Occupied Newbie's life
Picture of me about 2 months out of coma about to eat my first solid food meal after the wires were taken off from healing my broken jaw.
July 19, 2013
have I been up to? Well dodging police at night who want to know why I
am where I am and there's no way I should be out here in the world
without my person protected by another pair of eyes in my best
interests. Those are the types of protections usually set up for a
handicapped child. I'll be a casualty soon of negligence?
July 8, 2013
so I've left mom a voicemail reminding her about how the cumulative
past became the present. She told me my father set up schooling for
Christine (which can only take them til they turn 21. After that dad had
long since died so she sat home everyday doing nothing which turned
into temper tantrums and extreme mood swings. I had access to a resource
list and gave it to my mother who completely ignored
it but it prompted her to call the insurance caseworker who put her
into the cheapest and most inappropriate program packaging thermometer s
and the like and sitting around when there was no work. I dont remember
when and how she was put into something more appropriate but I remember
her coming home crying she wanted a regular job and my mother would
tell her she couldnt when I knew my mother was short-changing her life.
Before he died my father did nothing for me as far as I know except keep
me in Catholic school with no extra help whatsoever for the rest of my
life when there is a different but necessary life planning for me. To be
July 8, 2013
Thank you to all new likes! You are cherished! Feel free to post as you wish.
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 6, 2013
July 6, 2013
all listed on invite list weren't repeats today. However there were 45
listed as liking the page but 66 Likes indicated. Don't know what that
means and don't really have time to find out in my limited time here
July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013
July 2, 2013
to all the new likes on my page. It really means a lot to me. And I'm
so sorry for the dual invites! I do what I can. Traveling while starting
my own page has made it difficult! The invites just have a button to
press to keep inviting.
July 2, 2013
a month left to this journey, I discovered a place I may be able to use
a computer as a Christian Science Reading Room. The topic being played
today over the speakers is "the golden rule in the workplace" and
started out about how hard it is to do
that in today's competitive work place. I didn't expect to have to
reveal my religious studies history. While on the subject here's
something related: http://www.christiansciencein.com/2013/06/24/can-nature-heal/
June 15, 2013
she was inadequate! help me now! http://rothkofflaw.com/guardianship/
hey Paul! do you know of any inadequate guardians
June 15, 2013
Help me!!!! http://www.ganji.org/
June 15, 2013
June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013
June 7, 2013
v. Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Karen Pack, 878 So. 2d
177; 2004 – Father brought suit for son against mother and insurance
company. Mother admitted negligence in supervising son. Sounds like the
Packs lost against the insurance company
June 7, 2013
v. Thomas, 269 S.W.2d 276; 1954 – Kentucky. A suit by the personal
representative of the defendant's infant daughter to recover damages for
her wrongful death caused by the alleged negligence of defendant's
minor son in the operation of defendant's family purpose automobile.
Plaintiff awarded $10,000. Applying what we consider sound and
established principles, which would deny the right of
a minor child to sue its father for injuries sustained if it fell down
the back steps which were negligently repaired by him, we have decided
the plaintiff had no cause of action against the defendant. In his
answer defendant pleaded the family relationship as a bar, and this
constituted a valid defense. The trial court could perhaps have entered
judgment on the pleadings, but having failed to do so, it should have
sustained defendant's motion for a directed verdict. The judgment is
June 7, 2013
v. streenz, 471 P.2d 282; 41 A.L.R.3d 891; 1970 – Arizona case.
Parental immunity didn’t apply for this daughter that sued for the
injuries sustained by her in a car accident (car driven by her mother).
Cites cases from many different states. Brought a personal injury claim
against her parents through her guardian ad litem. Dissenting opinions
with this case but child was granted to move forward.
I've never had a guardian ad litem. Everything was done informally and "off the books."
June 6, 2013
2004-1978=28 years
June 6, 2013
Steven Baxter :
27 Sep 2009 1:01:37pm
Having aquired a catostrophic brain injury in the 1970's in a motorcycle accident I was told weeks after awaking from a month long coma that; I should get use to facing a restrictive life as far as cognition, perception, memory and intelligence go, I couldn't even talk and movement was lost to much of my body...
What a trip it has been I first spoke with a slow drawn voice then made my fingers moved within weeks then months later I walked, today hold a Bachelors Degree and that was all a long hard struggle but my experiences are so much to do with training the brain, discovering new pathways this is research telling me what I know, it's great news.
27 Sep 2009 1:01:37pm
Having aquired a catostrophic brain injury in the 1970's in a motorcycle accident I was told weeks after awaking from a month long coma that; I should get use to facing a restrictive life as far as cognition, perception, memory and intelligence go, I couldn't even talk and movement was lost to much of my body...
What a trip it has been I first spoke with a slow drawn voice then made my fingers moved within weeks then months later I walked, today hold a Bachelors Degree and that was all a long hard struggle but my experiences are so much to do with training the brain, discovering new pathways this is research telling me what I know, it's great news.
some days are easier than others. Some days I just say it's my time to
go. Other days I can't fathom leaving this earth with ones responsible
having gotten away with murder.
was told weeks after awaking from a month long coma that; I should get
use to facing a restrictive life as far as cognition, perception, memory
children's hospital so it's not like they didn't know this. And to think
there's losers out there saying I'm feeling sorry for myself. Did they
ever ponder "she's thinking about statute of limitations for justice" or
what about "hmmm her welfare was held at the Surrogate's court and no
one did anything for this child."
June 4, 2013
June 4, 2013
June 4, 2013
oh the things I missed! That's fine. It's plea bargain time. Tic Toc
June 4, 2013
May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013
Have I been doing this wrong all this time? I've been clicking on my name and putting stuff up. Oh my.
May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013
May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
May 13, 2013
had a dream this morning of needing to follow a school bus with a male
and a little girl in my car (no the male could have been 2 males -
either my cousin Christopher or his brother Edward. It was up and down
big hilly roads in the woods similar to Rapid City, SD. We lost the bus
but kept driving and while looking for it, it passed the road in front
of us with the white and blue banner on it but I still kept questioning
it that's the bus we're looking to re-catch up to. Alarm woke me up.
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013
May 9, 2013
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
April 9, 2013
March 28, 2013
March 20, 2013
March 17, 2013
when did the weather start getting nice?
March 4, 2013
my Irish family was especially cold and cruel. They're lucky my car
problems are not immediate. It wouldnt be as bad if I didnt have
unobvious medical needs. So cruel...but I'll be comfortably numb in a
think the problem is that the sheer confusion of being cared for but
cruel rejection of who and what I am in America runs so deep that I cant
even put into words how screwed up it is. initially my aunt said...it's
not even worth the sheer recklessness that may as well leave me skinned
alive. looking forward to being comfortably numb. anyone whose grown up
under old Irish emotional cruelty knows what I'm talking about. but
dont know this is something you dont grow out of because the cruelness
has been my sole caretaker and I have no one else to take care. I was
led to believe the Surrogate's Court only handles $ and when my mother
found out differently years later while witnessing my life fall apart
didnt do anything...the longer I'm typing the longer I have to wait for a
full charge so I can go get comfortably numb over this loose cannon
with a miserable sense ofrecklessness...
ok comfortably numb. now cant put sentences together. must mean it gave me an escape for a while from cruel punishment.
alarm woke me up at 3:30 in morn. trying to get comfortably numb again.
when I was talking to my aunt today she had no concept that if my
family is incompetent to care for me, she's the next of kin. I keep
having flashes of a pic I seen of bush giving the hand signal of the
illuminati. becoz I can drive myself across country the next of kin is
... I just lose my words for this child abuse but it's emotional and not
physical so I go on unchecked. My aunt did say that what I did was
crazy of driving xcountry with not a lot of money not getting it
that...again loss for words.
March 2, 2013
all crashing down again. I drove to a new place 4 hours away and
there's nothing for me here. Trying to make the best of it but certain
people who make it their business to judge others make it too hard like a
waitress at the truck stop this morning to her boss. The first time she
stared me down maybe she didn't realize I was looking at her looking at
me behind the fake plant set up in the diner. When I looked at her
looking at me again from a clear distance and the big cheese was gone
home only then did she stop staring me down. Car problems have to be
fixed. What? I'm not even supposed to be alive anymore.
March 2, 2013
last story is much like my story. Difference is my parents lied saying
they'd take me back there for treatment, ignored vocational needs for my
future, and kept me in catholic school until I threatened the police on
my mother whose oldest child had just
been given a court order she wasn't allowed back home. all these years
later only know it makes sense that it was the threat of the police that
made my mother give in to transferring to public school. I just want to
RIP. No one is going to save me now.
