to the rape I've endured.
Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
SPREAD THE WORD! The cops didn't make any arrests because they just want us to go away! hahahahaha! My shoulder injuries are not going away anytime soon from police and that's just scratching the surface. We're not going anyplace
October 28th 2014
and only IF I get to the only place I've ever registered I'll vote
Green but across all party lines Hank Chapman is a man to listen to!
Across all political lines he's the man!!! I'm indebted to for having
faith in my employability and sticking to it! I really owe you Hank
Chapman (and still available for work)!

If you are truly undecided in this year's 24th District Congressional race, please don't base your vote on negative ads. In fact, don't base it on advertisements at all. Watch tonight's debate on Time Warner Cable News at 7 and replayed at 10, hear them in their own words and then decide. If you watch the debate and think Dan Maffei is the best candidate, you should vote for him. I am confident, though, you will see what a great Congressman John Katko will be.
October 29th 2014
So today over the radio comes a scenario of someone stuck in the 90s and can't move on. NICE TRY. I'd have to wonder what they come out with after I'm dead. If after all this time someone hasn't been humiliated into hiding take a hint. They're not going to be.
NY PLEASE break out of your two party misery and vote Howie Hawkins in as governor. BREAK from your bought and paid for chains of a 2 party system.
My biggest message is to not allow this man pataki anywhere near the white house lest you become disabled and laughed at.
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
October 30th 2014
Turning in early. Restless.
NY PLEASE break out of your two party misery and vote Howie Hawkins in as governor. BREAK from your bought and paid for chains of a 2 party system.
This man's administration i...
This man's administration is responsible for the rape of my life and all places it was headed. He is bad news. Don't fall for this man. I spoke out against the Pataki administration of what his executive division did to me at a public hearing held by the National Council on Disability. So completely sad that one of his slimes sat in the front making a loud laugh after every person's speech. After my speech though I remember there being a pause before this Pataki Administration slimeball gave his loud laugh. It was really hard to laugh at a situation all employees could relate to which is what my speech entailed. Whatever the reason, THIS IS A WARNING ABOUT THIS MAN NOW. To refer to David Koch as simply a political activist should be a red flag right away. The Koch brothers are responsible for votes being bought; money is free speech, etc. I can better provide a link to talk ALL about that issue. Don't trust or fall for this man in any way.
October 30th 2014
Turning in early. Restless.
NY PLEASE break out of your two party misery and vote Howie Hawkins in as governor. BREAK from your bought and paid for chains of a 2 party system.
This man's administration i...
disruption - in my head I'm ripping Claire a new asshole over what she
put me thru due to her religion. Aside from what she put me thru there's
the subject of "gays." OF COURSE THEY'RE BORN THAT WAY. IT'S AN
Endocrine disruptors have been found in mother's milk, baby food, etc.
DAAAAAAH!!!! moron! Oh but let me guess. Nothing has changed because
airhead has believed the excuse that I would go ballistic on her as much
as the uneducated moron who raised us post - accident that she was
court-ordered away from. I'm out of alcohol so this is not good.
Just waiting to pass out while the usa family court system grows home terrorism
October 31st 2014
So even though Christie is guilty of outbursts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq9n5kpVR1A a state's governor is not necessarily indicative of the legislature. On the good side of NJ politics we can note good work of the legislature: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e02AEJPwu50
In NY we learn this example by the horrific unconstitutional arrests of the homeless in NYC which spanned 2 decades from Mario Cuomo (and before?) through several governors to David Paterson's governor interim. The horrific thing about it is that the courts had already given instruction on this and it was the NYS legislature at fault for not rescinding the unconstitutional laws. Perhaps a 20 year sleep-walking defense???: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/27/nyregion/27contempt.html… and http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/city-is-held-in-con…/
I was going to post this first here tonight but unexpectedly ran into a very sweet person who actually has a very social justice point of view and reached out to me. Like many others she thought I'm here at work. Would be, could be, should be but as a disabled American I was slimed by the Pataki administration. At first she asked me for a card but all I could offer her was different websites to go to and conversation. So I'm sooooo far behind but it's all good. I actually haven't had someone break down in tears like that in front of me (about my life) in a long time. It's a very sad story and this person really felt it but SOMEONE needed to be strong to protect us. Mom stayed strong but mom did not protect us like we needed. Mom needed to say "this is too much. I need to go back to Ireland and raise my kids so they get a fair shake at what we have left."
I have my same daily reminders for people:
#NY please break your chains of a 2 party system, stay away from the wishy-washy Libertarian, and #VoteGreen
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
How we protect our #Constitution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijkd14W8bdc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM https://www.facebook.com/wolfpacnj and https://movetoamend.org/
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
Things in life that will come back to bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs
This man's administration is...
