Monday, December 9, 2019

12/9/19 It's amazing what senior services abuses happen. Playing hardball but then again it was Claire who doesn't know how to do things and has us in a company that possesses jailbird material. If we lose this aid we can never get her back from another company because that means the company can sue the aid for breaking contract. I worked so hard in getting this aid back because she really works well for our situation. She is loved. The company charged mom an extra $100 to keep the aid and used a minimum wage increase payment excuse to help justify it. Anyway, I have proof Claire got the mail by my mother calling me up and saying she's upset that Claire is upset I mailed her anything and that she would take care of it herself. (Upset as in crying? As in mad? As in regret? Mom doesn't elaborate). She told me they most likely burned the mail I sent. I let her know I would just put that info on the internet. Actually Claire's only upset because she has to put up with her bipolar-like husband flying off the handle at my mail - behavior accepted and expected in Claire's religious group. So I reasoned with mom that the new info needs to go to the aid's company before the new year and the rest of the conversation will have to come back to me but as mom just kept arguing with me I finally felt the reverberating chord pulled inside of me and said "Stop covering the ASS of the child that just doesn't give a shit!" and I slammed down the phone. That is my brain injury reactiveness that is being used against me. Meanwhile Claire has successfully suppressed her brain injury reactiveness through brain washing as it flashes in my mind when Claire showed her reactiveness before being court-ordered out of the house 1. When she tackled me to the landing punching my back in an while I was yelling with mom freshman year of high school and 2. When Claire jumped on mom's back out of anger on the driveway and mom's glasses flew off her face. Maybe 20 minutes after slamming the phone down I called the aid and left her a message apologizing for getting her involved but to just please let my mother know that in the next 2 to 3 weeks that they will be keeping my mother she will not have the time or wherewithal to take care of this so this is something Claire has to do. In the end I gave my mother's new card to the aid just in case Claire remains inactive which is the trend. Yeah and mom put her in charge. I realize mom is dragging her feet on this new plan coverage because she just closed an account (with my name on it) to pay bills so she feels she's all set. I know how my mother works. Claire does not. That was obvious with Mighty Mouse calling the cops and nothing being wrong on "welfare checks" done thereafter and Claire calling mom after the cops said nothing's wrong and yelling at mom that she called the cops and mom says nothing's wrong. Claire doesn't understand that mom has no one to bounce her thoughts off of. THAT'S how they made a mess of MY life. Claire preached to me "man was not made to be alone" but doesn't see that the same applies to mom. I could still report more things but I have stuff to do with my day. Enjoying the rain today. Maybe something is going my way. I did drop off guardianship papers to the Nursing Home along with emails that happened as I so desperately tried to be a medical guardian for my sister. Traffic jam. When you're already late. A no smoooking sign on your cigarette break. It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. It's meeting the man of my dreams. Already the dashboard's paradise. hmph. And isn't it ironic. Dontcha think? ... 12/12/19 Hardballers don't have to take medicare but will see what else can be done to make the supplemental insurance work. It won't. The abuses within senior care. Flashbacks to Cristina Accardi Mirda (who never revealed the conflict of interest - or it was an inside job - of Judith E Accardi Esq) saying that I wasn't good for Christine's situation because I don't have kids. IS THAT HOW MY SISTER IS BETTER OFF BEING OVER 100 LBS MORE WITH HER BRAIN DAMAGED EATING GOING UNCHECKED? A BEDSORE? A CRACKED TOE NAIL? AND 2 SWOLLEN FEET THAN THE ONE SHE WENT IN WITH? DON'T FORGET ABOUT WHEELCHAIR BOUND. There's a song "little women must have damn near killed you..." Little women meaning Italian mamas who obviously function on uneducation and emotion. Do the Accardis know Jean Rocco? How about ABC's Diana Rocco? Any relation? The little mafia queen from Westchester that destroyed my future trust in the world - unhealthy untrust - instead of tending to medical needs of a minor as they reach majority. Apparently mom has a roommate that has family coming in and out all the time and mom is sad. Where's Claire??? Where's the one she put in charge? solely. Christine needs all 3 of us so that all 4 of us can work together. I'm bleeding a lot this month. Part bioterrorist. Part biological. I'm only out today for an oil change and to restock. My old emails said to Mom & Claire's attorney that I had no intention on allowing Christine's medical potential waste away like it did for 17 yrs. That's what happened in this corrupt court proceeding. Read about Judith E Accardi Esq yourself: ... 12/14/19 Cool calm and collect mom said to me last night to give the aid money to buy her a product of a different size. I immediately questioned it because I know life in mom's house. Listened to her reasoning and when I went to give it to the aid the aid didn't want to take it because it is a product mom is going against medical advice on. THAT'S the recklessness our lives were left in. Cristina Accardi Mirda. Judith E Accardi Esq. #ConflictOfInterest #helpUs !  #NJstatuteOfLimitations #NJLegislature #MorrisCounty #SurrogatesCourt #StevenBenvenisti #lawFirm #lawFirms #disbarred #InjuredChildren #DevelopmentalDisability #DevelopmentalDelay. And Claire only knows the pampered NJ life and calls it god. When in Oregon she freaked seeing a camel transported in a van when actually it could have been the only thing available for the zoo in the area. Environmental things. Yes it's good she's in her familiar environment but remaining undiagnosed in that situation just makes the situation worse because it keeps her away from accepting the family dynamics she shuts off but can't escape. Flash to the last time Claire spoke to me was when mom wound up in the hospital in Sept 2018. After I said to her "Now do you see the importance of securing our legal and medical rights long ago?" (paraphrase) and she said "MaryJane focus! This is about mom." REALLY?! She should have thought of that as our lives were flashing before my eyes after receiving a surprise letter from The Morris County Surrogate's Court - years of telling mom to DO something for us. ... 12/19/19 Of all the days I no longer want to be alive, Sunday was one of them. I woke and started looking at the info to get Christine back on the services she used to be on so we can get her back home where her eating is controlled. Then took a double dose to knock me back out. Got woken up by the santa fire truck sirens and was up at 3:45pm. As I sit here I remember back to the position mom was put in when Claire refused to take Christine in anymore. Mom never wanted Chris in Social Services. You'd think republican Claire would agree with that. I now see. There's a huge wild goose chase I have to go on just to have Christine's eating controlled and it may amount to nothing because I'm not a named guardian. Mom wanted us to take care of each other without social services involved and Claire's refusal to watch Christine thrust mom into that position. I agree with mom on that. Claire being brainwashed was the worst thing that happened to this family because it kept Claire aloof to integrating her original family with her own. Claire's unrealisticness is shining through. The noise Christine makes that she learned from mom which was the make or break in Claire ever watching Chris again could have been handled much more strategically. Instead we are now in this mess. Remember it was her kids having a problem with Christine's noise that was the make or break. Claire worried they'd grow up to be freaks? How sad that in the end we are not working together. How sad mom's need of a sounding board made people look like an ass for calling the police. How sad Judge Deanne M. Wilson did everything wrong for this family. How even sadder Cristina Accardi Mirda is a conflict and we have suffered so much in a way Claire is aloof to and mom had to accept. I mean I had DDD needs which would have put me in social services I guess. In other news I'm mad as hell at the guy across the street who pointed one of his surveillance cameras what seems to be directly at us. Mom walking around in her underwear will now wind up on the internet. I have no problem keeping the shades closed but mom will when she gets home. In other news pat guide's behavior has been (not sure of word that fits). She called from a cell phone with a different area code and was surprisingly nice in conversation with me. My guess is she didn't expect me and/or had people around where she didn't want to let reality be known because (I'm laughing to myself because there's an older lady here and a guy is making himself important by teaching her about technology. He's well-meaning but just makes me think of the intense IT trained I am and life fell apart due to the stupidity of men and the women who allowed it to happen - I had to put my ear plugs in because I couldn't concentrate) next time she called it was her own phone and she was completely monotone. I even had to ask if it was her. Whatever her reasons I was still fair with her. I gave her mom's cell number. Maybe she feels a weight because I'm right again in Chris needing the correct diagnosis. Her brother is not eligible for the same Medicaid as Chris and Chris doesn't belong on his type medicaid. I've had some thoughts if she's up to anything - plans of Chris I don't know about. Anyway off to restock soon. Bette Midler's The Rose is on now and it just pulls at me. ... 1/21/20 What a fucking mess. When don't I feel a fucking mess? I had so much to say but I'm clouded, pressed a bit for time. Most my time is spent on Twitter. I do know when Claire called the other night cluelessly from the house phone I simply pressed the speaker phone and told her to call mom's cell phone. She did. Much more but not sure where it went.

5/26/17 (being left at the end of blog because it's the pinnacle of this blog). Dear #MtLaurel Attorney(s). I am in receipt of your 30 day threat to pay over $3000 to a credit card that I think was taken over by #Citibank but I can't be sure on the take-over. I have no problem paying my debts; always planned to do so, but I need a job to do so. You should direct your potential lawsuit to either the State of New York who failed my Bachelor of Science degree or The Morris County Surrogate's Court who got away with negligence in the medical care of injured minors; in that case send it Attn: "Christopher Luongo, Deputy Surrogate." His impatience with this matter was quite obvious when he practically hung up on 2 people that were calling him for me and my sister from the Independent Living Center. I have no problem with your threat - I've studied case law way too much to understand you are just doing your job as a lawyer but the phrase "you can't pull blood from a rock" applies here even though in my wildest dreams it was never supposed to apply to me. You can also go after my mother for that money who is floating around free in this country not having to face the real medical and legal realities that were upon her after the death of my father. Based upon my story you can see how she gives immigrants a bad name but - oh actually I forgot there is one other entity you can put your lawsuit to and that is the no-fault insurance who along with the Surrogate's Court and anyone else, knew we were not in the proper medical and legal care that is available in America. That's pretty much all I have to say and I hope you see this because this is all I have to say. In thirty days from now it will be just another day IF I'm still here to talk about it. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, MaryJaneButler formerlySyracuseYork.