February 25, 2013
February 23, 2013
can't I remember if I had an NDE? I woke up alone even though I was
responding to questions with my hands before being awake. Well upon
waking 1. I was alone 2. I was hypersensitive to doing something bad and
the nurses were annoyed by some things I did.
I can't think of much else after that time that would have blocked out any memory. I had things happen to me that were not good in the hospital and regarding family who has never dealt with the full impact of all but I would have remembered before those bad things happened. I remember I used to call my mother collect multiple times a day while my teeth were wired together and I was crushed when she told me not to call so much. I was crushed when the nurses seemed annoyed at me. I remember I was never allowed to talk to one of my sisters (not being told she had died) but that didn't crush me as much as my mother telling me not to call so much. The person I had become was hypersensitive to being "bothersome." Is that normal? What does that reveal about me at 6 years of age. All the flashbacks of my life back to being 2 years old is consistent with life review.
I can't think of much else after that time that would have blocked out any memory. I had things happen to me that were not good in the hospital and regarding family who has never dealt with the full impact of all but I would have remembered before those bad things happened. I remember I used to call my mother collect multiple times a day while my teeth were wired together and I was crushed when she told me not to call so much. I was crushed when the nurses seemed annoyed at me. I remember I was never allowed to talk to one of my sisters (not being told she had died) but that didn't crush me as much as my mother telling me not to call so much. The person I had become was hypersensitive to being "bothersome." Is that normal? What does that reveal about me at 6 years of age. All the flashbacks of my life back to being 2 years old is consistent with life review.
February 23, 2013
So probate fraud really does occur: http://ezwp.tv/V49QAtSF
February 23, 2013
Any questions?
February 23, 2013
1907 banking and insurance laws came into being when there was a crisis
then. I've heard of other banking and insurance laws coming into being
in the 1920's. So this interview took place in 2009. Occupy started a
couple years later. Any thoughts? http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/3890413/ny-insurance-head-on-government-intervention/
February 23, 2013
someone can explain my life to me...so it turns out I'm a stock
commodity but this kid in a wheelchair who just got the wires removed
from holding her jaw together and is about to eat her first solid food
meal, doesn't know this. It turns out
the amount of money for the PIP CATASTROPHIC INJURIES is paid out in the
sum of $70,000 - the limit worth of a life under PIP regardless of a
dead sibling and a brain injury that hasn't been "researched enough" to
higher that limit as well as making sure the child is brought to Italy
early on in life for an osteotomy rather than waiting twenty years later
for such a procedure. Until this kid turns 18 this $70,000 grows in the
stockmarket to $150,000 and instead of provide a lifetime of adequate
care for the lifetime of the child, goes to inappropriate living
expenses. Yeah I think I'm following so far...
February 23, 2013
February 23, 2013
February 23, 2013
really? In every state? http://vimeo.com/24175291
February 22, 2013
to a new study" - as a primitive knee-jerk murder reaction has only the
option to type at a keyboard. Excuse me but ... my A$$ it's new. There
are people (particularly doctors and insurance companies) who knew ALL
along. So I'm just left to smolder internally: http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/brain-and-behavior/articles/2011/10/27/children-with-head-injuries-can-face-lifetime-of-problems
February 22, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 20, 2013
to mom in the 40+ pages I'm sending her: "my timing belt was done at
27,405 mi at the six year mark (before I owned the car). If I need a new
drive belt it's only $150. Valve adjustment may need to be done which
is $650 but is recommended at 75000 or if noisy. I do hear rattling.
Anyway mom you have to understand that Christine had proper schooling
after the accident and I did not because of catholic
school. I'm not returning to Nj w/o it being formalized at the
Surrogate's Court. My life has been falling apart right under your nose
all these years. You found out 30 years later what to do for Christine.
Now find out about me. Unless something changes I wont be sending any
more of these mailings. I'm short about $150/mo for survival and that's
just the basics. Social security is only paying $611/mo. My basic bills
w/o paying credit cards is $342/mo.$20-$30/wk gas. 1meal/day at $8.41.
Sleeping medication and 1 coffee/day is the basics plus I have to take
vitamin supplements. If I get to catholic charities an hour away from
here I get 2 free meals a day and a free shower. Right now I have to pay
$10/wk for 1 shower a wk. Someone let you have ur way a long time ago
and catholic school failed me for the things I needed in life. It's
worth it for u to look like someone needing the man in the white coat
rather than visiting the grave of another child before you die. I dont
own $1100 anymore. During my developmental years is the time you needed
to let go of me so someone raised in America could give me better
guidance. For you to let go of me now is sending me to my grave - not
kidding. Call the Surrogate's Court to see what you can do now.
February 19, 2013
is the second time that I just wanted to unload the end of my world coz
I'm in absolute misery. Sometimes I get flashes of injustices and
certain people that have done me wrong or how much I'm just a speck of
ink for insurance or some other Goliath; how I'm all alone completely
crashed into a wall when I had all good intentions all along and then my
being consumed in misery goes away when brought back to saneness by
someone on Facebook. I've been alone for far to long.
stayed with a man far too long doubting my own intuition about him and I
and look where that got me. sitting in a cold car waiting to die. I'm
having one of those babble nights so should go plug in my phone.
February 12, 2013
I cant get to email today because it's a holiday.
February 2, 2013
oh man fb is pissing me off. trying to post that I sent out another invite today.
February 2, 2013
February 1, 2013
page/group is about children left behind that are a mess now. After
fixing my name yesterday, sent out more invites. Waiting to hear back.
January 29, 2013
giving this create page a try. Now I see an Admin Panel in the upper right of page.
Joined Facebook
January 29, 2013 The crux of what you are about to read is the journey I took carrying out my final wishes of driving across the United States. This post is a bare-bones but much better chronological order of all previous 60 posts. This blog starts out with some posts I made before embarking on my cross country journey on September 6, 2012. I returned from this journey in August 2013. You will read about my life situation as I dialogue in my posts either talking aloud or to other people and their words are sometimes indicated by quotes. If you are looking to see a specific part of my life, type in a word on page search. For example, if you would like to find out about me representing myself in court in the fiasco situation that finally broke all my life plans (for lack of specific phrase at this time), go to your page search on your particular browser and type in "pro se" and enter. Mistakes do happen especially with me being mobile on the road so you might find something under "prose." If you would like to know for example anything I have to say about the surrogate's court, search for "surrogate" "surrogates" "surr" or "surrogate's." You will find that throughout this journey I talk multiple times about "final." Keep in mind I was an injured child with extremely deficient aftercare. Some of it was well meaning like keeping injured children away from dangerous medications and keeping a child away from "slow classes" with the belief that those kids grow up with no confidence and short changing their ambition in life. Although well-meaning, a pattern of neglect and reality denial will (or should based on my own view) come clear as well as ignorance of the American system but what's even more ignorant is the refusal to reach out for help of the situation. This was partly due to fear and partly due to pride. This medically neglected child was supposed to be dead long ago and obtaining legal help to fix this situation is urgently needed about 5 years ago. Every time I was ready to let go of this life something came along to keep me hanging on. As time goes on though, there is nothing more to hang onto. This blog is a work in progress based on my online availability. Enjoy and please step in to help as it is urgent. I have reached out to many avenues FAR AND WIDE for help and they all came to no avail.
March 31st 2012
Welcome to the depths of my life. LOCOMOTOR TRAINING: http://gma.yahoo.com/video/sexlove-26594280/paralyzed-man-dances-with-wife-for-first-time-28782437.html#crsl=%252Fvideo%252Fsexlove-26594280%252Fparalyzed-man-dances-with-wife-for-first-... See More
sorry all. I put this on my wall. I had no idea it would end up in Newsfeed.
April 12th 2012
April 17th 2012
I thought I just posted this.
April 26th 2012
time left for me if not hired: http://is.gd/h31v9B
April 30th 2012
Re-post this if you know someone who is alive today simply because you don't want to go to prison. — with Romeo Boogieman.
May 21st 2012
As life winds down and I live in pain everyday from the injuries I received from police I finally got a response after a year from the latest attorney to evaluate my case. No justice. No peace:
"I declined taking your case and left you a voicemail message regarding this last year. I also followed up with a second message after I did not hear from you advising that your file is available for pickup. Unfortunately your situation is not the type of matter which I am willing to handle and you have been free to consult or retain any other counsel. Pleaseadvise when you can come get your materials.
Rafael O. Gomez, Esq.
LoTempio & Brown, P.C.
One Franklin Court
181 Franklin Street
Buffalo, New York 14202-2448
Phone:716.855.3761 ext.219
Fax:: 716.855.3437"
Let this guy sue me for putting this on facebook. I have nothing left to sue. I was raised by an uneducated immigrant woman who was completely taken advantage of by the system which in turn crashed my life into a wall and the wall is only getting closer and closer at 80 mph.