Round2. STUPID. 3 bags of candy here and mom went to the door once. Since the doorbell keeps waking me I need to get more sleep. I told her to take a chair with her and sit by the door. Nope. Her answer on the candy is "someone will eat it." Now she needs to tend to the garbage. Too much complaining in this house. I was fucking left here to rot while Claire was court-ordered out of the house and christine ... more complaining ... it doesn't stop... christine is silenced into frustration, negativity, ... this is no fair. Rot rot rot. Last night I got to tell someone involved ... can still hear mom stressing christine out with more complaining - a Typical day. Another round of kids and a door that will go unanswered. Anyway, someone involved in family court because they have kids and a divorce exactly what judge deanne m. wilson did. Almost asleep.
November 1st 2014
Nice dream!!! A bunch of us exploring mars for first time!!! Walking the new planet.! Need that dream back! Zzzzzzz
On the red planet I was able to change my environment just by thinking it which had me pondering if it's true what they say on earth that life is merely an illusion (of spirit). I was baffled why I only needed to wear the space suit some of the time when traveling outer space. I would twist into martian soil when changing my environment. Soil samples was a big thing. Wish I was awake to write that dream down coz can't remember all now but was sooooo content to be off Earth. Could it be a memory back to a near death experience? I want to remember . Screw Claire and her way International view on that. She never had a medical life like me and christine. Just repressed anger that comes out in the form of sarcasm.
On the red planet I was able to change my environment just by thinking it which had me pondering if it's true what they say on earth that life is merely an illusion (of spirit). I was baffled why I only needed to wear the space suit some of the time when traveling outer space. I would twist into martian soil when changing my environment. Soil samples was a big thing. Wish I was awake to write that dream down coz can't remember all now but was sooooo content to be off Earth. Could it be a memory back to a near death experience? I want to remember . Screw Claire and her way International view on that. She never had a medical life like me and christine. Just repressed anger that comes out in the form of sarcasm.
companies gave us a life of being laughed at for having "some brain
problem" and the capped amount for all our catastrophic damages was a
mere $70,000. Don't be deceived #california. Vote yes on #prop46.
"...and to the republic for which it stands; White-collar murder easy
when immigrants don't understand ...I would have admitted I'm a
terrorist waiting to happen but then I'm accused of a felony. Mom never
got over you Stephanie ..." http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zU7-RQogVmU
after seeing all the stuff about it, i do think the opposition is set up to be beneficial for Insurance.
November 2nd 2014
NY Governor's Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUkbZMshyU
Howie Hawkins recently on Democracy Now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozHr4I42mPE
So even though Governor Christie's Outburst on 2-Year Anniversary of Sandy a state's governor is not necessarily indicative of the legislature. On the good side of NJ politics we can note good work of the legislature like New Jersey Nears Historic Legislation Banning Money From Politics BUT WE ARE BY NO MEANS SAILING DOWNHILL WHEN YOU CAN READ STORY AFTER STORY OF CHRISTIE CAVING IN AT KOCH AS HE/THEY DANGLE THAT GREEN CANDY. 2 HARD WORKING AMERICANS CONTRIBUTING WHAT THEY WANT MY A$$. THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS COME FIRST.
"Yes 46 ty xoxo"
after seeing all the stuff about it, i do think the opposition is set up to be beneficial for Insurance.
if you need any phone numbers to call any of these people I quoted to you let me know.
November 2nd 2014
NY Governor's Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUkbZMshyU
Howie Hawkins recently on Democracy Now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozHr4I42mPE
So even though Governor Christie's Outburst on 2-Year Anniversary of Sandy a state's governor is not necessarily indicative of the legislature. On the good side of NJ politics we can note good work of the legislature like New Jersey Nears Historic Legislation Banning Money From Politics BUT WE ARE BY NO MEANS SAILING DOWNHILL WHEN YOU CAN READ STORY AFTER STORY OF CHRISTIE CAVING IN AT KOCH AS HE/THEY DANGLE THAT GREEN CANDY. 2 HARD WORKING AMERICANS CONTRIBUTING WHAT THEY WANT MY A$$. THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS COME FIRST.
In NY we learn this example by the horrific unconstitutional arrests of
the homeless in NYC which spanned 2 decades from Mario Cuomo (and
before?) through several governors to David Paterson's governor interim.
