have to record that just like this last part, my Verizon questions like
when it took 2 Weeks for my payment to reach Albany and no late payment
was tacked on, the phone messages mysteriously staying for long after
the 10 day period until I said something on
Facebook, and most of all the time period when Verizon phone reps had to
ask you permission to view your records even though it was a no-brainer
if you said no they couldn't go any further which started happening around 2001 or 2002.
I never meant for this to turn to nitpicking. Man this drains you.

father never turned off my mother. In the 6 cognizant years I had him
in my company, that's all I knew. THAT'S the problem. not knowing when
to ignore some things coz it's just talk.
today's events are over the top. So many details I'm writing down so I dont get lost as to how this happened today.
dominos of the day all started from me being lashed out at in public
after coffee stemming from the knowledge supplement from yesterday that
monsanto was the maker of agent orange. she witnessed the four other
people not know what monsanto was. bottom
line is someone feeling stupid by someone trying to be helpful. and the
lashing out inappropriately is the epitome of my stress. the other
person she did this to stuck around but stopped lifting a finger for
her. my injury requires low stress. we'll see how long I last. this is
the type of stress I was entitled to be removed from the home over. my
mother used to do the same thing when recuperating in her home. after
coming home from surgery would cater and then out of the clear blue sky
go ballistic. same.
from the Dominic family but not finding anything on that. Hell for all I
know someone around here is following all my posts.
May 18th 2013
The dad I so desperately needed not only for proper direction and
guidance in high school but to keep my mom on an even keel opposed to
her self proclaimed "nerves." His classmates were George Carlin and
regis philbin. Him and his sisters all
died from cancer at an early age after growing up next to the subway
system in nyc. in pics from Elmhurst queens he's smiling but not in
these small-minded smalltown pics. Not sure why. He wanted to move
here. Not mom.
on a pc I can see the smaller image is not so clear. It's a newspaper
clipping of Olivia Newton John and John Travolta with Grease. The only
movie I can really remember before the accident is You Light Up My Life.
It was Christine's favorite song and we used to sing it and have her
sing it after the accident.
Sean Cassidy with the popcorn but not too sure who the other two are.
now after spending $10 on four more days of sleeping medication. The
guy was compliant in giving me a break shaving off the tax for $10 even.
Life has been grueling with 2-4 hours of sleep a night. At this age
complaining about it was fruitless. It entailed mom freaking out and
doing nothing or escalating to a fight that it's my own guilty
conscience and mom doing nothing.

yet another forebearence on my student loans. The loan has ballooned up
to over $64,000 while I've been thrown to the dogs by NYS and then
slapped in the face by the surrogate's court of NJ. In forebearance now
until the summer of 2014. hahahahaha I won't be alive by then mother
fockers.(May 20th 2013)
Make a way for me to survive! Job

cash left to my name outside of money to get back home. this month have
50 left inchecking acct but really hate using any credit cards in
California since California has the worst problem with cc fraud. have
about $140 in cash reserve. have to pay dollar cash everyday for coffee
and sleeping medication. to take $ out of ATM will cost because my bank
is not in Cali. I totally get it how the worst thing for my welfare was
not being taken out of the home bcoz of stress. my first diagnosis at 17
or 16 questioned whether I should be working while in school but noted
to keep the job bcoz WORKING was alleviating the stress.at home.
May 17th 2013
give me something to come home to!
I wanna come home!
May 16th 2013