"It is good you put this on fb. We need to know these things. Now maybe a lawyer with a conscience?"
how ironic zach is working for NYPIRG. I just posted in the comment with Eric and Keisha that she faced discrimination based on race while working for CCE (NYPIRG) while I faced discrimination by CCE (NYPIRG) when they refused to hire me (based on disability). I emailed a lawyer before I had this guy but told him if he needs money from me it will take away from my survival for the next year.
the art of letting go... Did you get my resume this time?
If you know a lawyer that will go to bat pro bono for me please send them my way. I have nothing left to look forward to.
I emailed her. Doesn't sound promising though at least for her because she doesn't cover the geographical area where it happened. Who knows. yw for reminder. I'll ask again tomorrow if it's been given to anyone or anything.
that's from like 7 years ago. I've been in touch with Barrie for different things.
oh unless you mean about resources running out. I'm not sure she knows that. Not sure if it's important. All she can do about that is recommend I go on welfare.
I was never meant to go on welfare. Had things been done correctly when they were supposed to I wouldn't have to face "The unemployment picture is so bad here that employers are getting away with discrimination."
it's kind of like when you signed up willing to die for your country. i'm willing to die for my cause/protest
June 29th 2012
From a skim glance, the only thing you're not being told is the REAL reason. For example, why is almost the whole northern NY area big for Thyroid cancer? What besides radiation from god knows what causes thyroid cancer?
I also am in need of adequate legal representation over permanent shoulder injuries I sustained from police. I was asleep in my home and officers allowed themselves in and told me to tell the emergency room I was just joking. I was attacked by police while I was half asleep, forcibly medicated and forced to 3 different hospitals who never treated the shoulder sprain given to me by police. In the end the last hospital said "We think this was just one big misunderstanding and we have no reason to keep you." Please do something to help me also! Do I go to the media? This case has been in the hands of inappropriate legal counsel and i can no longer afford the monstrosity of attorney fees this will take.
Police Brutality Worse than Rodney King
Media contacts and more information:: http://www.worsethanrodneyking.com Actual state police dashcam
August 15 2012
Judy Blanco if you really need someone to bring you two forms of ID please let me know. I would take a side trip out of my future plans for you. This situation and the nice person you are calls for it. I may not be able to leave for at least 2 weeks - it's unpredictable. Last time I called your cell number your Cricket number was disconnected so just let me know.
ok keep me updated. For example today I printed out an alternate route in case I come down there to help out. It means I'd have to do what I have to do quickly coz there's no way I'm coming down there just to come back up here to and then leave.
I'd leave from down there.
September 3rd 2012
How my departure from my local Occupy all started: http://www.upworthy.com/why-the-us-is-only-a-democracy-for-12-states?g=2
and was then followed by suppression of freedoms. hahaha Record kept.
September 10th 2012
Didnt pay $20 2go2aquarium downstairs2watch poor things in captivity given shortened life expectancies from captivity4entertainment&observation purposes (mall of America - Bloomington MN)
Congel fever @ mall of America Bloomington mn. $30 f#!&%@g bucks for an electric scooter. U know the free kind u get at the grocery store? Almost 1/2 way done w/ bucket list. Ciked to visit local native reservation soon!
September 11th 2012
No photo to upload bcoz of phone technology but Minnesota historical society has informed me they wouldnt b who they r w/o donations from the energy Co...if they only knew wut they were saying.MN doesn't have any shale gas plays. No danger of being fracked.
September 13th 2012
Not really a surprise. family research 2day revealed a line of unique travelers later on and women who stayed in school early on. Lots more research to do.
and good jobs. karma's gonna suck4nys
September 17th 2012
Having probs uploading vids from today's student debt march
Eventually I'll get there but occupiers were clearly discriminated against i.e. cited4trespass for ignoring order to stop smoking in people's plaza while video was taken of a non occupier smoking in plaza; forced to stop using chalk
September 19th 2012
This is as bad as when journalists rushed to click pictures as Lady Diana lay dying in a car instead of rushing to save her life...just as bad:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49086436/ns/world_news-the_new_york_times/#__utma=14933801.12786132... See More
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKc_GKlv7HA&feature=plcp (occupy Minneapolis, MN 9-17-12)
September 20th 2012
The air smells where I'm staying which is prob wut's making me so tired. This is 1 crnr of a massive factory less than 1/4 mile away w huge tanks all around&security gates&guards like Bristol Meyers squib. I wonder if security can hear experimental dogs barking like a guy I knew at BMS. At night it's lit up like a little city. investigating I saw a sign for Koch. Aha! Soon I'll be passing Mansanto Soybean research on my way to Walnut Grove. Aha! Laura Ingalls Wilder is prob turning in her grave.
Ok it's fhrfuels.com part of Koch industries. I found the camper encampment near one of its entrances interesting.
September 24th 2012
Wasnt a good day4photos btwn the sun and wind and getting caught fear. No gates or security surrounding Monsanto Soybean Research facility. Among the corn fields getting here to RedwoodFalls is a billboard that asks "y r corn insects dropping like flies?" But no question "y is human DNA being altered a dime a dozen?"
it didnt seem like a visitable place especially by myself yet had I not been under time pressure traveling in daylight hours and driving to the unknown sounds great to make my presesence known!
And 45 minutes west of that we have what shaped a lot of our lives reflecting back to a time of innocence. (Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum).
Wasnt a good day4photos btwn the sun and wind and getting caught fear. No gates or security surrounding Monsanto Soybean Research facility. Among the corn fields getting here to RedwoodFalls is a billboard that asks "y r corn insects dropping like flies?" But no question "y is human DNA being altered a dime a dozen?"
September 25th 2012
Sd has lots of these hilly mtns. Another change in plans based on things I wanted to see indicatef by my newest piece of "jewelry" dreamcatcher by mae stone at navahoe nation. Tomorrow I dont think I can resist finding hwy 66 around here for the wildlife drive thru. Morning only. Not interested in mount Rushmore - violently defacing nature for what?
September 26th 2012
Yellowstone is over there someplace. It's not on my itinerary to visit. Maybe some other time if I'm meant to survive via a job that will keep me above water level. Just like if I make it back I'm going South off 80/90 and investigating kokomo Indiana. Just had some Jehovah' witnesses srop by and some polite conversation to save the literature for someone else as I've come to learn bout thepineal gland of the brain and lost books of the Bible, aka withheld information that has withstood the test of time :-s
Looooong lines of coal cars go hand in hand w all the many mining operations constantly turning on the roadside of 90. I pulled into a hardees pkg lot to finish off my subway sandwich after using the restroom and this was the sight in procession. When I came out it wasstarting to end and another started in the opposite direction lasting 5-7 minutes. Now there's another long procession of coveted tankers again. Ugh.
If u get to Mitchell sd be sure to go here to Indian village. They uncovered 1/2 million viewable artifacts in 2.5 hours -doing so for the next 10 years- and evidence shows they werent killed off by white men but rather ran out of resources. In digging conversation w this guy I was able to educate and direct wut would otherwise be a pro-hydrofracking veteran.
:))) hi Brenda! I'm now in Gillette Wyoming bout to post coal trains. Ur postcard is coming soon. I know you said WY! I might wait til I get to cheyenne though
September 27th 2012
Good horse owners! just like the family dog on a long trip needs exercise so do horses here in cheyenne Wy. Far cry from the pig factory located beside 90 in Worthington MN.
not sure if I can include multiple photos for 1post fr Fone so picked most intriguing fr wildlife drive thru. Cant sleep since I mentioned Potsdam. Been awake since 3am. Anyway this is a bear that parked herself by the bus passenger tire until she felt like moving which she has every right to do. These darlings are way more pent up than I thought. When mama bear started coming my way though I hauled ass. She doesnt know I was just totally spoofed by the PAC of wolves (coyotes?) that had just encircled my car. Actually they were just doing their daily ritual of dipping in the pool of water to the left of me one by one and then running about their day to the bears acr road to right of me. I just happened to be in the way. From here started to drive near Culver's circle but turned back to cont road trip. I have to remember this is my bucket list not joy ride w the last of wut I have and then no more me unless surrog court miracles happen or I'm employed at a price I can afford. Road to Culver's circle is lot like Adirondacks only more hilly and massive.
September 28th 2012
Driving thru these makes the Adirondacks baby mtns. The government's underground operation several football fields long lined w computers that record every phone call in the country is located from the west to midwest but there's so much of a vast basin of land to do so in the west. they must have sumthing else planned. Same helicopter sound flying over as Casper WY. Wut's all that white stuff around bodies of water that looks like morning dew but it has warmed up so cant be.