The horrific thing about it is that the courts had already given
instruction on this and it was the NYS legislature at fault for not
rescinding the unconstitutional laws. Perhaps a 20 year sleep-walking
defense???: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/27/nyregion/27contempt.html… and http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/city-is-held-in-con…/
#NY please break your chains of a 2 party system, stay away from the wishy-washy Libertarian, and vote #howiehawkins
2014 New York Gubernatorial Debate and
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
How we protect our #Constitution: Move to Amend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM and https://www.facebook.com/wolfpacnj THIS IS NOT A DOWNHILL SAIL. cHRISTIE HAS CAVED TO KOCH and https://movetoamend.org/
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: Vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
Things in life that will come back and bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs and
#NY please break your chains of a 2 party system, stay away from the wishy-washy Libertarian, and vote #howiehawkins
2014 New York Gubernatorial Debate and
Money in Politiics/elections which is a direct assault on the Constitution of the United States: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/koch-brothers-liberal-count…
How we protect our #Constitution: Move to Amend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijSsZdCatTM and https://www.facebook.com/wolfpacnj THIS IS NOT A DOWNHILL SAIL. cHRISTIE HAS CAVED TO KOCH and https://movetoamend.org/
Hindsight to learn from and save ourselves from by paying attention to this man and his party: Vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45xrdj46HSM
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDLmQTzkdo
Things in life that will come back and bite you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHvb9V8Yzs and
mom slept thru christine's outbursts of frustration first thing in the
morn and then christine comes out and acts like it's any other day never
venting her frustration in life past what she deals with in the
immediate and then mom goes into a court and lies that all is fine and
christine can't put together that higher level thinking coz she's been
written off...and it continues.
November 3rd 2014
I was in the snow country and had to use huge ice blocks to move stuff.
On first test drive ice was melting under me and blocks coming apart
which means I could be goner. Dilemma was to tie blocks to rusty metal
Parts for seat and proper sled. Man said it's going to be a mess but I
kept trying to solve the problem.
- Hmmm
this is the same time brittany maynard was in the process of ending her
suffering without repercussions of the psychiatric industry. However
brittany had not been suffering in life for the previous 23 years and
being a target of the psychiatric industry
which ultimately ruined her life even though it was forced and
unnecessary followed by a lawyer with no balls. She got to do many
things I'll never do like climb one of the highest mountains. I'm on
round 2 because christine woke me up after 2 hours calling mom.
- Just
looked up friend who received brain damage after graduating high honors
from college. Our conversation once was that I'm lucky I don't remember
or know the differance in life before and after brain damage. Not true.
Our last conversation didn't go
well because he was stuck on me helping myself while I have something
missing in that area - perhaps higher level thinking in that area. Tis
why I need a PET scan which I qualify for - just need help getting
there. Life ending beforehand seems the way to go.
enough sleep. no job. no justice. an insurance statistic. tired of my
intelligence going nowhere. hard to stay going. hard to let go. no more
night. good night. Mhana Mason
hope you are well. Hope I gave you enough information. Let me know if
you need more numbers of those people to ask questions. Cheers!
"thanks doll.
i'm sorry life is so fricken hard
i'm always here for ya."
- Just posted on your profile pic. Vote yes on Prop 46. Tomorrow right? Erin Brockovich voting yes should mean something more than I can convince
#california don't fall for the hype surrounding #noonprop46 . Waiting to die from lack of justice is no fun. Read all about me and my sisters here #http://www.gofundme.com/Some-Justice
Watch details of prop 46 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU7-RQogVmU
It says something if consumer advocate #erinbrockovich is voting yes.
Syracuse York originally shared:
"thanks doll.
i'm sorry life is so fricken hard
i'm always here for ya."
- Just posted on your profile pic. Vote yes on Prop 46. Tomorrow right? Erin Brockovich voting yes should mean something more than I can convince
#california don't fall for the hype surrounding #noonprop46 . Waiting to die from lack of justice is no fun. Read all about me and my sisters here #http://www.gofundme.com/Some-Justice
Watch details of prop 46 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU7-RQogVmU
It says something if consumer advocate #erinbrockovich is voting yes.
Syracuse York originally shared:
Insurance companies gave us a life of being laughed at for having "some
brain problem" and the capped amount for all our catastrophic damages
was a mere $70,000. Don't be deceived #california #VoteYesOnProp46
Clips from my disturbing poetry: "...and to the republic for which it
stands; White-collar murder easy when immigrants don't understand ...I
would have admitted I'm a terrorist waiting to happen but then I'm
accused of a felony. Mom never got over you Stephanie ..."
