Monday, April 28, 2014

From the cradle to the grave; 
from the flame to the frying pan; 
we tried so hard to get answers. I heard nothing past October 26 2012 but silent corruption is the norm in NYS disability services. 


With all due respect, you are mistaken. You were copied on a recent email I sent and are fully aware of the fact BIANYS will not answer our questions or engage us. You know this.  We had hoped you of all people would have encouraged BIANYS to respond to it members and answer what were and are reasonable questions.

I am deeply disappointed in you. I am sure Jim and Sarah will be as well.

All of us are accountable, and that includes you.


 On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Susan Connors <> wrote:

Hi Mike,
I see that while I was away, Marie Cavallo provided a very thoughtful, comprehensive and respectful response to many of the concerns posed in previous emails. It sounds like BIANYS adopted several of the suggestions made even though money is very tight at BIANYS right now. Since it appears a resolution is underway, my assistance is not needed.

I wish you all the best,

Susan H. Connors, President/CEO
1608 Spring Hill Road, Suite 110, Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703-761-0750Fax: 703-761-0755

   The voice of brain injury.

From: Susan Connors []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 1:26 AM
Subject: RE: Some questions

Hi Mike,

Thank you for including me on this email string.

As you know, I am very proud of BIANYS and grateful for the commitment of the volunteers and staff who accomplish so much with so few resources. Yet, I know there is always room for improvement.

I would be happy to assist BIANYS and its members in any way I can. Unfortunately, I will be out of the country from October 9 to 25. (I’m taking my first real vacation in 8 years.) I promise I will check back with you when I return

In the meantime, I hope everyone will be respectful of one another, think deeply about each other’s point of view and remember that we all share the same goals.



Susan H. Connors, President/CEO
1608 Spring Hill Road, Suite 110, Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703-761-0750Fax: 703-761-0755

   The voice of brain injury.

Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012
Subject: FW: Some questions


   There is a real problem with the BIANYS, Judy Avner and Marie Cavallo. Both refuse to have open dialogs with survivors throughout the state.
   Thank you,


From: P
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012
Subject: Re: Some questions

I doubt I can given that I now live in Mass. What I would recommend is to get still more people to write emails in (Brent, etc) and then one or two call Marie and then report on the conversation in the email. I like Christine's idea of reaching out to BIAA and letting them know we have a problem.
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012  wrote:

   You need to get back on the Board...!

From: P
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012
Subject: Re: Some questions

Agreed, and survivors who will, along with other board members, not simply yes the executive director, or anyone for that matter.
On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 wrote:
The only way we're going to get any type of change in the BIANYS is to have more survivors elected into the Board as Board members...!

From: P
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012
To: G
Subject: Re: Some questions

My thought is if by the end of next week we continue to receive nothing but, well, silence, the next step is to pose these questions to BIANYS board members via email. It is sad that we, people with brain injuries, have to struggle to have an open discussion with Judy and Marie. One thing is clear - BIANYS ignoring people with brain injuries and others is simply not okay, not acceptable. 

So, if and when things ratchet up on the protest front (I'll be reaching out to ADAPT) we truly want to be able to say we have tried our best to communicate with BIANYS leadership, the questions we've asked are certainly reasonable, and we would all prefer to have an open transparent discussion aimed at solutions, not, if we can at all help it, confrontations. 

The questions are pretty straightforward and reasonable:
1) Why does the BIANYS FB page not allow for comments prompted by those who like the page? The BIAs for NJ, CT, MA, all do.

2) Why have you both decided not to respond to a request to change the format of the FB page?

3) What specific issues are BIANYS currently advocating for or against and how are they keeping their membership informed?

4) What is the reason you have both chosen to ignore thoughtful email?

5) When did you, Judy Avner, become executive director?

6) How many persons with a brain injury does BIANYS currently employ?

7) In what areas do you both believe BIANYS could improve?

If the answer to question 6, is, as I suspect, none. Then the next step is what can be done about that, and when? In other words, how do we address it.

Question 7, I don't know any organization that doesn't knows ways in which it would like to improve.

Question 3 is completely reasonable given BIANYS's claim they are the leading advocacy group in the state.

Questions 1 & 2 simply reflect the desire many of us have to have an open discussion forum for us all.  How can that be anything but desirable for an organization that wants to know what its members are thinking and be able to have an exchange of ideas and proposals?

The apparent desire to operate in an insular fashion, i.e. keep us out of the discussion, leads one to ask, what are they afraid of? 

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 wrote:
True, but how do you propose we get the answers. The questions and complaints have been made!


On Oct 6, 2012,  wrote:
I think we should all get answers to our questions. After all, this is our association isn't it...?

From: Occupied Newbie
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012
To: Judith Avner; Marie Cavallo;
 Subject: Re: Some questions

I'd like answers. Are they coming soon?

--- On Sat, 10/6/12, P wrote:

From: P
Subject: Re: Some questions
To: "Judith Avner" <>, "Marie Cavallo" <>
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2012
Marie & Judy,

Should those of us in this email conclude that you are both purposely ignoring the questions? Purposely ignoring questions posed to you by one of your members? I hope this is not the case. One thing that is the case, and I would think the two of you must know this, is ignoring these very reasonable questions, like how many, if any, people with brain injuries does BIANYS employ, is only going to draw more attention and more action, not less. 

If, as one would hope, you can help us with answers to the questions than a healthy and productive discussion can take place.

So, the choice is yours, healthy and productive discussion, or a ratcheting up of things. All of us would very much prefer the former.

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 , P wrote:
Marie & Judy,
Will answers to the questions sent 9/29 be coming anytime soon. If you're both busy, is there someone else in BIANYS that can perhaps answer them? As a member of BIANYS (even if I were a non-member) I can't imagine why any of the questions posed would prove difficult to answer.


On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 , P wrote:
Judy & Marie,
I am re-sending the questions (please see below) I sent on Sept. 29th. On the 29th I received an out-of-office reply from both your emails, which leads me to another question. If, as members, we have questions or suggestions of and for BIANYS and you two aren't available, who do we send them to?



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