September 30th 2012
Still trying to figure this damn phone but Michael Burke this is one of the videos. Check my profile for the other on my timeline. Ogalala Sioux Pine Ridge Hemp Project
Nearly a decade ago one North American Indian tribe dared to pass a tribal law allow the growing of industrial hemp for many useful items,...
I thought nothing of this store sign until I went inside & all the signs had English translation smaller underneath. salt lake city has a huge Mexican population unexpectedly. In almost every business I been in can hear bilingual English-Spanish conversations. When I studied w 2mormons yrs ago they taught me their belief that black people are wut they are becoz of their sin pointing out a Bible reference. Obvious2me Joseph Smith was a prophet of his own time period in America (1800's? - dont quite remember).
October 1st 2012
Doing some more family research and the Mormon bldgs r so elegant it makes u wonder. Merrill lynch is physically attached. The guy that helped me thought I'd already left when he started talking about me. The only thing that hurt was being referred to as a heavy set woman. My mother doesnt care to know the damage she did as a child in having my metabolism slowed down after 8 months in a hospital never able to accept the image looking back. C.s. And some others may see that as a pity party unable to see the emotional damage &no-fault insurance for children, &catholic school,&isolation...if only some knew the outstanding magnitude of damage done. I knew that truck driver from Ripley NY was 1/2 full of it last nite telling me I look good &shouldn't have a prob getting a man. He even said he wants a girl but this fat arthritic woman is continuing childless unless a soulmate guaranteed to care for us both. Not likely at this point. I have zilch to save my a$$
October 2nd 2012
Imagine waking up to this view everyday. Today I came across a woman w an Irish name &long reddish hair yet she looked Italian & spoke like she's from NYC minus a heavy accent. When I was innocent &17 I got burned beyond recognition by one of these actresses. Not saying she's one - ITS just a pattern I've always come to make note of. Lesson learned in reverse is u dont ignore a child's medical life and do shit thinking they can handle as an adult. Irreversible damage done and perception altered in knowing how to handle situations.
I don't need peace. I need a job or I won't survive. My debt is $70,000: about $52,000 in federal student loans and the rest credit cards I'm living off of. I was never ever supposed to wind up idling like I did. Thanks anyway. Maybe the desert will swallow my fate . This shot is overlooking Salt Lake City. These people wake up to this everyday.
October 6th 2012
My Honda has a tune up 4spark plugs @105,000miles. I'm driving down the highway&the check engine light comes on@56,910miles approx. (no typo). I get it to the nearest Honda dealer who finds a foul spark plug. just b4the work is done he explains to me that Honda has changed the maintenance schedule the year after mine. What happens is that to save gas while on cruise control one or more cylinders(s) will close&so plugs get dirty more easily from gas or whatever. Now that the plugs r changed the fan is coming on more often. I was going to be on the road tomorrow but think I should have this looked at first. Do I take this up w the Honda who sold me the car&never told me, Honda corporate who never told me bout the maintenance change, or syracuse Honda who readied my car 4 this trip &never told me?
there's a question at end. I'm seeking ur answers
please read & reply \comment
I guess that means I'm here til Monday? the fan coming on a lot doesnt mean there's anything to reset. I just dont want to drive a car far if there's a possible overheating issue which fan on alot prob means that
2004 Honda accord coupe bought in January 2011 w only 31,000 miles on it. new plugs were put on as a result of check engine
October 7th 2012
I spoke to 1 person in Utah bout hydrofracking who asked "what's that?" surprisingly since there is an apparent anti movement there as well as fracking victims. He must have been not long out of highschool&worked where I was waking up that had a TV on w bits of the pres debate. Comments on nrg independence caught my attn. Ideally I need to go to every state &open my big mouth about this very serious issue. No way4me to do that but would if I could.
Take note of what these mountains look like surrounding the great salt lake bcoz man is prob about to violently deface them.
October 8th 2012
Think this is the grand canyon in or behind those mtns. Dont know if I'll head over there. Will have no service traveling thru. If dont hear from me being in or after the dead zone, will make a great CSI episode. Boo!
Well that was scary. If I never see the grand canyon I wont miss it. If speed limit was only 35 would have been better instead of trucks and traffic barreling behind u w huge intimidating boulders held back from the hilly road. some have caves which reminded of the madoc tribe that used to live among the lava beds in n'n California until my shameful ancestors. Then it's desert w cactii which reminded me of a group of women I heard of that would live in structures in desert to escape their abusive police officer husbands coz 1ce they gave their Ss# away, abusive husbands could easily find them.
October 9th 2012
Price of gas in Barstow California. IsNT this where Erin brockovitch hung Goliath by his balls? I'm good@that but no1will hire me in nys. Maybe 1statement is synonymous w the other.
I'm almost 2the end of my bucket list. I'm bout to lose my NYCsirius xm radio trial & this morn on wltw heard bout work from home. Can only do that if ensured no scam&help setting up. The state knows this.
I'm not sure about Barstow now but on the coast prices currently range from $3.57 for regular to $3.70/gallon for regular.
When I was 19 and starting college I remember the price for super in Nj at Mobil was $1.19/gal for regular. Once you got into Upstate NY the price per gallon super was never under $2.65? I dont know how that lopsidedness is figured out outside of secret communism but for the few full service stations in NYS you have to pay more for gas if someone else pumps it.
We're spoiled in Nj but by the same token my life wasn't supposed to spiral downward the way it did. I may have learned a lot about life outside of what I'm familiar but the price paid is more like deadly.
October 10th 2012
Phone problems
things r not going smoothly here. Allan I just might ask u 2help me a tad. Staying@travel centers is way better than this deal. Took advantage of the free15min stay on this pier. so about that underwear hanging here's at least the start: in high school my sis's nickname was rocco. The woman who burned me as a teen went by either Jean Rocco or jay lori &lived in same town we crashed. B4 she burned me told me she had ties2the mafia.seeing my prudish reaction made it out to be absolutely nothing. Her supposed granddaughter named magna ricotta went2my hs for awhile while I was there& seems apparent to me2c if it was worthwhile that when I turned 18 filing a claim as an injured infant neglected leaving me running on a treadmill 4life rather than proper care&knowledge of my injury. If I'm going on 2much that is the precise reason doctors have put in writing I need to work 2keep the mind engaged.my immigrant mother has cited how "Italian mamas" make it in life. I'm not sure if they approached her or she did them after my oldest sister was given a court order she wasnt allowed back. Nothing done 4me.my mother doesnt remember grabbing me by the hair &shaking me under stress. No bruises or seeable damage was done so nothing ever done. During these same important years my request to learn a musical instrument or take tap dance lessons went ignored until my father died. In other words my welfare was used as a weapon to get back at him4moving her poor uneducated self out to the rich suburbs...
Bucket list complete. Now it's a matter of short time to see what will happen to me.1of3things needs to happen. 1. Successful overthrow of wut NYS has done to me beginning w Pam dority and Stephen novatchich of the Malone Vesid (nowaccess vr) office 2. Successful overthrow of the Morris county NJ surrogates court under judge Deann M.Wilson who has requested to retire after dealing w my case (more to come on that point which will be hanging out a lot of underwear). 3. The acceptance of dmt release from the pineal gland of my brain which will give me an out of body experience and most likely a good experience being greeted by loved ones that have died.
October 11th 2012
At least my hasslers havent carried thru so far. 1st pic yesterday from pkg lot guy approached&told me pkg not free but said he'd give Me a few; pulled over to look@map when noticed police electric car behind me, pulled beside me telling me she giving me ticket. I protested & she crumpled receipt telling me had to leave (hope it doesnt wind up in my mailbox in NY); then this morn approached by McDonalds security but allowed me to finish charging phone. Simply irritating w/o a travel center. Hope I see dolphins. Prob not this close to shore.Sumthing will work out I guess...wish that were the case w debt/job.
October 12th 2012
2nd time not so bad. Sat on this end seat for45mins feeling the slight sway but nature will break wut doesnt bend. Realized on ride back y there's so many old beetle bugs on the road. Learned from a woman who is also losing her life to NYS govt that this climate doesnt use road salt so vehicles dont rust and go bad like they do back east
And I got my first positive input about "let us farmers grow hemp" bumper sticker by a guy who just wanted to tell me I'm right.
Yep people fish there but only in certain spots. 1/2 way walking back saw a scuba diver come up and walk to shore.
It was scary walking down this pier but being that I dedicate myself thru w all things I set out on I got myself thru it w "dont look down." Every time my foot would hesitate by either a small opening in the boards or a loose board I flipped thru chances are scenarios. If by chance the pier did give way w me on it I'm a goner 4sure. There's no way my body can handle the shock of the water temperature. Same reason I want a shirt 4everyday wear that says "if u want me dead just taser me."