#newyork and #newyorkcity never forget who fought front and center for your clean air and water AGAINST hydrofracking. It was the #greenparty so #votegreen and vote #howiehawkins for governor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUkbZMshyU
November 4th 2014
MY MAIN MESSAGE TO ALL IS TO MAKE SURE PATAKI DOES NOT GET ANYWHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE LEST YOU BECOME DISABLED AND BE LAUGHED AT BY HIS ADMINISTRATION AS CAN BE WITNESSED AT A PUBLIC HEARING HELD BY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY IN ALBANY, NY IN APPROXIMATELY MAY OF 1997. #westvirginia #Indiana #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Tennessee #alabama #Florida #Georgia #Mississippi #Texas #Oklahoma #Louisiana #Iowa #Missouri #Kansas #Nebraska #NorthDakota #SouthDakota #Montana #Wyoming #Idaho #Arizona #Utah #Nevada ...
have witnessed the edge Claire sent mom over twice. Not only does mom
cut christine off in saying she's right but when christine repeats what
she's been taught that she doesn't want to live here anymore, mom tells
her to go find some other place to live. Nice guardian of an
incompetent Morris County Surrogate Court. One helps the other live in
denial while they mutually benefit each other in a shell of unreality.November 4th 2014
MY MAIN MESSAGE TO ALL IS TO MAKE SURE PATAKI DOES NOT GET ANYWHERE NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE LEST YOU BECOME DISABLED AND BE LAUGHED AT BY HIS ADMINISTRATION AS CAN BE WITNESSED AT A PUBLIC HEARING HELD BY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON DISABILITY IN ALBANY, NY IN APPROXIMATELY MAY OF 1997. #westvirginia #Indiana #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Tennessee #alabama #Florida #Georgia #Mississippi #Texas #Oklahoma #Louisiana #Iowa #Missouri #Kansas #Nebraska #NorthDakota #SouthDakota #Montana #Wyoming #Idaho #Arizona #Utah #Nevada ...
don't remember all of today's dream coz i didn't record it right away.
my dog was alive but wagging her tail excitedely like Claire's dog used
to do around her previous owner Mr. Fitzpatrick just before she pee'd
with excitement. In the dream it was my dog wagging her tail the exact
same way and just as excited but didn't pee. a dog in a dream represents
viewing the unofficial results. Just can't get this chorus out of my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKFEfR_Q16I
November 5th 2014
November 5th 2014
idiot coast to idiot coast. OUR NEW NATIONAL ANTHEM. NY HAD THE CHANCE
OF A LIFETIME TO GET A 3RD PARTY CANDIDATE IN in light of hydrofracking
going idiots who didn't take advantage of either.
I'm so sorry you fell for the 1% of INSURANCE who fucking deceived you.
NY I gave up my life for you (remember 2000 when there was a complaint
of young people leaving in droves)? I FUCKING STAYED. NICE GOING!
Are we happy now??????
knew of someone in northern NY once who sued for medical malpractice
and the jury found "well had the doctor not worked on them at all they
could have died." As bizarre as that sounds it drives home the point
that not all of NY is the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8Siv1a75yw
November 6th 2014
Mostly all posts of how California royally screwed up regarding prop 46 and not passing it.
November 7th 2014
November 6th 2014
Mostly all posts of how California royally screwed up regarding prop 46 and not passing it.
November 7th 2014
non-paralyzed foot is distorted rolling in as if her foot is becoming
detached; her paralyzed knee snaps back indicating her acl is not
working and her paralyzed foot is rolling out (which rolling out and
over it is one way to break a toe) and this oversight by a woman who's
not taking care of this is what the Morris County Surrogate's Court
threw Christine's life away to. Christine's not falling anymore when
turning a light on because I adjusted the proper height on her crutch
which has been deficient for atleast five(?) years. Imagine all the
falls she's taken from an insufficient crutch and mom's deficiency is
the reason Christine "doesn't like" going to dances anymore.
November 8th 2014
Just did another told-you-so w mom. Where she's getting an oil change opens at 7am and I said to Chris I would make breakfast for the two of us while mom went and got herself coffee and breakfast and an oil change. Nope. Less than 8am I call the oil change place and it turns out the wait is exactly where it was the last 2 times she got up and left coz the wait too long. Told-you-so. She's still here.
"I bet 2pm theres no wait?"
1.5 hr wait. She's had the same wait at 2pm. I'm on 3 hrs sleep and almost slapped the shit out of this loose cannon who then turned towards the phone and said "that's it someone's got to take you out of here" AND NEVER MADE THE CALL. How many other things is she talk w no follow thru? How much is my life like that? I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH. I'M OUT OF THINGS I CAN DO WITH MY HANDS FUCKING TIED BY PEOPLE WHO WON'T HIRE ME.
November 8th 2014
Just did another told-you-so w mom. Where she's getting an oil change opens at 7am and I said to Chris I would make breakfast for the two of us while mom went and got herself coffee and breakfast and an oil change. Nope. Less than 8am I call the oil change place and it turns out the wait is exactly where it was the last 2 times she got up and left coz the wait too long. Told-you-so. She's still here.