May 15th 2013
had $33 to spend extra as I discovered a st Patrick's day and Easter
present. I used it to try to survive longer. No go. I had read how there
really are $100,000 winners at the slot machines - one of them
specifically at the 1 cent machines. I put $10 into a ¢1 machine and it
nearly doubled. The rule is to walk away at that point - hindsight. It
dwindled down to ¢35. I then put $20 in an unfamiliar
machine but withdrew because didnt realize how machine worked so lost
$8. I was then able to break almost even to give the ¢5 machines the
rest of my attention because I found the ¢5 machines brought me back up
to the half even mark. in the end I was left with ¢4 and had to find a
penny machine but wasnt familiar with that either so I heard the machine
ding once but then after final play no buttons lit up to press so I
left with zero. nothing gained. Nothing lost. My funds are dangerously
low. Me making it through July is pushing it without taking out my final
money to get me home. Oh how I wish my caregiver wasnt lost in the
clouds. Oh how I wish she was forced to take her kids back to Ireland
long ago so I wouldn't be left with 1/2 a life. my first machine today
was the wizard of Oz machine. Watched a guy win $2000 on a dollar
machine. Oh how I wish.
May 14th 2013
pattern ways are emerging. I'm not sure how long more this arrangement
is going to work. I stopped myself when I realized their intelligence
felt insulted.the ensuing he said she said along with exaggeratioms is
not going to mesh with my sanity. I just want to die in peace - not
love you to sweetpea. saying I or they said things never said and
sometimes going to 90 in .05 seconds flat...I've seen that the Italian
way before. when I got burned by it before leaving home in 1990 it
damaged my interactions and ability to trust innocent people. I've seen
myself tolerate this stuff before until I simply become explosive. it's
all going to come down to survival with a very short amount of time
is a whole lot of stress. not feeling very stressed now coz I'm
comfortably numb. worst of all cant handle the 0 to 90 in less than 5
seconds especially after sharing common ground only to have my responses
unacceptable. that's kind of how I grew up. inappropriate to my medical
needs but turn around and create an environment of dependency.
May 11th 2013
the response from the children's hospital today. They only help people
ages 0-21. Cant help me except make typical recommendations. Not good.
oh that's a loaded question. I think you can read all about it in all
my posts on my profile. Basically I was let go from a children's
hospital having none of the hospital recommendations followed. When my
father died my oldest sister was given a court order she wasn't allowed
back in the home after my mother acted out in court and NOTHING was done
for me. If you followed my recent posts, my immigrant mother then
acting the tough-loving Italian Mama didn't help. Instead of giving me
positive reinforcement to do good in life, everything just fell apart.
Of the people she gets advice from one is her sister who has no insight
into raising a handicapped child in America and reinforces that once I
turned 18, I'm on my own. So my mother holds tight onto the apron
strings all the way up until I'm in my late 30's but saying that I'm on
my own since I was 18 serves her well now. I was hoping the childrens's
hospital could step in in convincing the surrogate's court that
something is very wrong here. I'm not going to surivive and the sweet
sounding Irish woman will get away with that in this country.... long
story... you can read through my posts.
still doomed the way things are. mom left me a message on my NY phone
thanking me for the card and if I miss home then come home. THIS IS THE
sure what part of "do something or I'm not going home" she doesnt
understand and chooses to ignore. I'd like to choose now what I'm going
to be in the next life. This highlights my intolerance for immigrants
who dont know what the fuck they're doing in this country ruining lives
along the way. Do the right thing or get the fuck out. In this instance
my life is on the line because of some whining immigrant who is getting
away with murder.
May 10th 2013
people let's look at ourselves objectively for a sec. After the Boston
marathon bombing conspiracy theories flew - not right or wrong - just
how it is. I didnt see the same with the Amanda berry, etal story. The
connection would be that martial law is a good thing if it had taken
place in Ohio ten years ago when these abductions happened and people
were forced out of their homes there to search on this crime that could
have been solved right away to avoid a decade of terror abduction. Just
May 8th 2013
f I'm not going to die this summer someone needs to get the correct interference super fast http://www.braininjurylawblog.com/brain-injury-news...