My body can't handle the shock. Next time I know to just spit on the God damn cop to go to jail instead of poisoned by the medical community. I'm guessing their mission is accomplished when I'm dead. No1will hire me now &according to some that shit follows u only compounded by inadequate legal representation.
October 13th 2012
Behind the scenes bridging heaven & earth. All shows free on YouTube or vimeo. Could be uploading a video but need to get to get that figured out still.
Thnx for the well wishes. Stuff back together? Prob not :-s
Allan luck would have it 2day is the worst day!!!! My old alarm phone fell out in my car overnight. I have my stuff strewn all over Denny's pkg lot. I can hear it but cant get to it. This phone is dying.Come help if u can!!! This sucks!
was answg u b4 and inet connection broke. see wut I mean!? I've waited months to go to this show taping of Bridging Heaven and Earth. now I'm a stink pot! how am I going to get there by 12 pm?? I just want to sob and bitch and moan and ...
my phone will melt in car if I don't find it in time. I will lose more teeth if I dont find or buy my mouthguard which fell out looking for phone bcoz I grind my teeth at night. just a mess
Thanks for your support Chris! It really takes some pressure off. Phone was found. I just had to waste $35 for a new (non-medical guard) until I tear my car apart again and search for the needle in a haystack. Hope all is well with you. Got message about forwarding to Occupy SD but it must have been done by now by one of the fellow SD Occupiers.
October 16th 2012
And wut r these for? And camper trailers why? Drive up the mtns &it's the Angeles national forest high above the dammed lake below.
I dont understand why these 2signs r side by side. Just down the road where the mtns begin there's a big inviting sign saying California paintball park" which is the same inviting sign near the hwy for all to see. However the same jail sign is by the gated entrance. It had open gates but I hauled ass on my 2nd attempt to enter seeing that a white SUV put its backup lights on. In the other direction is a security booth w gates &the jail sign. A woman exiting was very confused y I was there I felt prompted to tell her I was just turning around.
October 17th 2012
Well they're definitely drilling in castaic Calif. This rusty drill eas not operating@1pm p.s.t. today but the 3 drills I posted last nite r right across the road, lake castaic w resevoir is nearby and the Angeles national forest is in the background.
hahaha I just lost an entire post to you! I started snooping around when a post by Bram Fractivista Loeb reminded me about fracking in California. The article alluded to how Californians don't know when or where fracking is happening. Well I'm able to expose at least one potential spot but I'm still scrounging for the shale map. It's near here but not sure if thisis included. I still can't understand why there is a jail sign next to the Gas Company Gate 2 sign and why a jail is built around an oil extraction area. Which came first - the chicken or the egg? *shrug* Their drilling but not sure if they're hydrofracking. Just south of here on the side of Rte 5 is a big yellow pipe going into the ground in 2 spots
October 19th 2012
Peter S. Kahrmann I need witnesses to this. Mrs. geruso at the social Security ofc is well aware that not only cant I pay back the money they're coming after me for but that I'm executing my bucket list because even if they do give me back $236/month they're w holding I wont survive w/o a job for the$1300 in bills I have a month. The case was given to Mrs Tanney who left me a msg on the wrong phone # that I agreed to pay back at$236/month. This is how innocent people like me are going to die.
the drug addict that raised me is unchanging even now. still doesnt comment or admit she doesnt know wut to do. completely in denial about any direction in life she ever gave me.
it's hard to describe how my mother exists. kind of like that song "we are young". one time sum1 was brutally honest w me in saying how I come across:as if on drugs. that explains wut I've inherited when overwhelmed. she now says....it doesnt matter. it's too drug-laden.
it does matter but these days I'm too comfortably numb to get it all out. it's real easy to die in the desert. I just need to figure out which desert. I should write a blog. this doesn't belong here.
October 23rd 2012
If only people grasped the breadth & depth of the inappropriateness that raised me. Out of the depths of the nook-and-cranny guidance comes "y not live on welfare. Lots of people do." However if brought up at the wrong time the answer will be "I never said that." Whichever way the trend is going. Lots of immigrants slither their way into fitting in but in thiscase it will cost a life in the end. Tic toc
In addition to the ironies posted on my timeline I took 2 people's suggestion that while stranded here I should try to get some work. Sent my resume to a national company I work for now and again in ny. never heard back like she said I would so I called again today leaving a voice mail. Nothing even yet. This happened to Carl Lowenstein who is originally from Palo Alto California, worked for 99hits in Potsdam quitting 99hits over ethnic slurs and left to live a life of eating some days until someone's underwear got totally hung out in public. Last time I saw Carl he had an appt at the dptmt of labor in massena which must have been 10 years ago. The things people dont know that go on in places where a whole lot of attention is not given so laws not enforced,etc!
An old man turned98. He won the lottery...the irony...8.5 hrs before a car claimed 3 lives in Syracuse I had a careless hit&run California driver ram into the back of me but was completely visible enough to read off the license plate to 911. I initially didnt say anything bcoz this is an insurance &criminal investigation. Then I was shocked awake the next morning by the news of Keisha. Ironic I'm in bucket mode &still here. Ironic my hit happened under completely avoidable circumstances. Ironic the other side is probably unconcerned bcoz hit&runs r at the bottom of the da's priorities. Ironic bcoz I'm a visiting NY driver so it really goes to the bottom of the list - haha THEY underestimate my drive - pardon pun...and the list goes on. You know that witch in a broom factory geico commercial? Ironic. If I had a protector or defender I might not have my hands tied to do anything. Ironic I drove clear across the country - wut so many were so worried about - yet I eas fine until 4days into California drivers. Being from Nj I've lived w the"cant drive" stigma but after being in California I'd have to say it's not a NJ thing. I'm sure SPC wouldn't mind replacing my bumper stickers to
carry on the mrssage but there's no way to get them to me that I know of.
My deductible $500. The remaining $1,700 bill went to insurance bcoz not only did I lose the bumper but the frame,etc had to be fixed.
You fixed cars or were an insurance salt salesman?
Ah. I also have a pic of the driver-side rear panel sticking out from when she wailed into me. I had a dream about Keisha this morn that her&i were hanging out talking bout everyday stuff when a big rat scurried cross the floor btwn us. The rat prob represents recent accusations
Damn fone...that were never true to begin with.
October 24th 2012
Unless Steven Lewis is flying here I guess he's not coming. I'm an hour away from Oakland &should be getting there by 9am to scope out parking, etc. tomorrow's my real birthday so I thought I'd do something other than wait for a work call.
There's many of these signs along Rte 5 from castaic to here. Google image map Rt 5 just north of 199 separation and u might see mining alongside fruit&vegetable trees. Ugh!
October 25th 2012
I spoke to Scott Olsen before speaking out. Maybe it's on YouTube already.
They have ropes to lasso us up like animals?
What r the ropes for? Lassoed up like animals?
There they go. maybe they just trying to look sexy one protestor has a gas mask on w good reason.
Steven I'm sitting w a medical walker near where they're chalking (this is when I was confusing Steven Lewis with Ray Lewis and was looking for an old guy among the protestors lol).
I'm about to walk over to occupy Oakland. If possible I will write & read a prepared statement.
shit load of cops going my way!
October 26th 2012
That was awesome! Occupiers were the drill seargants and the police were the humiliated ones! U rock occupy Oakland! Now I just need to unplug this phone soon & get back to u.
well the bucket list is complete since I'm here. I left some key people voice mails to know if there's a reason to come back - a paying job enough to cover $1300 in bills per month. Even in califonia I'm
damn library laptop! Even in California I'm not getting a call back for jobs. I don't know if you saw my post about Potsdam but yes Carl Lowenstein even when he would apply for jobs out of the area someone in Potsdam ruined his reputation where ever he went. Maybe that's the case with me. I'm trying to find the clip of me speaking at Occupy Oakland but no luck yet.
There's a 5 hour upload to youtube but the recorder walked away from the event just for the timeframe that people were speaking after GA which is when I did.
October 27th 2012
The Kahrmann Blog: Twenty-Eight Years Ago Today
The Kahrmann Blog: It’s time to say goodbye to BIANYS’ Avner
and the same to be said for a lot of these other agencies set up to supposedly help rather than hinder the disabled.
October 28th 2012
In contrast to frankenstorm not a cloud in the sky here. Now I totally get it why u swim sideways in a rip current - that's how surfers stay standing on their boards. Didnt feel or hear a thing as far as earthquake.
