December 7th 2013
Bush and laura are on Leno tonight.
December 6, 2013
reason I got out of bed today was when mom got home and I called the
lawyer on speaker phone in her presence to ask the question mom won't or
is not capable of asking. Mom is really struggling doing things on her
own. Claire has witnessed how loud and screamy we all are. She's now a
hypocrite to keep up her charade about me hiding behind her husband's
orders who has never witnessed in Christine
what Claire has. Came up with example why this needs to be formalized
after needing to drive mom the other day: since I was a child my mother
is not a backseat driver but a backseat nervous breakdown. Mom now
drives twenty miles an hour under the speedlimit highway driving and
there have been many situations that people beep at her when she's
unsure what way to go (but you can't just hold up traffic like that!).
Reassuring her I drove across country w/o incident doesn't work. (It
seems to me the real problem is an undiagnosed socio-perceptual thing
but not necessarily from brain injury). Anyway say I take care of
Christine informally and an accident happens on the road-not necessarily
my fault. In her loose cannon ways mom can just pull the plug on the
whole thing and say she'll do it and there will be people like a judge
and attorneys who will believe her and she won't do it but keep telling
people she will - similar to what the mediator witnessed.
doing something the medical professional is telling her she's not ready
for yet. the only reason she is doing so is because she doesn't have
anyone here to do things for her. STRESS
food leftovers and 80 proof Vodka w cranberry juice. Claire called to
know of mom's new medical condition aloof from how badly she needs
physical help with everyday things. Christine fell the other morning at
5am. I'm the one who showed them how to make a non-emergency police call
since mom doesn't want ambulance,etc here. as matter of fact i had to
call them non-emergency when mom fell here in 2009. this time mom didn't
want to call at 5am so even though Christine's hip hurt she had to roll
up onto her knees as per directed by mom and i had to pull her up the
best i could on her right side. her arm was tremoring very badly.
watching "lily rush" work on a homicide investigation 27 years old in
2003. my case is 35 years old.
gave an update to Christine on today's events. mom chimed in that i
never made a new appt to compensate for the medical unacted upon medical
plan that's outdated. the incompetent guardian needs the slap across
the face of her life for the shit she's pulling. really good indication
why i have no patience for loose cannon immigrants who think they can
act like they know how to take care of medically needy children in the
usa - take your kids and get the fuck out already!
back out to get my toast and the harassment began as well as the
ruffling of my feathers. big blowout occurred with Christine having no
idea of mom's broken promises 4 years ago and mom saying again she'll do
it now. SHE'S NOT ABLE TO DO IT ANYMORE ANDin her twisted beliefsays i
dont need this to be formalized. if all else doesn't work i assume this
incompetent guardian doesn't know about water intoxication. I'm not NOT
going to tell Christine what's going on. She has every right to know
life outside the puppet my mother uses her as.
out this morning and Christine said good morning as usual. felt
compelled to walk back out not only for a drink but so mom has
clarification. referring to the calls this week it was not my job to
call for an appt for Christine. it was to find sick of this
incompetence .... she
was to find out information only. same as her. but she has no problem
letting this go on forever. feathers had no need to be ruffled. it's
just mom acting different in front of Christine because mom used guilt
and authority the whole time to drill into Christine i'm a problem. i
come from the perspective of involving Christine. 4 years ago when the
court appointed attorney was here she asked Christine if she wanted to
get better and Christine looked at mom as to what to say and said "no"
which is completely contradictory to how this house has lived for the
past 35 years. meanwhile in the past week the mediator asked Christine
and Christine did the usual of look at mom to know what to say but this
time mom didn't look at Christine from what i remember and said "yes."
on mon i'm going to call back when the lawyer is there and get more
clarification on things...that's all i can get out at this time about
children whose welfare has been left to this negligence other than
Christine doesn't remember the medical eval doctor from 4 years ago
because she only met him once so i assume the court appointed attorney
sees her periodically because supposedly Christine remembers her. mom's
out doing things she's not supposed to instead of adding me as a medical
December 4, 2013
very tired but so alone. Don't want to stay here. Not sure what I
should do. I need so much help i'm in over my head. Help! Mind racing.
Help! If no help there's always the final solution. I'm away from
harassment and insanity but don't have what I need to keep my life
i didnt stay and was that a good decision? well when you're 25 and
learn about your impaired decision making due to serious brain damage
sustained in a car accident 19 years earlier your life becomes a
downward spiral especially when you lack family support in all the
needed areas
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