"I bet 2pm theres no wait?"
1.5 hr wait. She's had the same wait at 2pm. I'm on 3 hrs sleep and almost slapped the shit out of this loose cannon who then turned towards the phone and said "that's it someone's got to take you out of here" AND NEVER MADE THE CALL. How many other things is she talk w no follow thru? How much is my life like that? I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH. I'M OUT OF THINGS I CAN DO WITH MY HANDS FUCKING TIED BY PEOPLE WHO WON'T HIRE ME.
finally asked CHRISTINE that she must remember Cris Mirda because she
sees her periodically. She doesn't remember the get well doc because she
only met him once.she admitted she sees her "sometimes " but couldn't
answer where or when. After telling mom multiple times to shut up and
butt out from being the puppeteer christine says she THINKS she sees her
at shop.
how today's fallout all started is that mom started giving a very vague
reason that I'm making Christine all upset because after sleeping in
her bed I'm not leaving things how she needs them. I asked specifically
what happened. I got aloof answers. Then Christine starts with what
she's learned from mom to make a scene because I did something wrong. I
ignore it and ask Christine the specific questions and got specific
answers. That's when I lost it reminding mom that that's why she has 2
children fucked up because she can't give them what they need to get
along in life (like explanations of understanding). Oh shit hit the fan
including this loose cannon saying I'm full of shit I have a brain
injury. SLAP. SLAP SLAP. that's the abuse killing me. That's the abuse I
was not saved from. That's the abuse ...
love you too. just not raised to say it - insurance's dream come true
"I understand. I like to say i love you to kk every nite"
"And sweat dreams,,,wo fail"
" Nice tradition"
me about it. You go out in the world and you hear lots of people like
that. If this family didn't have MEDICAL needs it would be fine I assume
on other family in America that made out ok. Mom did what she was
supposed to do only as if nothing was medically needed! It's good to
hear you say that to kk. Very good. :-)
November 9th 2014
brains basking in the California sun. I just can't get over how you all
fell for this Nov 4th Election being bought and sold by the
multi-million dollar Insurance anti-prop 46 campaign. #noon46 Let's look at the following story for some ABC education on #tortreform and please sign the petition if you already support (or finally get it) what prop 46 is all about
I try to honor my child's memory everyday, by making the people of Florida aware of th...
I try to honor my child's memory everyday, by making the people of Florida aware of th...
I never had this in NJ and soooo needed it. Claire was court-ordered out of the house. How did this happen?????
since I posted about sleeping in christine's room I wake up after 2
hours. I've spent the past 3 hours trying to get back to sleep. That
means by the time I have enough sleep it will be too late to go to the
Chinese buffet. Curse me posting that.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxoXf4BRNTc
let mom have it. Came across an adult brain injury story asking when
they were going to get their senses back including the sense of taste.
First line of defense: " that's them." SLAP! that's the human brain!
It's not normal for a child to eat grease from a dirty pan when no one's
FUCKING DOCTOR! went thru all the steps that I've known about this
since 1995 and within the statute of limitations the dumb bitch did
nothing! The answer is simple : take your injured children back to the
cow-shit filled farm country you come from and stop making them a
laughing stock in a country you belong booted out of! STUPID!
really like that song "culture shock" by Native Eyez so looked up on youtube and came across this song instead. Like this group. More people need to wake up to the history in this land https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAdjjj3QUPE
November 10th 2014
Just found out my random act of kindness last night gave $100 to the workers here if they understand my English right and if I understand their Bengali/Indian right. I'm extremely bitter, waiting to die, and don't bother with anyone but there are certain things I live by. Last night it turns out there were extra chairs at my usual table so when I went to put one back I noticed a purse slung over a chair and told the one worker that I don't think anyone's at that table and there's a purse there. It turns out the other worker knew who it belonged to and took the purse in the back and the owner picked it up today and gave them $100 in tips for all three workers for the gratefulness (again if I understand right and if the language barrier has been hurdled over). There's some kind of excitement in the air over it but I just keep to myself waiting and praying my last breath will get here soon. *sigh* I've said before that I wouldn't be needy if I got paid for all my random acts of kindness. That includes the cop that came in here one night and had no idea a bunch of papers dropped out of his pocket and something told him to turn around as I stood behind him waiting to give it back. I specifically kept a tight lip on that one as they were thanking me. I am very aware we are divided due to his job. There also was the guy who didn't know until I pointed it out to him as he was leaving that he dropped gloves(?) up at the counter. He commented his relief to the worker behind the counter. I just went back to life with my headphones on. Now if I could just shake this very odd guy that comes in here obviously looking for a date. When I said hello back to him once he doesn't stop. He'll now stop in front of me until I look up to say hi or bye. I'm not interested - and maybe moreso since seeing a guy pray over him on Halloween meaning he's in some type of Pentecostal or evangelical church. The truth of withheld information amongst all christians starting with the Catholic church long ago has made up my mind on that one. Anyway what's $100 going to do for me? I need $5000 to pay a lawyer to start an action at the Surrogate's court. That is all. It would help cover the cost of the raw foods I got back in the habit of having but mom's continued refusal to take care of the Surrogate's court lies takes care of that.