October 30th 2012
this is exactly what I mean about the medical money making merry-go-round. How long has Parkinson's Disease been in existence? When did the spirit of Acid Reflux descend upon the earth? I'm sure we have a Parkinson's Disease Foundation right? Man has created this problem on himself by living unnaturally and then boasts job creation within a foundation created only by the destruction itself. Nice job!
Monsanto’s Roundup, Glyphosate Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
October 31st 2012
Sounds like me to all the adults around me growing up. My meltdown has arrived. There's a little bit of time left to save me.
November 1st 2012
I will post more on this another time but I want to pay tribute to a woman a victim of chauvanistic and medical experimentation of her time - Rosemary Kennedy. Reading how a botched lobotomy became rejected by the mental health field explains the stupidity of the mhf opposed to injured brains. There is no fucking mystery of mh. There is injured brains due to our air, land, water, & technology.
November 2nd 2012
Yesterday around this time I saw a school of something just beyond where the waves crest. It could have been seals. My untrained eye cant tell if it was dolphins but it stayed low to the water barely coming out the water revealing the back(s) of something. I'm stalling in California until I have 1of2messes cleared up. I'm 2 hrs from Rte 80 so I get the guarantee I have a way to survive, I'll be home in about a week. Otherwise found a spot to perish along the way.
November 3rd 2012
for the record I'm not sure wut to say to these people that pop up the longer I stay places. was at the library the other day& saw a guy 4 2nd time who after watched what I was doing on puter asked me about it. Then tonight guy in same car in morning asked me if I want to sell my hubcaps! I'm about to change my pkg space! Stop bothering me! I'm on my bucket list for God sake! It's true God works in people & maybe these people arent bad ... Wutever I just want to b left alone and not have my perception confused.
running out of funds quicker than expected. I'm lucky if I last 2 (two) months.
November 4th 2012
Ah when the human surfers are gone that's when the school of about 4 or 5 fin-backed creatures come around and start riding the waves. I've heard of a dolphin in wild rite next to surfer. These docile creatures r yet another reminder to protest & cease all underwater testing by the govt.couldn't get pic w phone. Yesterday a guy who makes a living in a band said he saw them. Now I know wut he saw.
November 6th 2012
The incompetent Irish immigrant just hung up on me refusing to call the Surrogate's Court and find wut she did wrong w my welfare. She only ever starting hanging up on me after her brain washed Way International child told her to regarding this guardianship. The rope is getting tighter. This loose cannon who deceived all in Nj would never have gotten away w this child abuse in nyc. I understand that NYC way of life that would have been on top of her game. I did 1/2 of kindergarten illegally in NYC and the price paid was me being wailed into a tractor trailer truck carrying gravel. Normally I'd be on a rampage but I have no way left to survive as I can see now. Wont someone intervene? I was an above average student before accident but butler schools refused me admission until I was 5 so my mother drove me to NYC everyday for kindergarten until I turned 5 having me recite address of my aunt in queens. I dont know wut's holding me down right now.
November 11th 2012
As I check funds I'll be around for 12/21/12 but not much longer after. Maybe the journalist I've been in touch w will be able to help. I wish strikedebt.org was easier to navigate. Have contacted them one way. Tomorrow's another day to contact a diff way.
November 13th 2012
This will sound bizarre but rumors about me being racist didnt work and neither will bathroom rumors. Just got "checked up on by a manager in the bathroom and then followed outside w their phone in hand as I left. I sense wut something very evil in Potsdam is and I'm looking back at you!
November 14th 2012
Adolph Hitler discovered and reported this to all the other human experimenter nations at the time. Alcoa and other big companies perpetuated the lie so as to not defame their reputation.
Pineal Gland -- Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
Pineal Gland -- Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
November 15th 2012
I need mine taken care of really soon.
Why Occupy's Plan To Cancel Consumer Debts Is Brilliant
November 17th 2012
Does anyone know how to navigate strikedebt.org? Their website directed me to file w consumer finance protection bureau. I did that and they cant help my situation. I've emailed strikedebt@interoccupy.net even though they state they cannot help individuals get rid of debt. Please help before the red tape suffocates me before my 2 months left of survival are up.
help individuals get rid
November 20th 2012
Ok pgs 19&20 apply to me in the debt resistors manual. I would have 9 months to see if this works for me - 3mos to default and 6 mos to be hounded. By then it would be August that if I decide I have something to return to on the east coast tornado season will be near over. I've had a time before where I had to wait 5 yrs for too many inquiries were on my report - from those inquiries I learned I didnt qualify bcoz I didnt have enough revolving credit. Now I have too much debt.
Manual doesnt talk about liens from cc debt or car repossession. I can live w lien on house but handicapped status cant survive w/o car. Still mulling this over. Atleast w/o paying this mo I can pay both insurances. Need to catch up on behind utility bills next mo. Still looking into this. Btw I got my manual free yesterday bcoz w all my pgs was asked if it's for school or work &said "well it's for life...the occupy wall street and strike debt?" She waved me on so I got to keep my $5.60
November 13th 2012
This will sound bizarre but rumors about me being racist didnt work and neither will bathroom rumors. Just got "checked up on by a manager in the bathroom and then followed outside w their phone in hand as I left. I sense wut something very evil in Potsdam is and I'm looking back at you!
November 14th 2012
Adolph Hitler discovered and reported this to all the other human experimenter nations at the time. Alcoa and other big companies perpetuated the lie so as to not defame their reputation.
Pineal Gland -- Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
Pineal Gland -- Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History
November 15th 2012
I need mine taken care of really soon.
Why Occupy's Plan To Cancel Consumer Debts Is Brilliant
November 17th 2012
Does anyone know how to navigate strikedebt.org? Their website directed me to file w consumer finance protection bureau. I did that and they cant help my situation. I've emailed strikedebt@interoccupy.net even though they state they cannot help individuals get rid of debt. Please help before the red tape suffocates me before my 2 months left of survival are up.
help individuals get rid
November 20th 2012
Ok pgs 19&20 apply to me in the debt resistors manual. I would have 9 months to see if this works for me - 3mos to default and 6 mos to be hounded. By then it would be August that if I decide I have something to return to on the east coast tornado season will be near over. I've had a time before where I had to wait 5 yrs for too many inquiries were on my report - from those inquiries I learned I didnt qualify bcoz I didnt have enough revolving credit. Now I have too much debt.
Manual doesnt talk about liens from cc debt or car repossession. I can live w lien on house but handicapped status cant survive w/o car. Still mulling this over. Atleast w/o paying this mo I can pay both insurances. Need to catch up on behind utility bills next mo. Still looking into this. Btw I got my manual free yesterday bcoz w all my pgs was asked if it's for school or work &said "well it's for life...the occupy wall street and strike debt?" She waved me on so I got to keep my $5.60
November 21st 2012
Ok so they're going to start out by zip code according to the worst hit areas during the recession. If some areas were never ahead, how can they be seen as the worst hit? They did test run that worked. $500 forgave $14,000 of debt. I would like to know those specifics of what kind of debt that was, etc.
I do this sometimes so if anything happens my famous last words were w someone. Atleast I know the place i'm staying has a reputation of being snooty which makes total sense considering the unwavering stares i've gotten from people. Wutever I grew up around that stuff. Sumday they'll get it snooty isnt worth it. I didnt have any witnesses when I was deceived by police and then assaulted. famous last words before this were messages to gov Christie regarding the judge he wouldnt allow to retire after getting me in this predicament instead of saving the life of the child of a lying Irish immigrant.
November 23rd 2012
Waiting on a girl I just met in the bathroom who was crying over family problems. She said she'd come right out to give me the name of a church helping her out. Dont know if she's actually going to show. She has twin girls Hayley and cayley. Not here yet and I have to go to sleep soon. She said I'm not in a good pkg lot but I said I've been here before and if it's my time to go then that's that. Her boyfriend works at kwikstop a couple doors over. Being from NY/Nj I'm innately more suspicious.
I do this sometimes so if anything happens my famous last words were w someone. Atleast I know the place i'm staying has a reputation of being snooty which makes total sense considering the unwavering stares i've gotten from people. Wutever I grew up around that stuff. Sumday they'll get it snooty isnt worth it. I didnt have any witnesses when I was deceived by police and then assaulted. famous last words before this were messages to gov Christie reguarding the judge he wouldnt allow to retire after getting me in this predicament instead of saving the life of the child of a lying Irish immigrant.
