Fri 8/17/07
I am writing because I am extremely disturbed to hear what I did today from Lindsey who took over for Bridget Martin. After sending countless faxes and emails to CPS since the summer of 2006 with no response, I learned today the reason why. Bridget noted for me not to be considered for employment.
I learned today that I'm ineligible with CPS because she noted about me that I requested direct hire with Suburban (more about that later). I was astounded that the account did not note Bridget's blunder from April 2006 when it came to my unemployment benefits.
After Suburban had ended Bridget had called me up to go on an interview and I declined because my car trouble. Bridget told unemployment I refused a job offer and so I had to struggle further with unemployment in getting my benefits. Eventually, Charles at the Department of Labor helped me straighten out the unemployment problem stating the same thing I said, that it was an interview and not a job offer.
As far as Suburban goes, it was regularly encouraged by co-workers and staff alike to see about going on permenant with Suburban. I had no idea that it would take away from CPS receiving credit, etc. I still have emails that I forwarded to myself from Suburban regarding this and can forward them to you upon request.
I know of another individual who told me (approximately a year ago) of problems she's had with Bridget at CPS. Still, I gave Bridget the benefit of the doubt until today.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree from a highly accredited University, I type 50 words per minute, and I still have the "Perfect Attendance" certificate from Suburban given out at our end-of-the-season breakfast. I am available for work now as I was all this time that I've been faxing and emailing my resume to CPS. My testing at CPS reflects my high qualifications. I still have many names from Suburban fresh in my memory as that is as well as we worked as a team. I would expect that after this clarification I should be hearing back from you about further clarification, job offers w/ Suburban, or job offers with many other clients that I'm qualified for.
In May of 2007 I was put in touch with the pediatric nurse that Kate Falcon screwed with. The public defender had gotten us in touch. He was formally my lawyer who believed how much I should just follow all VESID recommendations because "those are the people who are going to help." I'm guessing his eyes were opened when he had to defend this case. The medical services handling the area had her arrested for tape recording their conversations after they started to f*ck with her. If it were me I never would have let them know I was recording them. I would have just kept my evidence to myself but perhaps she felt she could just take care of the situation right there and then since she was a local to the area and had a certain belief system in the area she grew up in. She is a local to the area since she was young but obviously had no idea of the things happening in the disabled community under her nose. I was an outsider with an intuition that my life is meant to be something and even still feel that hopefulness or maybe it's a matter of I know I would have unfinished business here on this earth with the people who know they're guilty. Being friends with her was great but with bad timing. I felt like a normal human being again having a social life but unfortunately the timing was wrong because I had already gained enough of the knowledge she had yet to learn of how many people were yet going to f*ck with her and the sacrifices she'd have to make just to go someplace in life with these people. For example she bought into some of the social welfare programs just to survive and there's no way I was going to do that after having lost all I did. I have no idea if she ever broke through the corruption.
When first meeting her here are some warnings I gave her on 8/8/07:
"WARNING ON KATE FALCON: I worked with her leading up to my VESID mtg in 2002 (waiting at that time 3 yrs for VESID). She tape recorded the meeting (all aware of it) and let me have the tape. She's a real Ginger Rogers. Because VESID said they would pay to send me away to a TBI program, all my communications with her FOR MONTHS fell through the floor in an instant. That's when I had to go to NJ and work for a while because from that mtg VESID deemed me unemployable unless i attended a brain injury program. Meanwhile I hold a Bachelor of Science degree and have a work history. See this is partly why I'm an alcoholic these days. The rage cant be contained so I just put myself to sleep many times w/ alcohol. Actually when I had my brain injury as a child it took away my ability to sleep normally (totally undiagnosed even to this day) so alcohol actually is good for me when I need to live a normal life and get enough sleep.
Bob Bowser must be happy to be a hypocrite. Why would a born again Christian break counselor confidentiality and make fun of me for taking the legal route of standing up for myself? (again I contain the rage as I type).
I have since remembered the woman's name I dealt with at MILC. Her name was Marcia Gray. You know her? She's related to someone who helped her get that job but I dont believe she works in govt anymore from what she said.
Certain tape recordings without the other parties' knowledge is not illegal. I have to try to remember back on that. I hope you still have the tapes.
If you're dealing with the State Division of Human Rights in Albany, I highly recommend not going to them w/o a lawyer. I'm by far the only person whose had problems w/ them. I dont deal w/ Albany anymore but I've dealt with quite a few there at one time. We're under the catchment of Albany (unfortunately).
I think I'll be there before you are here. Not money but time prevents me from calling you. I'm very busy with certain things down here.
I'll keep the number in mind if I feel I need to call but for now I have my sanity back not dealing w/ govt entities. I'm sure my last Social Security responses to govt have been quite disturbing. I used to have a lot of energy and now that I've been put through the hell merry-go round in NYS medical life and govt, I'm floored by how much of my life is gone as a result...years I'll never get back (Cheers!)

I hope that doesn't sound to disturbing but I'm actually quite a business woman."
and that this was one of my last emails when involved with her dated March 14, 2003:
"¿Usted no habla inglés, español, o ninguna lengua en todos? Mi doctor me he aconsejado obtener servicios jurídicos en volver a VESID
>From: kfalcon
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