November 14th 2014really like that song "culture shock" by Native Eyez so looked up on youtube and came across this song instead. Like this group. More people need to wake up to the history in this land https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAdjjj3QUPE
November 10th 2014
This is the uneducated and inexperienced mentality that voted no on tort reform prop 46:
Esther Faith Elias 2 hours ago Of couse insurance industry poured money into fighting 46. Good luck next time you are in Emergency Room or Surgery. Without drug test you don't know who is working while on something
Syracuse York 28 minutes ago That makes no sense. When you go to an emergency room you get treated by the emergency doctor on call. You should learn something about going to an emergency room before you vote no and keep ruining people's lives. There's no time in an emergency to call YOUR doctor under normal emergency services. MY GOD this mentality is what people's lives were thrown to???? #california #yesonprop46 #erinbrockovich #ralphnader
gee you need to have a divorce to have this type of protection? Being
catastrophically injured and brought up by a hopeful but WRONG and
CARELESS immigrant isn't enough??? Oh pardon me. She must not have come
across the likes of Mendham no-brainer Judge Deanne M. Wilson. http://www.nj.com/camden/index.ssf/2014/11/divorced_nj_parents_ordered_to_pay_for_daughters_college_tuition.htmlEsther Faith Elias 2 hours ago Of couse insurance industry poured money into fighting 46. Good luck next time you are in Emergency Room or Surgery. Without drug test you don't know who is working while on something
Syracuse York 28 minutes ago That makes no sense. When you go to an emergency room you get treated by the emergency doctor on call. You should learn something about going to an emergency room before you vote no and keep ruining people's lives. There's no time in an emergency to call YOUR doctor under normal emergency services. MY GOD this mentality is what people's lives were thrown to???? #california #yesonprop46 #erinbrockovich #ralphnader
THIS IS WHY KAISER PERMANENTE FOUGHT SO HARD AGAINST PROP 46. They require an arbitration if anything goes wrong with a low cap http://www.scoop.it/t/california-personal-injury-attorney-information/p/4014252173/2014/01/15/this-is-the-face-of-tort-reform-a-10-year-old-girl-is-misdiagnosed-and-dies-and-her-life-is-only-worth-265-000
November 11th 2014
smh smh smh My plan B since plan A is not working out? is to go live where I can be a dual citizen but guess what? They are notorious for not hiring foreigners in Ireland. God bless America's generosity even when we get crapped on. My two cents. Well I guess he's isolated to California. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/282066391.html#537iSHf23uQCHGdL.30
November 12th 2014
November 13th 2014November 11th 2014
smh smh smh My plan B since plan A is not working out? is to go live where I can be a dual citizen but guess what? They are notorious for not hiring foreigners in Ireland. God bless America's generosity even when we get crapped on. My two cents. Well I guess he's isolated to California. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/282066391.html#537iSHf23uQCHGdL.30
Mhana Mason
you might enjoy this article. It highlights what I said at one point
that the tea party got bought out by the Koch party and (in a different
deceptive way) no-on-prop-46ers got bought out by insurance. http://rt.com/usa/irs-knew-tea-party-screening-233/
my abusive and handicapped - discriminatory mother and me had it out
again as always before. As she becomes less able -bodied asked me to
reach up and get her nail polish remover. I had Christine do it instead
even though I walked all the way over by her. I was in the middle of
writing out details of the night i was injured by police which all
started from the no-fault insurance case-manager. As she is so aloof to
my life in america and that feeling of rape creeps in. She has 3 or 4
reachers in the house (only 1 used after I made her use it to get the
newspaper everyday). As usual completely ignored my protest waiting for
me to just do it. I don't have enough sleep so not planning on going out
tonight except to do shopping. Nobody saved this life. Nobody.
"So... Anything nice or positive to post ever? We want to know the happiness of you!"