December 10th 2012
Just witnessed a whale from on land. Saw water going up from the blow hole and its tail going straight down just like in the pics. Then my own conscience ruined the moment by realizing it probably just came around for a meal. This time everyday I'd see a school of dolphins swim the opposite way. Yesterday saw a sea otter cruising full speed down the bay on its back chomping on something big it held in its flippers but dont know if whales eat otters. Four days ago watched a harbor seal in its last hours of life picking its head and tail up for a wave but too exhausted to hop its way further up on the beach. It's body was still slumped on the rocks yesterday. The tide is in but I think it's still too onshore for the whale to get to. Will find out later if it's still there.
If I have to leave I'll leave tomorrow morning. Just let me get a full nights sleep officer.
I don't know why ur parked horizo.tally behind me in vertical spots.
there's a truck next to me for the night as well. let me be for the night. whew! I think he's gone.
making last famous words incase I get assaulted by another police officer.
I can hear a poor lonely dog barking inside the truck of a guy that's here every nite while its owner works on a laptop inside. pup ran to me one nite to say hello.
December 12th 2012
today's other options didn't work out. One place had crappy parking with a bathroom that reminded me of something out of Friday the 13th. One place doesn't have a bathroom because it's behind locked gates at a certain time. Another place would charge me almost $30 to park overnight. If I park my car away and walk it's a cheaper option - not going to happen. You know I wonder if I get a sex change and pretend I'm gay if that will work. That way I'm still my natural heterosexual self (meaning I'm not homosexual) and life is that much easier for me to do a lot more because I pee standing up - otherwise I get arrested for indecent exposure. Sounds like a plan! *sigh*
I am better off dead than changing my environment like this. Got my subtle boot from where I've been staying so I'm back where the Hailey and cayley girl was crying in the bathroom over family. At least I have 2 new contacts out of it who I've seen there every night so just went up and talked to them. I'm not going to be able to handle that lack of consistency in one spot but they gave me some options I can look into tomorrow.
December 13th 2012
You can also help out any Honda owners to know about the bogus 2013 recall. It's not necessarily a hose problem but a spark plug redesign problem. Maybe this will repost to the OSR page. it could have been removed by the same person who tried to correct me that fema is not a problem.
Brian here - I need to get ahold of someone who works for Ford Motors or a Ford dealer, a junkyard, transmission shop, or auto parts place that sells transmissions. I have a family that needs some help...and I fully intend on helping them so everyone please share this...its Christmas and WE ALL need to share this. Anyone who works at any of these places or knows of someone please contact me via private message on the Operation Sandy page or contact me personally on Facebook, Brian Borchik, and I will tell you what I am looking for help with. This is YOUR chance to help us help a family in need.
typo fixed version: CORPORATE AMERICA: I bought a used 2004 Honda w 32,000 miles on it and an owner's manual that shows the schedule for changing spark plugs at over 100,000 miles. After driving the car extended periods at the 2000 miles mark the check engine light starts flashing which means DONT DRIVE THE CAR but being that I was 70 miles from the nearest Honda in the middle of no place in Utah there wasn't much I could do. The light turned solid on my way to the dealer which is better news. after doing a diagnostic the dealer tells me I need new spark plugs and goes on to explain to me the flaw in my model
that was changed a year or two later because during extended travel to save on gas some of the cylinders stay closed and oil got onto the spark plugs of the cylinders that stay closed. I decided to visit Honda corporate in Torrance CA when I was reaching my destination with my foul spark plugs in hand as well as the Utah receipt that states they see this on a regular basis from Hondas on extended travel. Honda corporate admitted to me they redesigned the spark plugs but passed their dirty work off to Marion in customer service to tell me that, no matter what, because of the age it has passed they're not covering it. they've been informed my engine fan is coming on more often since the spark plug change. Honda recently covered up this flaw by doing a recall on all 2004-2007 V6 models citing hose could get too hot and leak and cause a fire under extended travel. I just left a Voicemail w one of the managers I met w not to pass his dirty work off to Marion, gave my mother's address and phone # who paid for it, and said I'm in the process of smearing Honda's reputation all over Facebook. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL POSSIBLE. oh and the dealer I bought the Honda from had the balls to tell my mother I got ripped off in Utah (not knowing the price on the receipt included an oil change) but no clear comment on how spark plugs dont need to be changed before 100,000 miles. Marion has made it clear that if I get damaged spark plugs again at the 2000 mile mark on my way back, Honda's not covering it.
December 15th 2012
Any ideas on how to get an important message out to all occupies without being considered spam? From mobile I was posting about using hemp to solve the plastics toxicity problem and it wont let me post saying I've been reported as spam.
Patience! Standing in line before ready to go about my day and hear the old guy in front of me who joined his two friends already there "that girl sitting in the front...what just sits there all day?..call the cops...what's wrong with her?" held my tongue as I so badly wanted to say "uh I was comatosed for a month as a child and left to be a child left behind in catholic school and a mother emotionally unavailable so here I am in this strange land after executing my bucket list because I wont survive past the next 9 or so months due to people like you who instead of intervening when witnessing craziness simply retreated into ur gossip circle or wutever, w all due respect my elder." Before leaving I looked him right in the eye as I walked past and he looked back. Good! U should be able to do so when ur guilty.
December 16th 2012
OMG the reckless and sweet sounding guardian just called me up w her denial, pomposity, and asshole ways that will turn me into a skeleton in about 9 months. I've even called adult advocacy and protection for me and they cant/refuse to help/intervene. The woman called me up to know my mailing adress in California. As always she is NOT listening. Atleast I'm going to die during the age of social media where all I have are written records of what has transpired! She has been told every time she has brought it up that I am either returning to a situation I can survive in on the east coast or I'm not surviving. She then goes onto to say wut all other people are doing knowing those people were not comatosed for a month in their lives. She then goes onto say wut she did when she was 16 reminded again it wasnt getting thru the American school system w an undiagnosed injury. I've never acted thru on the thought of killing my parent yet this is my prison sentence.
Go figure.
December 17th 2012
and also since I cant' post on fb currently I'll put it here. The Monterey Aquarium is open every day of the year except Christmas. Monterey Bay Whale Watching which takes you on a boat ride into the ocean to see marine life in their natural habitat is also year round. Which will you pay money to support?
What does it take to train a dolphin? It takes:
1. Removing a dolphin from the wild. In Taiji, this means that they also have to watch their "less attractive" family members be slaughtered. Only dolphins without scratches, scars and of a certain age and species get chosen for captivity.
2. Containing them in an artificial environment.
3. Starving them so that they will finally feed from dead fish (dolphins only eat live prey in the wild).
4. Waiting to see if they will survive the trauma of 1-3 (many die, like the pilot whale who we know died at Dolphin Base earlier in this hunt season).
5. Once they are willing to take dead fish because they are literally starving to death, they will then be forced to perform for such food.
6. Because the fish are frozen, they therefore become dehydrated. In the wild, dolphins gain hydration from the live fish that they consume. In captivity, they are force fed water by tubes.
7. Removing dolphins from their natural family groupings and forcing them to create an artificial pod. This means that sometimes they don't get along with the other dolphins that are in the same pens. The result is fighting and social isolation.
8. Many dolphins appear to grieve. They isolate themselves socially and stay in one position (a behaviour that is not natural). Others become so bored that they adopt behaviours similar to elephants in zoos, rocking left to right. In the dolphin's case they find rubbish and try to play with it or stay in one position looking out to sea.
9. Once there is total submission, due to boredom, breaking of wild spirit and starving, they have to perform. It is so sad to see a once wild dolphin perform tricks for the trainer's attention, in the hope that they will be fed. The trainers think it is because the dolphins love them. It is because they are hungry and want to impress for additional food.
10. After several months, a buyer will come. Once the financial transaction is complete, the transfer begins. This involves harnessing the dolphin, dragging it in a sling by boat to the area near the Fisherman's Co-Op (where the dolphins are butchered). They are then transferred via crane to very small containers that are then transported several hours to the nearest airport. They can then be flown all around the world, with this taking several days with transfers. The containers they are in are made of steel and are only as big as the dolphins are. In transport, they will be in this small steel box with no stimulation at all for several days. This must be the most terrifying experience of all.
11. Many sacrifice their lives at step 10. Buyers intentionally purchase additional dolphins because they know that there is a strong chance that the dolphin will die at this point.
12. They then arrive at their destination and are again put into another artificial pod and have to go through the stress of re-establsihing relationships with the other dolphins.
13. They will perform for the rest of their lives. Some will be forced to participate in breeding programs so that their offspring can also spend their lives entertaining people. Some will be put into very small aquariums. Some will be put into larger aquariums. But life will never be the same as their memories of being wild in the oceans and free with their family.
14. They will most likely die well before their natural lifetime.
This is a very long journey for a dolphin to make. A dolphin who has done no wrong to any human. Even when they saw their family members killed by the hands of humans, they remained gentle. Any person who buys a ticket, is supporting this industry and is supporting this cruelty to dolphins. If noone bought tickets, this would not be happening.