Brain Injury Lawyer: Proving a Brain Injury - PET Scans are the Gold Standard in Detecting a Traumat
trying to be medical guardian for my sister wasnt the answer for fixing
this situation but it is a plea bargain to a situation that works in
keeping me alive. this is no joke. if you could only witness the
emulation put on by my mother. "take a bow" was written for her. the
employer Stacy put me in touch with is not calling me back along with
all the other places applied to. I have enough money to get home and
that's it. got ahead today $2.95.
May 7th 2013
subject alert: the place I go for coffee every morning doesnt have
coffee because the machine is broken. (Background: so help the person
who expects anything from me in the morn without my coffee). The
mortified look on my face was obvious. The woman said she'd have to ask
her manager if I could have mocha instead but didnt ask about the
refill. I told her I'd be back in about 1/2 hr for refill.
Come back in a 1/2 hr and greeted by illegal Mexican immigrant manager
who pulls an attitude with me of how gracious they were giving me a
mocha in place of coffee and they dont do refills. Then she started
giving me an attitude about giving me tea instead. Man I ripped into her
except saying "go back to your own fucking country so Americans have
enough jobs of their own moron!"
May 5th 2013
home. Saw grandmother yesterday sitting with their child and spouse and
grandbaby. If only my mother had spoken up through the years that her
daughter doesnt seem to be going thru normal stages. but she didnt and I
just need to die in
peace this summer. successfully defined developmentally delayed yesterday.
May 4th 2013
one bit the dust yesterday. Someone known for a long time supposedly
died in their sleep yesterday. Checked on when they didnt show up for
their overnight work shift and discovered in their vehicle. Is that why
my sleeping medication didnt work last night? And now that I'm "dead" on
under 4 hours of sleep I still cant sleep? My body wont wind down.
That's how I went through high school and other schooling on a couple
hours of sleep a night. Is the dead keeping me awake and awake and
awake...am I haunted? That doesnt explain my friend with the same injury
that occurred around the same age with the same problem. They, though,
remember their near-death experience.
May 3rd 2013
how that happened. Not 3 hrs in my new spot yet and get approached by a
single guy over twenty yrs my senior interested in heavy set women.
Didnt get to ask yet if I get dropped like a hot potatoe if I lose the
weight I so desperately need to medically lose.
like tatoos or body piercings. might be a good match. I usually relate
better to college graduates. he's a retired auto body worker. *shrug*
only child. I think the universe keeps throwing those at me because I
might as well have been one at least post accident. just conversation...
descent. open and honest communication.never married and no kids -
fresh from the hay - woot!just talking and friends until further notice.
if I'm dead by then there's other fish in the sea. I remember when part
of me died and looked into prostitution. No sense in looking for or
expecting love again.
May 1st 2013
April 30th 2013
For the second time in life I witnessed a branch falling from a tree on a clear day. Wonder what that means.
"They say every time a branch hits the Liberty Bell and angel gets it's wings."
April 29th 2013
be dead in a few months so why dont you just leave me alone and let me
die in peace." Trying to see how that sounds to all the places I get
kicked out of or nearly kicked out of.
April 28th 2013
sucks: having an above average long-term memory, having
patterns-recognition as a stremgth and then needing to decide how to
handle it. This time spirit has since given me warning signs that I'm
wishing it was clear as day what is being revealed. This is where
sleeping medication comes in handy because it's starting to not matter
really big anymore to me right now and I'll wake up tomorrow with
a different perspective. A better or worse perspective is yet to be
seen but at least I'll "walk away" for a while. I'm still going to need
to know how to handle it but a lot doesnt matter anymore becoz my life
is dwindling. it kind of matters if my injury is used as an escape goat.
It will just turn into a matter of letting go. If all else fails, no
worry. I'm on my way.
of confidence given to me in life: when my parents moved from NYC to Nj
they kept the house in NYC renting it out. She had a tenant named ray
living there at one point who stopped paying his rent. when I would tell
her to take legal action all she would do is say there are all kinds of
laws protecting tenants in the city. I would hear her many times yell
at him telling him to pay his rent and
he would lie repeatedly saying he put it in the mail. I still kept after
her to take legal action and she refused. This tenant left on his own
accord never having paid his rent. When I was in the NYC nursing home a
friend told me how her father or some family member got a nonpaying
tenant out - it's the easiest method of getting someone out - cut and
dry. Oh I dream of the spirit I will be returning to soon. I was always
supposed to return back to my mother and sister even though I was
written off as a useless idiot long ago by my guardian. She's going to
gey away with it too unless my precious illusions are true that someone
is actually fighting for me. Letting go of this life is hard especially
when there are so many unresolved issues like that. There is such a
thing as being embraced by the light but I cant remember ever having
that - cant even remember having a life review but it's the only
explanation for remembering me so far back. I'm sure there are other
happenings that indicate the loose cannon that raised me that will come
to surface. She wouldnt be so loose if she would just do something
digferent. Like when I was 18 I suggested she get involved in a widow's
group and she made me out to be an idiot. However 7 years later when her
friend Barbara's husband died and she suggested my mom go with her to a
widow group, only then she started going to one. By then I was nothing
but an idiot college graduate. Now I'm just waiting to be embraced by
the idiot light so if it's true you choose your family before you're
born, I will be greeted by my fellow idiots.
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