"So... Anything nice or positive to post ever? We want to know the happiness of you!"
thinking...thinking...thinking...I just watched season 7 bloopers of The Big Bang Theory ...thinking...thinking...*sigh* ... when this life is taken care of I assume ...when justice is had I assume...*shrug*
it looks like my FB friend in Wyoming took off coz my negativity. Let
him go if he feels the energy is too bad to be around. This life of mine
had every right to be protected and if not then in the end some kind of
resolution especially after judge
deanne m wilson asks,witnesses, admonishes, and then lets slide my mom's
negligent medical care. It's ok rain -still love you. I'll still be
shrouded in misery. It's a cultural thing from old southwest Ireland
where the catholic church instilled rigid fear and delusion into the
minds of it's children for a lifetime of unbalanced positivity. Now
imagine coming home from a Children's hospital traumatized and not
having your siblings around anymore for a more balanced view of the
world while insurance has put a statutory price on your lifetime of
troubles but your only guardian is one brought up in that culture. My
misery isn't going anywhere until justice is had. May all your wishes
come true my friend and if I ever pass through Wyoming again I'll most
likely be in touch since I'm a good detective. No hard feelings.
November 12th 2014
Told you so! http://www.wsoctv.com/news/news/special-reports/9-investigates-illegal-immigrants-faking-crimes-st/nh5BL/
Just found out my random act of kindness last night gave $100 to the workers here if they understand my English right and if I understand their Bengali/Indian right. I'm extremely bitter, waiting to die, and don't bother with anyone but there are certain things I live by. Last night it turns out there were extra chairs at my usual table so when I went to put one back I noticed a purse slung over a chair and told the one worker that I don't think anyone's at that table and there's a purse there. It turns out the other worker knew who it belonged to and took the purse in the back and the owner picked it up today and gave them $100 in tips for all three workers for the gratefulness (again if I understand right and if the language barrier has been hurdled over). There's some kind of excitement in the air over it but I just keep to myself waiting and praying my last breath will get here soon. *sigh* I've said before that I wouldn't be needy if I got paid for all my random acts of kindness. That includes the cop that came in here one night and had no idea a bunch of papers dropped out of his pocket and something told him to turn around as I stood behind him waiting to give it back. I specifically kept a tight lip on that one as they were thanking me. I am very aware we are divided due to his job. There also was the guy who didn't know until I pointed it out to him as he was leaving that he dropped gloves(?) up at the counter. He commented his relief to the worker behind the counter. I just went back to life with my headphones on. Now if I could just shake this very odd guy that comes in here obviously looking for a date. When I said hello back to him once he doesn't stop. He'll now stop in front of me until I look up to say hi or bye. I'm not interested - and maybe moreso since seeing a guy pray over him on Halloween meaning he's in some type of Pentecostal or evangelical church. The truth of withheld information amongst all christians starting with the Catholic church long ago has made up my mind on that one. Anyway what's $100 going to do for me? I need $5000 to pay a lawyer to start an action at the Surrogate's court. That is all. It would help cover the cost of the raw foods I got back in the habit of having but mom's continued refusal to take care of the Surrogate's court lies takes care of that.
and I forgot about the time a guy had been waiting for his drink to be
made. When he got it it was the wrong thing. The guy told the worker it
was the wrong thing. The worker was confused. The customer kept
repeating what he wanted and said next time
he comes back it's free. The worker couldn't understand everything
being said. As all this was going on I used the internet translator to
show him the Bengali version of what the customer was saying. The
customer thanked me. It took the worker a minute to register why I was
speaking up. Maybe women in his culture don't speak up or get involved?
Damn I see why they have such a hard time. Not only is there a
translation of the verbal words but the letters have to be translated as
the Chinese buffet and it turns out you can only get table reservations
for 4 or more people. Handicapped status is irregardless. They couldnt
understand my english as to what table i was requesting. GET THE FUCK
THIS SHIT ANYMORE. Does China own us that much they don't have to abide
by the ADA?
Still awake. Curse the NYS black witches who did this to me. May my sword enter your heart and twist until ur breath is no more.
3 more hours sleep which is not enough.
sure how I feel. Not enough sleep which I know I'll regret later. Could
go back to sleep with the option of not waking up. Wondering if airhead
and robodick are divorcing being that the sex life is winding down and
Claire's lived an entire marriage repressing her feelings and rage at a
man only the way International brought them together. Not sure how I
should proceed in life. Legally neglected. Undiagnosed brain injury has
us coming across as being on drugs as Terra Maggio so cruely told me
long ago.
Can I come along? And die too?
Obviously mom has been out of touch of what we seem in America and the cruelty endured while she lied
Phone is going to die
November 16th 2014
hours of travel yesterday and then using bengali translator to make
sure i wasn't misunderstood tonight...I'm exhausted. Now I'm going to be
far behind again. Mhana Mason I just need to whine for a while! When's the next shoe going to drop? Leaving early.