I'm currently banned from posting on fb so I'll post here that this is outstanding and I hope in 9 months when my ability to survive runs out they'll have moved on to abolishing my $72000 of credit card and student loan debt.
The Rolling Jubilee Mails its First Debt Forgiveness Letters
I tried to add this as a comment to my original post but it didnt take. I just got a call from aethena the regional rep for Nj at Honda. about the spark plugs in the manual stating over 100,000 miles she said "well that's just a recommendation but certainly not a guarantee." I calmly said "ok I'm not dealing with this aggravation. I'll deal with this another way. Thank you." Click. That's a far cry and leaves me with far more energy than the ballistic psycho these people made me into last week.
December 18th 2012
Now all I need is justice for the beating I took from officers Daniels and Wentworth in Potsdam while hospital officials watched and I screamed bloody murder in shock and pain. No justice. No peace.
Wow I was blocked from posting on operation sandy relief. Ok let me block them and see if that solves the problem. The spirit of my dead ten year old sister had something to say to the two losers looking back at her and it wouldnt post. Hmph buh-bye!
December 19th 2012
Ok since I still cant post, ty Anna yamada from DC but I have to rethink how to go about smearing since I cant post due to someone marking me as spam. As far as long beach Palmer this used car was bought from a Honda dealership w guarantees and only serviced at Honda dealers since bought who all use the same computer system Honda certified. Charles I've never NOT owned a car but nice try. I've always had a car since 1988-9. Glenn if nothing makes sense in my article I'd have to question what u've been doing for the 12 years in the automotive industry. If spark plugs are only $20 and minimum ti put in then it only adds to the underhanded part of the deal. when the car was bought it came w the entire car facts history as well as all services done at the honda I bought it from. If u follow the maker's manual and only go to their maker-certified dealers they have to stand by that. also something is very strange to recall a hose under the same conditions the spark plugs failed. feel free to elaborate long beach.
Ok since I still cant post I'll put it here. Not only do I temember switching from puppy food to dog food, not only do I regret not bottle feeding my darling since the north shore animal league lies about the dogs ages but I still have her baby teeth someplace! rip cookie. I'm happy you lived a long fifteen years and I'm so sorry daddy up and left quick exit.
December 20th 2012
Lucas Thayer I'm still banned from posting so hopefully u see it here. There's going to be an uprising against fb jackasses - mark my words. can u refresh my memory how I insert 6 lines on a photo? Ms word or powerpoint?
Registered as an Organ Donor
December 21st 2012
I've heard some gesting on the Mayans today and it was heartbreaking that sum1 lied and sensationalized something pointed out long ago not just by the Mayans but many cultures around the world who had no communication with each other.
I made the news! Something about users pay $1 for unwanted spam brought to you by no other than Honda! I didnt get the whole thing coz this place has the sound off and I didnt get to read that fast. I'll get you f*cker$. W/o a job I've got nothing but time and energy on my hands.
Numbing away the day's stress. New worry bout being told to leave but need to read justinv.city of Los Angeles to see how it was proven "moving along" would cause irreparable harm. The only thing I do is fall between the cracks - too high functioning to be believable. I also have no idea if a childish piece of trash is following me still on f*c*book causing me surmountable stress. F*c*book has a new name: f*c*book. At least I have a good handle on the greatest stressor since childhood: no sleep (like a normal person). Maybe being ignored by my guardian was even greater and I didn't see it until too late...stress stress stress stress...
December 22nd 2012
Something to remember me by if the surrogates court is not brought to its knees over how I'm living.
correct video? http://youtube.com/watch?v=BAn9UAy041s
my Uncle in CA I never met is a corporate lawyer. How ironic the reckless loose cannon that raised me 1. Only ever made fun of lawyers 2. Ironically got her way when using a lawyer against me ...
December 23rd 2012
Well if NYS pension fund is diverted frim the gas companies then there's hope for me. As secure as a civil service job is it's the greatest reason I'm not taking rhis easy way out. geesh As someone who stands by my convictions I've sure been shit on alot.
Fossil Free
I hope my sister is following this newsfeed if she's ever given the internet a try. Never forget our past and go to a university library and learn from a big hardcover book all the medical advances and knowledge obtained from the human sacrifices done around the world pre WWII (still ongoing). http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=5X9tEQqCpew&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch
December 24th 2012
Claire John f. Kennedy was shot after his speech on secret societies. Get to know the truth as well as who is and is not what this country needs http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=b-h9ee-glg0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Db-h9ee-glg0
It's the final countdown to my existence. my 2 cards with chase are being blocked from use due to non-payment. All my payments with them have been over-full and intime. When I was in a nursing home I took advantage of credit protector but during that time bank1 was being overtaken by chase and even though I would have the secretary fax and refax my proof and confirmation it went through, it came down on me that I wasnt paying. It took a long time and aggravation to get it cleared up. I had to refax all they said they didnt get after being treated like garbage from corporate and only with about ten months of aggravation did it get cleared up. That's the same card I just tried to use. Now about the nursing home I was successfully kicked out because my mother said she would take me in - which I did not do as she has been the proper rehab hindrance since childhood. But when it came to contesting a guardianship she put on the act that I'm on my own and not welcome to stay at her home - even though I'm there at any given time. The doctor who threw me out of the nursing home is Japanese American and as what goes around comes around we had the notorious tsunami there - that might be a bit over the top in that connection. Had I someone to assist my life, my well-being would come down on that doctor...found that out from other residents. Traffic jam when ur already late, a no smoking sign on ur cigarette break. It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife, it's meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife (although it didnt happen in that order and she's nothing to write home about - especially in the facial arena). probably not nine months now. More like 3 unless there's a big protest and saving of this life. The following ok is a typo and this phone is this damn phone. ok
ty lea. maybe messaging gov Christie over the surrogate judge he wouldnt allow to retire will do something. Btw the doctor responsible for evicting me is dr. Yew. never heard back from the attorney someone got me in touch with before Thanksgiving but I could give him another call Wednesday...
December 29th 2012
This is NOT spam. Check out my profile to know I'm real and this is especially important for Honda owners to know. I'm currently banned from posting because someone marked me as spam so in order for me to respond to any suggestions I might have to either private message or post on my timeline.
I drove across the country and waiting for a reason to go back - a way to survive paying $70,000 in student loan and credit card debt. I am a fall between the cracks at the Surrogate's Court and a product of corruption. The following is important for me to make it back home to the east coast and there's a million suckers out there who own the following Honda situations.
BOGUS RECALL CORPORATE AMERICA?: I bought a used 2004 Honda w 32,000 miles on it and an owner's manual that shows the schedule for changing spark plugs at over 100,000 miles. After driving the car extended periods at the 2000 miles mark the check engine light starts flashing which means DONT DRIVE THE CAR but being that I was 70 miles from the nearest Honda in the middle of no place in Utah there wasn't much I could do. The light turned solid on my way to the dealer which is better news. after doing a diagnostic the dealer tells me I need new spark plugs and goes on to explain to me the flaw in my model that was changed a year or two later because during extended travel to save on gas some of the cylinders stay closed and oil got onto the spark plugs of the cylinders that stay closed. I decided to visit Honda corporate in Torrance CA when I was reaching my destination with my foul spark plugs in hand as well as the Utah receipt that states they see this on a regular basis from Hondas on extended travel. Honda corporate admitted to me they redesigned the spark plugs but passed their dirty work off to Marion in customer service (manager for NY region. Huh??? The car was bought in NJ) to tell me that, no matter what, because of the age it has passed they're not covering it. they've been informed my engine fan is coming on more often since the spark plug change. Honda recently covered up this flaw by doing a recall on all 2004-2007 V6 models citing hose could get too hot and leak and cause a fire under extended travel. I just left a Voicemail w one of the managers I met w not to pass his dirty work off to Marion, gave my mother's address and phone # who paid for it, and said I'm in the process of smearing Honda's reputation all over Facebook. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL POSSIBLE. oh and the dealer I bought the Honda from had the balls to tell my mother I got ripped off in Utah (not knowing the price on the receipt included an oil change) but no clear comment on how spark plugs dont need to be changed before 100,000 miles. Marion has made it clear that if I get damaged spark plugs again at the 2000 mile mark on my way back, Honda's not covering it.
Received a call back from NJ rep Aethena who said that the manual is a recommendation but not a guarantee.This car was bought at a Honda dealer from a previous customer. I have the car facts report on it plus all services to the car done at the Honda Dealer. This is a Honda issue. Isn't something fishy they're doing a national recall on a hose underthe same conditions that the spark plugs fail?
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