November 17th 2014
So today I witnessed an accident occur in front of me for the first time. A truck who could not stop in time on wet roads and t-boned a car that probably tried to make a left not considering you need to give much more space on wet roads. Got home and had to yell to mom the first part of the story which wasn't heated - it's just a matter of her not getting a hearing aid. The second part of the story involved the actual accident. Mom says "What are you doing going that way?" LIFE FLASH. NICE GUIDANCE AND ABILITY TAUGHT TO ME IN GETTING THROUGH LIFE. (After our accident we never went that way FOR YEARS. My first couple of accidents, that was the first ludicrous thing out of her mouth. Nice going! Nice fucking going for no one who protected me from this). Shit hit the fan. Just the usual. After I let her have it for that response she said "forget it" and I said "yeah see that's what you always have done. You don't know how to handle taking care of this responsibility in America or admit to anyone you can't so you just don't do anything about it. then you go into a surrogate's court and lie just to get your way - one of the most corrupt courts in the nation. family court. they don't give a shit about you." - paraphrase. All the crud brought up is all the same crap, just a different day. Only the new stuff deals with the lie I was brought up on that she only went into that store for bread and there was bread already in the house. Her usual defenses on that come up about the new stuff I learned in the last year of "oh that was a long..." I didn't let her feed me the shit load of lies, half-truths, and confusion that crashed my life into a wall. (everyone else is not not-guilty just coz mom is guilty of her shit that needs to be slapped 3000 miles back across the Atlantic Ocean and be left there). As Christine started getting upset I reminded Christine this is all for her own good in getting her to the doctor who wrote up a plan to help her. As I said "Christine this is all for your own good" mom says "no it isn't!" I really laid on the ventrilaquist sarcasm. And the unprotected life continues and the family who knows her the most is 3000 miles across the ocean not here as witnesses and she remains a loose cannon. I'll assume it was her sister Chrissy who saw my post about how much trouble she could get in for tax purposes in trying to hide Christine's undocumented assets overseas. Something was said about that. If I kill this bitch I am relieved of responsibility. Yeah as if that's a defense.
November 25th 2014
Nice try Facebook or any of the childish evil geniuses behind it. I'm not changing my fucking name. I've had it for 2+ years. You can kiss my ass now and when I have you unblock my account.
November 17th 2014
So today I witnessed an accident occur in front of me for the first time. A truck who could not stop in time on wet roads and t-boned a car that probably tried to make a left not considering you need to give much more space on wet roads. Got home and had to yell to mom the first part of the story which wasn't heated - it's just a matter of her not getting a hearing aid. The second part of the story involved the actual accident. Mom says "What are you doing going that way?" LIFE FLASH. NICE GUIDANCE AND ABILITY TAUGHT TO ME IN GETTING THROUGH LIFE. (After our accident we never went that way FOR YEARS. My first couple of accidents, that was the first ludicrous thing out of her mouth. Nice going! Nice fucking going for no one who protected me from this). Shit hit the fan. Just the usual. After I let her have it for that response she said "forget it" and I said "yeah see that's what you always have done. You don't know how to handle taking care of this responsibility in America or admit to anyone you can't so you just don't do anything about it. then you go into a surrogate's court and lie just to get your way - one of the most corrupt courts in the nation. family court. they don't give a shit about you." - paraphrase. All the crud brought up is all the same crap, just a different day. Only the new stuff deals with the lie I was brought up on that she only went into that store for bread and there was bread already in the house. Her usual defenses on that come up about the new stuff I learned in the last year of "oh that was a long..." I didn't let her feed me the shit load of lies, half-truths, and confusion that crashed my life into a wall. (everyone else is not not-guilty just coz mom is guilty of her shit that needs to be slapped 3000 miles back across the Atlantic Ocean and be left there). As Christine started getting upset I reminded Christine this is all for her own good in getting her to the doctor who wrote up a plan to help her. As I said "Christine this is all for your own good" mom says "no it isn't!" I really laid on the ventrilaquist sarcasm. And the unprotected life continues and the family who knows her the most is 3000 miles across the ocean not here as witnesses and she remains a loose cannon. I'll assume it was her sister Chrissy who saw my post about how much trouble she could get in for tax purposes in trying to hide Christine's undocumented assets overseas. Something was said about that. If I kill this bitch I am relieved of responsibility. Yeah as if that's a defense.
November 25th 2014
Nice try Facebook or any of the childish evil geniuses behind it. I'm not changing my fucking name. I've had it for 2+ years. You can kiss my ass now and when I have you unblock my account.